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February 4, 2025

This Is America, Old Glory Is Our National Flag, And Mexican Flag Waving Protesters, Breaking The Law By Blocking Highways, Are Already Gathered Together, So Round Them Up And Deport Them

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

With so much going on the mainstream media (not so mainstream anymore) are typing their little fingers to the bone to complain and incite fear into Americans about the uber fast changes happening in Washington in the two weeks since Donald Trump took office.

USAID closing, Elon Musk engineers and outright geniuses digging into the Treasury to find wasteful spending, and the "trade wars" dubbed "fastest trade war" ever, with both Mexico and Canada agreeing to send thousands of law enforcement to their side of the border to secure it, in exchange for no tariffs.

Take a look at the Memeorandum home page, on any given day to see the amount of whining, complaints, threats, and meltdowns by so called "journalists." They can barely keep up with the news of the day, since they are too busy trying to keep up with what happened the day before yesterday.

While "Border Czar" Tom Homan and Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem, have made public displays out of the deportations, border security, raids and daily arrests and detainers, and ICE website now providing more information on who has been arrested, how many, and other pertinent information, there are still millions of illegal aliens on U.S. soil.


One of the most infuriating things, with only limited exposure by the larger news outlets, is seeing illegal aliens, possibly mixed in with some here legally, blocking roads and highways, and protesting around the country, all while waving Mexican flags.

Independent Media collectively have been practically screaming from the rooftops that during Biden's four years in office, we were not seeing just illegal immigration, but an invasion of the U.S., coming across our southern border.

Britannica's dictionary defines "invasion" in the following manner:

1. the act of invading something: such as

a : the act of entering a place in an attempt to take control of it

b : the act of entering a place in large numbers especially in a way that is harmful or unwanted

Polling found that the majority of Americans saw the massive increase of illegal crossings into the U.S. under the Biden regime as an invasion, much to the despair of the MSM.

So, with all that said, seeing the images below, tells us these illegals did not come to assimilate, but rather to try to control the political landscape.

Exactly what invaders do.

H/T tp Breitbart for the images.

More images at Breitbart.

That was Dallas, but these types of Mexican flag waving protests went on around the country, mostly in blue cities, since things would likely get ugly if they tried waving Mexican flags through the streets of red cities.

Here are others protesting in LA, once again run by Democrats.

Need I go on? There are plenty more images like these, thousands waving Mexican flags, in America, where the only official flag is the American flag.

Personally I would have Trump deport every protesters carrying a Mexican flag. If they love Mexico so much, they should willingly go back where they belong.

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I have asked this before and will again. By what right do these people, waving their Mexican flags on American soil, think illegal aliens, especially those being targeted first, violent criminals, deserve to be allowed to stay?

What right do migrants have to cross into our nation illegally, instead of at the points of entry?

What right do these damn protesters have to demand that illegals not be deported?

While protesting is legal, blocking highways, and streets, is not, so by what right do they think they should get to break the law, just because they disagree with violent criminal illegal aliens being deported?

By what right do these people think they can come into America illegally, then protest our immigration laws being enforced?

For some unfathomable reason these people think they can come into America, breaking the law the second they cross the border illegally, then openly protest, while waving flags from the nation they should have stayed in.

That is taking the entitlement mindset much too far.

The Trump administration, and Republican governors of blue cities like Dallas, should take advantage of these protests, arrest them all, then see who is here legally, and deport those that are not.

They are gathering all together all by themselves, basically rounding themselves up. All the government needs to do is cast a wide net, and take them all in, sort out the rest after clearing the streets and burning their Mexican flags.

This is America. Fly Old Glory or just go home.


There is no excuse for this spectacle to be allowed to be carried on, and even less excuse for state governments, or if need be the Trump administration, not to use these large organized protests to arrest and deport anyone here illegally.

Just imagine how much less work there would be for ICE if these Mexican flag waving cretins were all rounded up at once.

It wouldn't be difficult, they organize these things online, so they are basically telling law enforcement where they will be and when.

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