November 21, 2023
'Quarantine Camps': Democrats Endgame Beta Test To Lock Up Americans With No Due Process If Liberal State Leaders Claim To 'Suspect' Exposure To Viruses, Has Just Taken One More Step Towards Reality
By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline
When we see news from other countries, run by dictators or simply overreaching tyrants, the most common thing we notice online and offline, are people saying "That can't happen here!"
As a quick disclaimer.... yes, almost anything that we see elsewhere, given the right circumstances, and leaders, can indeed happen in America.
Think about Venezuela, one of the most richest nations in South America, became a nation where the people were forced to dumpster dive just for food and basic needs, in just a matter of years.'
The topic of today's article is another disturbing trend that Americans would never believe could happen here in the good ole U.S. of A., yet as of a recent appeals court ruling, very well could happen here, unless the Supreme Court overturns the appeals court.
Quarantine Camps. Right here in America.
It has already happened once.
The U.S. government created "quarantine camps" when the COVID-19 'plandemic' was first declared, when thenPentagon first set up 11 facilities near major U.S. airportsto "house and treat thousands of people returning to the US from China, as shown in the map below.
Now just imagine that power be given to individual states. Especially those that had no problem declaring businesses "non-essential" and forced then to close, despite the fact that they were "essential" to those counting on a paycheck to survive. According to ABC News, 46 states did so.
Imagine that power given to those state leaders that decreed people could not visit friends or family members, like Michigan.
Imagine giving that power to state leaders from 23 states and the District of Columbia, limited how many people could gather for Thanksgiving in one home. From 5 to 15, depending on the state, for indoors gathers, and some put limits on outdoor gatherings as well.
Would you dear readers want any of those people to be given the power to pluck you off the street and shove you in a quarantine camp for an indefinite amount of time?
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It is about to get worse, is the Democrats endgame beta-test continues to be approved by the courts.
Fact checkers had a field day with writers that accurately described NY Governor Kathy Hochul's "Isolation and Quarantine Procedures." Independent Media called them "Quarantine Camps," and the fact checkers pointed out that the word" camps" wasn't in the actual wording of the regulation, yet that is a mere technicality.
The AP asserts the claim of quarantine camps is "false" because New York Americans would only be "quarantined in interim housing."
APS ASSESSMENT: False. Officials have repeatedly said that the state has no intention to build quarantine camps. Critics are misrepresenting a temporary rule adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic that outlines powers by state health officials to isolate or quarantine people for the purpose of controlling a highly transmissible disease. The rule said that people can be isolated or quarantined in interim housing, rather than just their own homes, but doesnt mention camps. It was deemed unconstitutional by a judge, who said the state overreached, but also did not mention camp.
Potato - Pataaato
Talk about splitting hairs.
While the judge did deem it unconstitutional, the state of NY appealed the decision and theNew York Appellate Division Court just overturned that decisions and restored Hochuls Quarantine Camp regulation, citing a lack of standing without addressing the original courts finding of unconstitutionality.
New York Governor Kathy Hochuls quarantine camp regulation that would allow the seizure and indefinite detention of anyone suspected of exposure to a communicable disease was restored on Friday by a decision of the New York Appellate Divisions Fourth Judicial Department. The Appellate Division overturned a lower Courts decision issued last July by Judge Ronald Ploetz who had voided the Governors rule.
Make no mistake, if this Appellate Court decision is not overturned by the a higher court, the Supreme Court, this will open the floodgates for other tyrannical state leaders to create the same type of regulation, which would allow the state to lock citizens up if the state claim they "suspect" the person in question was exposed.
Face it, from Hillary Clinton's statement about "fun camps" and forced "formal deprogramming" of Trump supporters, to the Biden regime locking up their political opponents, like the J6 political prisoners and their attempts to lock up President Trump, Biden's leading political opponent for president in the 2024 presidential elections, it is clear that is given the legal opportunity, liberal state leaders will lock up conservatives if given the legal authority to do so.
Especially prior to elections. Considering the constant drum beat of MSM reports claiming the next pandemic is right around the corner, unless this unconstitutional type of regulation is squashed without any wiggle room, state governments will be able to pluck anyone off the street and force them into camps.
TheSection 2.13 Isolation and Quarantine Procedures, which was deemed unconstitutional by a lower court, which was just overturned by the New York Appellate Division Court, can be read here at this link, but below we have the description by The Brownstone Institute which was part of the original successful lawsuit that struck down Governor Hochuls unconstitutional Isolation and Quarantine Procedures regulation.
For anyone unfamiliar with this regulation, it allowed the Department of Health to pick and choose which New Yorkers they could lock up or lock down, with no proof that you were ever even exposed to, let alone actually sick with, a communicable disease. They could have locked you down in your home, or they could have removed you from your home and forced you to quarantine in a facility of their choosing.
There was no time restriction, so you could have been quarantined for however long they required days, weeks, months. There was no age restriction, so they could have done this to you, to your child, to your grandchild, etc. In the true fashion of a totalitarian regime, they could have told you what you could and could not do while in quarantine. They literally could have controlled your every move.
The regulation allowed them to use law enforcement to enforce their orders of isolation or quarantine, which means you could have received a knock at the door from your local police or sheriff telling you that you had to go with them by order of the Health Department.
Furthermore, the regulation had no procedure by which you could be released from quarantine, no way for you to try to negotiate your way out. And it was not COVID19 specific. There was a laundry list of communicable diseases that could have triggered this nightmare loss of freedom diseases such as Lyme, Toxic Shock Syndrome, COVID19 and so many others.
In the Plaintiffs' statement in regards to the ruling by the New York Appellate Division Court, they say they "will be appealing this calamitous decision to the Court of Appeals, our states highest court."
Whatever the outcome of that appeal, the loser, either the plaintiffs or the state, will almost assuredly apply to the Supreme Court for an ultimate decision.
With the constant warning of disease x, and tying it to "climate change", which is what they dub the next pandemic, fear mongering the masses into future compliance, "coincidentally" before the next presidential election, their dreams of enforcing medical tyranny by way of quarantine camps, just became one step closer to reality, and the MSM is treating it like it is a good thing, when they bother to report on.
ViaSection 2.13 Isolation and Quarantine Procedures, the key quotes that give state authorities total control:
(1) Whenever appropriate to control the spread of a highly contagious communicable disease, the State Commissioner of Health may issue and/or may direct the local health authority to issue isolation and/or quarantine orders, consistent with due process of law, to all such persons as the State Commissioner of Health shall determine appropriate.
(4) For the purposes of quarantine orders, quarantine locations may include home quarantine, other residential or temporary housing quarantine, or quarantine at such other locations as the public health authority issuing the order deems appropriate, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue.
We highly recommend that all read the entire order because each section shows egregious violations of Americans' freedoms.
The video below is a little longer than what I usually post, and it was from 14 days ago, before the Appellate Court overturned the lower court.
The reason I am using this one is key members of the original lawsuit all join the panel to discuss the dangerous overreach of the New YorkIsolation and Quarantine Procedures.
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