August 23, 2021
This Is How Free People Around The World Are Fighting Back Against Unfolding Medical Tyranny, And Winning! Prepare For A Massive Truckers Strike, Cutting Off Food And Supplies
- Doctors And Nurses Walking Off Jobs Over Mandatory Vaxxes, Collapsing Healthcare Systems

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
The twitter post seen above from 'Lady Liberty'is one of the keys to free people in America and around the world fighting back (peacefully while we still can!) and winning against the unveiling of medical fascism and outright tyranny around the world.
Reporting that "Hubby works for a large automotive group as a auto tech. This last Monday they were given notice to get vaxxed or else. Several ppl walked out, some just said NO! Yesterday tht all changed, no vax required!", non-compliance like that is the GLOBALISTS worst nightmare.
With the American people having the numbers, strength and power to put EVERY globalist corporation demanding their employees take an experimental vax out of business if we only stick together and hold firmly to our own ground, is it any wonder that globalists are now unveiling a robot to do human work?
Because while these insane, fascist tyrants actually believe in their own insane minds they can hold our jobs over our heads if we don't do what they say and 'take the kill shot, it won't hurt you', Americans are just beginning to see what power we hold over corrupt corporations and corrupt government when we all come together.
With globalist tyrants brains sure to explode into little bits and pieces as more and more people 'resist' their unfolding tyranny, another story showing us how it must be done comes to us from Australia, the once-free 'land down under' turned into a growing police state, where truckers are now threatening a massive shutdown of food and supply chains, a nightmare ready to unfold for the globalists. From this story over at Prime Mover Mag titled "Policy threatens to shutdown supply chains: VTA" before we continue.:
Enforcement at border states for truck drivers had become intolerant amid the latest mandates imposed on commercial road transport according to the Victorian Transport Association.
News overnight of threats by the Queensland Government to prohibit over 30,000 truck drivers from entering the state unless they were vaccinated has added further fuel to the fire that the industry was not being properly recognized by National Cabinet and at State road manager level or by the Chief Health Officers.
The announcement was the latest in a set of cumulative mandates viewed by industry as onerous to the complex task of maintaining vital supply chains after 17 months of COVID-19 policy.
Disruptions under the ongoing imprimatur of COVID regulations were now a way of life for many operators and transport companies many of who have been working at peak levels for well over a year.
The road transport industry has been able to maintain its supply chains throughout these adversities and keep our communities supplied with the goods they need to survive the conditions of restrictions, lock downs and closures, said the VTA in a statement.
"The road transport industry has maintained its disciplines and procedures to ensure it does not spread the virus throughout the community. Our record of millions of deliveries over millions of kilometres travelled over the past 18 months, and the number of outbreaks being able to be counted on one hand, is an outstanding result and one upon which the industry is proud.
According to the short statement, the VTA said it applauded the efforts of companies, drivers and operators who have delivered an impressive record of results under such trying circumstances, but the task of continuing to do so was becoming increasingly harder.
"Enforcement at the border of states is becoming intolerant, the VTA said. Interstate drivers must be pathology tested every three days and now the Queensland Government is giving the 30,000 strong interstate truck driving community a threat to be vaccinated or not enter Queensland.
"The Road Transport industry is an essential service, the VTA declared. Yet we are not being recognized by the authorities as exactly that.
The statement, which has been endorsed by other industry bodies including the Queensland Trucking Association, Western Roads Federation, the National Road Transport Association, Tasmanian Transport Association and the Northern Territory Road Transport Association, concluded with a word of warning.
Stop the supply chains and people will not eat.
Can you imagine how quickly the globalists would fold on pushing this satanic mandatory unsafe vax narrative if they knew that they were going up against global-non-compliance? Or, is 'people not eating' the goal of these devils who've long been pushing a satanic 'depopulation agenda'? Just wait until its the globalists themselves who are killing birds and rats for food, or turning to cannibalism to survive!
