November 27, 2023
They Set America Up For Full Scale Medical Tyranny In 2024 And Now We're Reaping What We Allowed Them To Sow - Another State Preps 'Quarantine Camps' And A Medical Coup D'Etat
- Avoid Crowds As Globalists Release More Pathogens In Time For The Election
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
According to this November 17th story at Epoch Times(saved here at Archive,) more than a year after getting a COVID vax, over 50% of the vax recipients reported feeling sick. Reporting that most were suffering from some health complication or another which wasn't there before 'the vax,' with that alarming number rising to 8 out of 10 suffering health complications if they also got at least one 'booster,' in the absolutely baffling 1st video at the bottom of this story, an interview between Maria Zeeeof Zeee Media and renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, we're told WHY those numbers are so outrageously and dangerously high.
With Dr. McCullough telling Zeee that according to another alarming recent study, EVERY PERSON who had gotten vaxxed is now experiencing problems with their hearts, leading to a staggering number of cardiac arrests, especially among the young and previously healthy, we're happy to be able to report some good news mixed in with the bad. Asthe Gateway Pundit reports in this new story, the 'litigation floodgates are now open for those injured by mRNA vaxxes,' with over 90 attorneys around the planet making themselves available to the 'vax injured' to go ahead with lawsuits against the 'big pharma' companies who created these 'death shots.'
With that list of attorneys linked right here for you to check out if you are unfortunately among the 'vax injured,' I'm going to be following up in this story on this November 21st ANP story by Susan Duclos titled "'Quarantine Camps': Democrats Endgame Beta Test To Lock Up Americans With No Due Process If Liberal State Leaders Claim To 'Suspect' Exposure To Viruses, Has Just Taken One More Step Towards Reality" with some more alarming news; New York isn't the only state to be doing so.
As we were recently warned by ANP reader 'Mike' who had read Susan's article about Quarantine Camps in New York, Governor DeSantis in Florida also recently did the same thing in his so-called'no vax' bill, which if you read it in depth and closely enough, learn that towards the end of the bill, it became a 'forced vax' bill, complete with quarantines and all kinds of ugliness for those who aren't 'compliant'.
Once again usurping our Constitutional rights, check out the wording directly from the bill.:
4. Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to be examined, tested, vaccinated, or treated for reasons of health, religion, or conscience may be subjected to isolation or quarantine.
a. Examination, testing, vaccination, or treatment may be performed by any qualified person authorized by the State Health Officer.
b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual.
c. Any order of the State Health Officer given to effectuate this paragraph is shall be immediately enforceable by a law enforcement officer under s. 381.0012.
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So did you check that out? Using words such as 'by any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual' sounds exactly like full-scale medical tyranny! And in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story titled "The Greatest Genocide Ever," we see exactly what 'by any means necessary to vaccinate' individuals means during one segment of it.
With that segment showing fully armed 'health authorities' quite literally forcing a woman, who didn't want to get vaxxed, to get vaxxed, as she screams and cries, we see a screenshot of that segment in the photograph above. And insanely, after she is injected against her will, the 'authorities' who vaxxed her clap, cheer and applaud. Crazy?! What would you do if people like that tried to vax you against your will, or throw you into a 'quarantine camp,' just because they want to, or think you might be a 'Trump voter'? I can imagine that if America ever came to that, the 2nd Amendment would be fully in play.
And with the globalists right this moment setting up what's to come in 2024 just like they set up 'COVID 19,' with the World Health Organization already getting involved in a cluster of 'mysterious' pneumonia cases among school children in China that some are already calling 'the next pandemic,' we remind you that we STILL HAVEN'T gotten the truth about the last 'scamdemic,' with the globalists who unleashed the bioweapons and vaxxes that have killed millions upon millions still walking free, to do it again and again.
Still claiming that back in 2019, somehow a 'new virus' had escaped from a Wuhan lab, while more and more proof comes out that numerous nations are weaponizing killer diseases and vaxxes to 'cull the population' (though they'll never admit to that as doing so would be admitting to mass murder,) who else feels like it'll only be a matter of time before this 'new' China virus, or another one that they've 'manufactured,' is brought home here to America? And with the globalists having rode their2019 COVID tyranny-train as far as they could, it sure feels like they're getting ready to get on board another one, especially with another election year dead ahead. Why is it that 'pandemics'seem to go along with 'election years'?
So with not only the state of New York preparing to throw away law-abiding Americans into 'camps' but the state of Florida, too, how many more such states are secretly signing tyrannical laws into the books behind the backs of their residents, hoping to one day spring them upon them without their knowledge, when the tyrants feel they are most needed? As Susan had warned in her story, this is an 'end game beta test' for something much bigger and much more tyrannical dead ahead.
According to this recent story over at the Kingston Report, the claim that people NEEDED to get 'vaccinated' as a way to ensure 'public health' was a complete and total sham, not only very real legal fraud but "the intentional actions taken by governments and medical communities to cover-up the harm caused by the injections were deliberate acts to endanger children and adults."
Falling right in line with what we've reported on ANP time and again, that we have very real proof that the globalists have a very real 'depopulation agenda' so they're attempting to get rid of the world's 'useless eaters,' meaning all of us who aren't affiliated with 'them,'anyone who thinks this is 'just a coincidence' thatALL of this madness is unfolding at the same time hasn't been paying attention.
With Susan also warning in her November 21st story that most Americans, if they'd even bother to take a look into what's happening at all and all of the moves that have been made by our governments toward tyranny, would have the attitude of 'but that could never happen here,' by the time most 'awaken' to what IS happening here, it'll be far too late to fix the incredible damage already done.
Because with so-called 'turbo cancers' also skyrocketing across America while our country crashes and burns, with a new analysis out of the UK using official government data showing an unprecedented increase in cancer deaths among 15- to 44-year-olds following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, these 'hyperprogressive' cancers have now been undoubtedly linked to the so-called 'vaccines'.
So with the globalists over the past several years showing us they are more than happy to unleash what are harmful and often deadly bioweapons upon 'the masses,' then follow up on the public outcry to 'do something' by unleashing mRNA injections that data has proved were even more deadly than COVID if it helps them to accomplish a 'goal,' in this case, total medical tyranny, they'll do it again and again.
And as we saw in 2020 following COVID being unleashed in America, most Americans were more than happy to trade their 'freedom' for their 'health and security,' and so, they got neither. Think that the globalists didn't pay very, very close attention to what has happened the last few years?
So as Steve Quayle has often talked about as his '#1 rule of survival,' in the kind of scenario we're sure to see in our near futures, and trouble coming to the USA with Americans seemingly ready to explode, AVOID LARGE CROWDS at all costs! With Steve also reminding us 'you want to be where everybody else ISN'T, ESPECIALLY NOW,' that warning has never been as true as it is today with who knows exactly how many 'state governments' pushing 'quarantine camps'as we hear in the final video below and the globalists having unleashed another pathogen upon the masses.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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