January 15, 2023
Something So Strange About The 'Covid' Death Toll Numbers In America And In China - MSM Finally Admits So Called Covid Deaths Could Actually Be Covid 'Vaccine-Related' Deaths
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
Once in a while we can garner some truths from the MSM in America. Of course we have to hunt, mix and match their propaganda up, and then hunt some more before putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Even then their biases, and willingness to twist themselves into pretzels to fit the preferred narrative is easily seen....at least by those with their eyes open.
Frankly it is sometimes easier to list their lies than to find truth in their reporting, if it doesn't fit the official narrative.
In this article we will be discussing some very strange covid vaccine-related information we have found in our search for truth.
While China revises the death toll numbers upward by tens of thousands, American media now admits that we have been overcounting covid deaths in the U.S.
At the center of everything are covid vaccines and boosters.
More than two years after Independent Media, including ANP, reported that not all counted covid deaths were from covid, and they were just being listed as covid deaths, the MSM discovers that not all counted covid deaths were from covid.
The first report we will cite was written onJanuary 13, 2023, by Washington Post contributor Leana S. Wen.
I'll ask readers to remember that name because we will be discussing her previous assertions more a little further down.
The title of the opinion piece by Ms. Wen, is "We are overcounting covid deaths and hospitalizations. Thats a problem."
Ya think?
Here are some key paragraphs for readers to consider:
Two infectious-disease experts I spoke with believe that the number of deaths attributed to covid is far greater than the actual number of people dying from covid. Robin Dretler, an attending physician at Emory Decatur Hospital and the former president of Georgias chapter of Infectious Diseases Society of America, estimates that at his hospital, 90 percent of patients diagnosed with covid are actually in the hospital for some other illness.
Dretler also sees patients with multiple concurrent infections. People who have very low white blood cell counts from chemotherapy might be admitted because of bacterial pneumonia or foot gangrene. They may also have covid, but covid is not the main reason why theyre so sick.
If these patients die, covid might get added to their death certificate along with the other diagnoses. But the coronavirus was not the primary contributor to their death and often played no role at all.
So, it is quite possible that up to 90 percent of listed covid deaths weren't actually deaths from covid.
(ANP FUNDRAISER:First of all, ANP wants to thank everybody who recently donated to ANP during our emergency fundraising drive. You absolutely amazing people got us out of a huge mess due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, so HUGE THANK YOU'S go out toeverybody who recently donated as well as to everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years.
With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
We'll get back to Ms. Wen, in detail, after discussing the news coming out of China, where there is a "alleged" new strain of covid.
I have literally lost count of how many alleged "new strains" we have seen reported, but that is for another article.
China list 37 deaths frombetween Dec. 7 and Jan. 8. By January 15, that number had been revised upward to 60,000.
China on Saturday made a significant revision of its official death toll in the latest outbreak of the coronavirus to nearly 60,000 deaths linked to covid-19 since December, when pandemic restrictions were lifted and infections surged across the country, up from just 37.
The announcement follows criticism by international health experts and complaints by citizens that the government has been understating the number of deaths caused by the virus.
Authorities have recently come under added scrutiny following reports of overwhelmed funeral homes and hospitals. A report by The Washington Post last week documented a surge in traffic outside funeral homes, according to satellite imagery, firsthand videos and interviews with crematorium staff and residents.
China was undercounting them while America was overcounting them? As I said earlier, strange.
The strangeness doesn't end there though.
We have all seen the constant stream of "died suddenly" stories since the vaccine rollout in 2021, just as we have seen the nonstop MSM stories of covid pandemic of the "unvaccinated."
That too was a theme of propaganda for liberal media outlets, right up until they finally quietly admitted that it the vaccinated that are dying in larger numbers than the unvaccinated, or the "purebloods" as they have been dubbed.
November, Wapo again: "Vaccinated people now make up a majority of covid deaths"
They begin with "Its no longer a pandemic of the unvaccinated."
Newsflash: It never was.
Make no mistake, they are still pushing people to get vaxxed in that piece, because they are still blaming covid for those deaths.
Now rather than using my bias against the covid vaccines due their ultra fast rollout with no time to test for detrimental long term effects, we'll let a couple other headlines make this next point.
Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5 possibly more likely to infect those who are vaccinated, officials say
Are Vaccines Fueling New Covid Variants?
The "official narrative" claims differently but the fact that so-called covid deaths are now higher in vaccinated people than alleged covid deaths for unvaccinated people, pretty much negates the denials.
If the vaccinated are more likely to catch and die from covid that purebloods, does that not make those death covid vaccine-related rather than covid deaths? Without the vaccine those people may have not caught covid, therefore may not have died.
Back to Ms. Wen. In July 2021, Stefan Stanford highlighted Leana Wen, who is also a CNN talking head, who declared that "Life Needs To Be Hard For Unvaccinated Americans."
And whileANPhas emailed Dr. Wen at the email address listed on this linked webpage, asking her what her ties are to Communist China since she's pushing full-scale medical tyranny,we're not surprised that Dr. Wen has not gotten back to us. Though as Slavo pointed out in his story, Wen is quite unhappy that unvaccinated people can'go about their lives as normal without any consequence'. Yes, how absolutely horrifying that free Americans are 'allowed' to be free!Though as we've pointed out time and time again on ANP, free people don't get their rights from government but God. Dr. Wen should go to China if she doesn't like it here in America.
Stefan does have a way with words!
On December 25, in an ANP article byJoel S Hirschhorn of the Pandemic Blunder Newsletter, we see Ms. Wen backpedaled previous calls for medical tyranny, and admitted that immunity is far more effective against covid than vaccines.
One of many liberals who showed their true totalitarian faces by suggesting those who were unvaccinated need to lose rights and privileges, with moves being made by the totalitarian left to accomplish that to this very day, Dr. Wen just made a HUGE 'about face' on those earlier remarks in a recent Washington Post article (saved at wayback machine), dropping this bombshell upon herself and all of those still pushing for 'vaccine passports' by reporting on numerous new studies showing the vaccinated are MUCH LESS protected from COVID than the unvaccinated who have already had COVID. A little bit late, Dr. Wen.
Related:Sudden vaccine deaths are now so common theyve assigned a SYNDROME name for it: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
Looking back to China now, we see a report from January 13, 2023, explaining that China is the global leader of vaccine support.
Cities in China also mandates vaccines, via CNN:
Beijing on Wednesday announced a Covid-19 vaccine mandate for residents to enter public venues, becoming the first city in mainland China to do so as it attempts to contain a highly infectious Omicron subvariant.
From July 11, people will need to show proof of vaccination to enter a wide range of public places in the Chinese capital, including cinemas, libraries, museums, gyms, stadiums and training centers, a city health official told a news briefing Wednesday.
People who are not suitable for vaccination will be exempted from the requirement, the official added, without clarifying how they can provide proof for exemption.
Wuhan, China is where covid originated, and the Chinese have their own vaccines.
This begs the question of how many of China's recent 60,000 deaths from "covid", revised upwards from 37, were vaccinated individuals?
Another question to be asked, considering America has been overcounting covid deaths, how many of the ones not matching the "overcounted" criteria, were vaccinated?
MUST READ -They Promised "Safe And Effective"; We Got "Sudden And Unexpected"
Not only are we seeing an unprecedented amount of "sudden" deaths, especially of the young and athletes, but we also have no idea how many so-called "covid" deaths are really from people that caught covid because their immune system was compromised by the covid vaccines and boosters.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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