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to renewed censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we'll be running an emergency fundraising drive over the next month or so until we catch up on upcoming expenses. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
With doctors and nurses also walking off their jobsover mandatory 'vaxxes' in Bismarck, North Dakota recently showing us the way, and a massive nurse shortage hitting Houston, Texas, recently after over 150 doctors and nurses were fired from their jobs for refusing to take the experimental vax that is now killing people (just as planned!), imagine how quickly our healthcare system would totally collapse in America if EVERY Doctor and Nurse and healthcare worker who doesn't want to take an experimental vax (that is making huge money for the 'big pharma mafia') simply walked off the job!
How quickly could total non-compliance all across America'take down the tyrannical system'? An extended and very important excerpt from this story over at the Foundation for Economic Education.:
Jennifer Bridges knew what was coming when her director at Houston Methodist hospital called her up in June to inquire about her vaccination status. Bridges, a 39-year-old registered nurse, responded "absolutely not" when asked if she was vaccinated or had made an effort to get vaccinated. She was terminated on the spot.
"We all knew we were getting fired," Bridges, 39, told CBS News. "We knew unless we took that shot to come back, we were getting fired today. There was no ifs, ands or buts." Bridges was one of more than 150 hospital workers fired by Houston Methodist hospital.
"All last year, through the COVID pandemic, we came to work and did our jobs, said Kara Shepherd, a labor and delivery nurse who joined Bridges and other workers in an unsuccessful lawsuit. We did what we were asked. This year, we're basically told we're disposable."
'Please Send Help Now
Shepherd and her colleagues may be disposable in the eyes of hospital administrators, but they are perhaps not as easily replaced as she or Houston Methodist thought.
Two months after firing unvaccinated hospital staff, Houston Methodist is one of several area hospitals experiencing a severe shortage of medical personnel. Media reports say hospitals have reached a breaking point because of a flood of COVID-19 cases.
In an editorial published Tuesday, the Houston Chronicle said the 25-county hospital area that includes Houston had more patients in hospital bedsmore than 2,700than at any point in 2021. News reports make it clear that hospitals are struggling to keep up.
Houston hospitals have reached a breaking point amid a COVID-19 outbreak, which struck weeks after 150 hospital workers were fired by Houston Methodist hospital, one of several hospitals struggling.
"Please send help now," said Dr. George Williams, chief ICU medical officer for LBJ Hospital.
While most media reports focus on LBJ Hospital, reports also make it clear other hospitals, including Houston Methodist, are experiencing similar struggles. The Houston Chronicle says Harris Health System (which includes LBJ) is short some 250 nurses, while the University of Texas Medical Branch has requested an additional 100 nurses to help address staff shortages at four hospitals.
Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center, a private Houston hospital jointly owned by Baylor College and a local healthcare system, said the hospital is definitely being impacted by the nurse shortage.
As for Houston Methodist, the hospital is reportedly struggling as wellalthough theyve yet to admit it publicly.
An internal memo at Houston Methodist Hospital said it is struggling with staffing as the numbers of our COVID-19 patients rise, the Chronicle reports.
Public officials are scrambling to address the shortage, which has created a massive patient backlog throughout the Houston area. More than a week ago, Tex Gov. Greg Abbott requested out of state assistance for the statewide crisis, including 2,500 out of state nurses. LBJ Hospital officials said those nurses have not yet arrived.
The metro-wide shortage of nurses reportedly came to light when an ER doctor emailed a state senator about the dire situation in hospitals.
The combined increase in volume from (COVID and) existing normal volume (and) nursing shortage has made this a terrible disaster at every ER and hospital in the city of Houston, the physician wrote, according to the Chronicle.
And remember! According to this August 17th story over at the Daily Mail, Americans who have PHd's, the so-called'most educated Americans', are the LEAST LIKELY to'take the vax' in 2021. What do they know that the rest of America doesn't know?
