January 29, 2022
The Globalists Have Awoken The Sleeping Giant: Truckers Are Showing The World How It's Done, Leaving Justin Trudeau Looking Like He's Been Run Over By A Semi

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
The story that the mainstream media is trying their very best not to report upon, but has taken Canada and the world by storm, and will surely reverberate across America as it is already doing in the independent media, is Canada's Freedom Convoy which had recently arrived in Ottawa in what will be an entire weekend of protests in Canada's capitol.
Continually growing in numbers and Canadian citizen participants despite the obviously terrified Canadian leader Justin Trudeau calling the group a 'fringe minority', as this story from Friday at the Daily Mail reported, American truckers are joining the rally of truckers consisting of both 'the vaxxed' and 'pure bloods', helping to show why Trudeau recently looked like he was run over by a truck as seen in the final video at the bottom of this story.
With ANP warning all the way back on August 23rd of 2021 in this story titled "This Is How Free People Around The World Are Fighting Back Against Unfolding Medical Tyranny, And Winning! Prepare For A Massive Truckers Strike, Cutting Off Food And Supplies"that this was the way we were headed if the globalists kept the world on the same fast-track towards tyranny, it's clear that they've awoken the sleeping giant in 2022, and not a moment too soon.
As the top-voted comment on this Daily Mail story pointed out in one word: "Freedom".
Something that EVERYBODY should agree upon whether from the right or left or independent politically, as 'Kid Rock' recently pointed out in his new song titled "We The People", Americans need to "keep fighting for the right to be free, even if they may disagree with one another politically.
But we gotta keep fighting for the right to be free, and every human being doesnt have to agree, we all bleed red, brother, listen to me, its time for love and unity.
And while it'll be impossible in America to ever see 'unity' again as long as any group at all is working their tails off to usher in tyranny, with America's Founding Fathers ensuring a well-armed American population would be the 'final line in the sand' against any and all tyranny, we'll be taking a look within the next section of this story at what the 'Freedom Convoy,' and any and all future 'truckers strikes,' will mean for America, with US truckers earlier in January issuing a devastating warning to Joe Biden.
(ANP FUNDRAISER:Due to renewed censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're now running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
With our August of 2021 storyon how the world is fighting back against tyranny giving us a small glimpse of what we'd soon be seeing all across America and the world, with doctors and nurses walking off their jobs over mandatory vaxxes back then giving us a taste of what we're witnessing now in 2022, leading to hospitals suffering from major self-inflicted staff shortages, just check out the warning that the American Truckers Association just sent to Joe Biden.From this Sons of Liberty storyvia The Post Millennial.:
The Biden administrations totalitarian mandates of experimental shots for truckers has led to the American Trucking Association to demand they rescind the unlawful mandate and warns of devastation to the US economy if it remains in place.
The American Trucking Association urged the Biden administration to rescind the mandate and explained that the majority of truckers spend their days alone.
The President of Private Motor Truck Council of Canada warns that the vaccine requirement for truckers crossing the US/Canada border has the potential to result in a devastating economic collapse.
An estimated 30,000 truckers that deliver goods and services between the US/Canada border have not yet submitted their vaccination paperwork. Beginning January 15, truckers will be required to show proof of vaccination upon entering Canada. The same mandate for truckers entering the United States from Canada goes into effect on January 22.
When the coronavirus pandemic began nearly two years ago, the Trump administration made land/border crossings essential. However, the Biden administrations mandate issued by the Department of Homeland Security trumps the former presidents.
Mike Milliam, the President of Private Motor Truck Council of Canada, told Lynnwood Times that the mandate will add to the shortages we are already experiencing and will cause significant long-lasting damage.
70 percent of the 700 billion in trade between Canada and the U.S. is moved by truck, Milliam said. This will have a dramatic effect on supplies and services reaching their destination and getting in the hands of those who need them. One needs to look no further than the recent U.K. fuel shortage, where the military had to be brought in to deliver fuel as a result of a lack of truck drivers. We are already seeing shortages, if these shortages reach critical levels on items such as fuel, food, blood medicine or medical supplies, we will see real, long-lasting damage.
And they closed their story with an argument that we here at ANP totally agree with, that the truckers should simply say they wont abide by nor comply with the mandate, which is not law. They should force the feds to enforce their lawless mandate and bear the consequences of their authoritarianism, which the people would oppose also, and have!
With a part of the results of those shortages (caused by the globalists lockdownsas Susan Duclos had warned in this January 26th ANP story) perfectly seen in this new story over at Zero Hedge reporting Kraft-Heinz is again raising prices on dozens of products, that list includedOscar Mayer cold cuts, hot dogs, sausages, bacon, Velveeta cheese, Maxwell House coffee, TGIF frozen chicken wings, Kool-Aid and Capri Sun.
And just imagine how prepared the 'unprepared' would be for all of this if they had spent a little bit of their extra money each week on freeze-dried long-term survival food or MRE's, or things such as canned vegetables and fruitas well as canned meats like chicken, like I always remember seeing my grandmothers fully packed pantry back in the 1960's looking like.
(P.S.: Don't worry JoeJoe, there is still plenty of bacon available! ;-))

So with the truckers in Canada standing strong and showing the world how it is done, now joined by US truckers whiletruckers in Italy and elsewhere all around the world join in on the 'rallies' going viral now being called #TruckersForFreedom2022, 'courage' is quite contagious, and needed more now than ever.
As Steve Quayle had warned in an SQnote while linking to the 'Academy Of Ideas' video seen as the first video below titled "Why are Most People Cowards Obedience and the Rise of Authoritarianism": "From ancient times, declining courage has been 'the beginning of the end.'" -Alexander Solyzhenitsyn
With Steve warning that military men wearing dresses and high heels definitely DON'T win wars, nor we must add do cowards stand a chance against stopping the globalists in their mad rush to impose tyranny upon America and the world. It is our DUTY as 'free Americans' to do what each of us individually can do to peacefully, but strongly stand up against this madness that we're witnessing across the world at a time of a 'great awakening' and the globalists satanic agenda in free-fall according to this new story by Brandon Smith over at AltMarket.com.
And with Justin Trudeau and the globalists surely needing to redefine the words 'fringe minority' with that 'rally' at one point stretching to over 40 miles long, and it being cheered from sea to shining sea both up in the 'Great White North', here in the USA and all across the world by still free people, we've long warned on ANP what a worst-case scenario truckers strike/shut down could bring to America.
With our nation ensured to grind to a total halt within a month if not much sooner as Susan Duclos had reported in this August 31st of 2021 ANP story titled "Truckers Defending Freedom: The World Needs Them More Than Politicians - Without Truckers People Will Starve And Die - Politicians Need To Listen Up Because Once The Trucks Stop, So Does the Nation", the chart seen at the very bottom of this story above our comment section shows just how quickly things will come crashing down once the trucks stop rolling.
So with Canada's Freedom Convoy providing not only Canada but the US and the entire free world a much-needed dose of exactly what we need at this particular point in time in our history, a strong and growing resistance to tyranny, we should still all be absolutely prepared for anything and everything in the days and weeks ahead as the globalists rush the world towards WW3 and tyranny, while the food chain that feeds America and the world is already imploding in tatters.
After the ever-so-important 'Academy of Ideas' video seen first, each of the final four videos below take a look at the still-growing truckers protest in Canada that is now spreading all across our planet Earth, and just in time, with the globalists soon being forced to make a decision; keep imposing their own brand of tyranny upon the world or watch the world be truly 'shut down' all around them by those who have the will and the power to do it.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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And a HUGE THANK YOU to the truck drivers across America and the world!