August 16, 2022
They're Going To Go Full Beast Mode On The American Public - 'Government By Brute Force' Raid On President Trump Shows The Genocidal Globalists Are Coming After Us All Now
By D Parker of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline
Anti-liberty leftists are authoritarian fascists at heart, and their actions against president Trump are merely a hint of what they will do to the rest of us if they stay in power.
The past few days have been a fascinating and frightening glimpse into the growing authoritarian fascist tendencies of the nations socialist, anti-liberty left.
Weve been sitting back observing the stories coming from the pro-freedom media as well the effluvium from the other side of the spectrum. You would like to think that eventually, they will tone down all the projection since its their side going all Orwellian and oppressive, but you would be wrong.
We can report that weve noticed that a lot more of you are busily archiving and having the Wayback Machine save the propaganda emanations from the enemies of liberty on the left. There have been several occasions over the past few days when we thought we needed to archive a page or a document and that was already done.
Trust us, were going to have a lot of fun with those people when they think their lies, frauds, and outright hypocrisies come back to bite them on the b Brandon when they think they are down the memory hole.
Just remember that the same people who questioned President Trump with the Russia collusion hoax suddenly flipped and decided that things like that were conspiracy theories if they come from the wrong side of the political aisle. You arent allowed to question the results of an election of the Democrats win no matter how many mules there are. But if the Republicans win you can do it all day long. Anti-liberty leftists proudly wear the badge of a hypocrite, its in their DNA Democratic National Authoritarianism, it makes them who they are.
(ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
But consider something weve mentioned and that has been pointed out by others here:
First, conservatives must stop referring to Democrats as liberals. The words root is the Latin liberalis or of freedom. Todays Democrats are statists, which is the antithesis of freedom. Their values are firmly rooted in Marxism, a hard-left, totalitarian ideology. Dont give them the false virtue of being liberals. As you see, I call them leftists every time.
Ask yourself, would someone who styles themselves as a champion of liberty, i.e. a liberal be in favor of heavy-handed authoritarianism? As in not only raiding someones home over what seems to be a dispute over documents but endlessly gloating about it?
One of the two themes in the far-left propaganda organs these days seeks to prop up Bidens flagging fortunes: Biden suddenly is piling up wins, Biden begins his victory lap, Biden Is on a Roll, and Inside Bidens hot streak. Isnt that curious how the propaganda organs of the anti-liberty left all suddenly decided to write the same story at the same time?
The other is that these are supposed to be liberals and by extension defenders of liberty and they are in a perpetual gloat fest over the Mar-a-Lago raid. They are reveling in this on top of being in total agreement with this government overreach of one political party weaponizing the government against their political rivals with this raid. Note that were using the word raid because Ruhle Demands You Stop Calling The FBI Mar-a-Lago Raid a Raid!
So, how could people who supposedly champion liberty cheer on oppressive government? These are the same people who want to censor free speech and your common sense civil right of self-defense. Frankly, this is why we find it infuriating when many in the freedom community insist on carelessly helping the anti-liberty left in this regard.
Even worse than this, the nations socialist media is openly lying with screeds entitled: Historians privately warn Biden that Americas democracy is teetering. With choice quotations such as the following:
Wilentz, prizewinning author of The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln, has also voiced alarm in recent months about the state of the country. Were on the verge of what Hamilton in The Federalist called government by brute force, Wilentz told the Hill last month.
Thats an interesting turn of phrase given the events of the past few days government by brute force. Could that be referring to the heavy-handed weaponization of government bureaucracies by the nations anti-liberty socialist left? Such as the Mar-a-Lago raid? Could that be referring to the desire of the alleged democratic party to hire 87,000 more IRS employees to go full beast mode on the people?
No, that was referring to a one-time 3 hour mostly peaceful protest that took place over a year and a half ago. Something the anti-liberty left hasnt stopped talking about since then because they have nothing else to complain about. So much for a threat to a teetering democracy.
Make no mistake, the people who only pretend to be liberal are the biggest threat to everyone, they just scream their projections to drown out anyone talking about it. What is happening to President Trump is only a taste of what will happen to everyone else if we dont win in November.
If the DOJ can raid President Trump, whats to stop them from doing that to everyone else?
This story was originally published here. D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a Bill of Rights organization, and a longtime contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack.
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