Yet a major key to 'taking down a corrupt system' is Americans being fully prepared for the fallout that is unleashed, especially should US truckers decide to take part in a massive trucker shutdown and blockade of big US cities as it appears truckers will be doing in Australia. Businesses refusing to enforce tyrannical dictates as we hear in the 1st video at the bottom of this story will also go a long way towards crushing tyranny.
Yet with any such truckers strike, shutdown or blockades absolutely necessitating that Americans have the kind of food and supplies that are needed to survive in what could very well turn into a long-term scenario, we've long urged Americans to do just that, stocking up on food and water and other supplies and being fully prepared to 'ride out the storm'. Some such products available right now include.:
Freeze Dried Foods:
Wise Company Long Term Emergency Freeze-Dried Food Supply, Breakfast and Entree Variety
MRE Meals - 124-Serving Freeze Dried Emergency Food Supply
Long Term Dehydrated Food Storage - 120 Large Entree Servings - 29 Lbs- Disaster Prepper Freeze Dried Supply Kit
Wise Company ReadyWise, Emergency Food Supply, Emergency Freeze Dried Fruit Bucket, 120 Servings
Wise Company Emergency Food Supply, Freeze Dried Meat Variety, 15-Year Shelf Life, 60 Servings
Wise Company Emergency Food Supply, Variety Pack, 25-Year Shelf Life, 104 Servings
Wise Company ReadyWise, Emergency Food Supply, Freeze Dried Vegetables, 120 Servings
Mountain House Classic Bucket | Freeze Dried Backpacking & Camping Food | 24 Servings
Mountain House Diced Beef #10 Can Freeze Dried Food - 6 Cans Per Case
Other food products:
Fruit pails or buckets shipping now for 2 to 3 weeks, so might want to pick individual cans/packets HERE. PB2 Original Powdered Peanut Butter - [2 Lb/32oz Jar] Augason Farms Vegetable Stew Blend 2 lbs 0.5 oz No. 10 Can
It's Just - Whole Egg Protein Powder, Made in USA, Non-GMO (8oz) Augason Farms 5-90158 Scrambled Egg Mix, 2 lbs, 4 oz. No. 10 Can Augason Farms Dried Whole Egg Product 2 lbs 1 oz No. 10 Can Hoosier Hill Farm All American Dairy Whole Milk Powder 1 lb Hoosier Hill Farm Heavy Cream Powder Jar, 1 Pound
Hoosier Hill Farm Real Butter powder, Gluten and, 2 lbs
Augason Farms Dehydrated Chopped Onions 1 lb 7 oz No. 10 Can
Water available now and as close by as a delivery include.:
WaterBOB Bathtub Emergency Water Storage Container, Drinking Water Storage, Hurricane Survival, BPA-Free (100 Gallon)
Crystal Geyser Pallet Of 84 Cases, Of Alpine 100% Natural Spring Water, 24 16.9oz bottlesper Case, Bottled at The Source
Nestle Pure Life Purified Water, 16.9oz Bottles (Pallet of 78 Cases)
With a landmark study on 'honesty' recently canned because it was 'dishonest' being the latest proof that the days and times we're now living in are full of deceit and have reached unprecedented levels of absurdity, we can almost be assured that some kind of afalse flagupon America is nearly assured in the days and weeks ahead.
Especially with the 'complete folding' of Joe Biden in Afghanistan heavily arming the Taliban, ISIS and who knows how many other terror groups with heavy US weaponry, paid for by the American taxpayer.
So does anyone really believe the globalists won't attempt to take advantage of that situation, launching some kind of devastating attack upon America, to be blamed upon US patriots, to further their tyrannical agenda?
With time quickly running out on freedom and America and Western civilization, law-abiding Americans all across the country who are now sick and tired of what we're watching unfolding MUST hold course and NEVER, ever simply 'give up' and comply, because nothing less than the future of freedom for all future generations is now on the line as utter madness unfolds in this world we're living in, madness that must be opposed by truth and Americans prepared to do what's necessary in the days ahead.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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