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July 9, 2023
With Growing Levels Of Hysteria And Chaos Across America Even Before TEOTWAWKI Leading To A Mass Exodus From The Cities, These Common Places Become Death Traps When SHTF
On July 2nd, Susan Duclos put out this story on ANP titled "Liberals Fleeing Destroyed States And Cities Run By Democrats Are Going To Bring The Same Destruction And 'Utopian' Delusions To The Red States They Flee To,"a story within which she proved that 'liberal political policies' were forcing even 'liberals' to flee a bunch of liberal cities and states.
Warning within that story that record high and still-exploding crime rates, 'legalized' shoplifting, and rampant homelessness leading to people openly defecating in public, and right on the streets or sidewalks, as Michael Snyder warns in this new storyat The Economic Collapse Blog, tens of millions of Americans suddenly see what's happening to the cities and 'blue states' and are 'getting out of Dodge' as quickly as they can.
Pointing out also that, with our country quite literally disintegrating before our eyes, many are expecting things to turn even crazier as the economy continues to crumble and the rampant corruption within the US govt is further exposed, numerous ANP commenters have also pointed out in our comment sections the growing 'craziness' seen all across America.
And the root of much of that 'insanity' can be seen in this recent story by Susan Duclos reporting on the explosion of 'tranny killers' across America, with a series of comments by 'Shazam,' 'Darkest' and 'My2cents' about 'Elliot Page,' who was once known as 'Ellen Page,' hitting the nail on the head.
Commenting about this Twitter report that "Elliot Page has revealed to the Los Angeles Times that she realized she was 'transgender' when she started hearing and then talking to a voice in her head, following a psychotic episode of self-harm. Days later a doctor gave approval for her breasts to be removed,"since when have doctors 'prescribed' cutting off body parts as a 'cure' for mental illness?
Shazam: "Elliot page is another example. By definition if you want to mutilate yourself or think you're something you're not, you are insane. Don't need to hear voices or cut yourself like she does... but the doc that immediately approved her surgery after her patient's report of obvious inpatient psych problems is a criminal."
Darkest: In most photos of transgenders, the eyes seem to harbor a crazed glazed-over stare. I wonder if it is the hormones? Or something else?
My2cents:I believe it is demonic. At its root it is a spiritual problem.
And 'My2cents' comment brings us to the next section of this story. It's not just 'trannies' who've gone 'batsh*t crazy' in 2023, cutting off body parts in insane attempts to be something they are not and will never be. As Rob Pue at Wisconsin Christian News had pointed out in this recent story titled "The Root Of The Fruit,"this is what the world gets for abandoning God.
The world has abandoned God and His Word like no other time in history since, perhaps, the days of Noah and Lot. And thats the cause of the effects were seeing today.Thats the root of the rotten, bitter fruit our world is bearing today.
When a people and a nation reject God Almighty, the effect is that they lose their moral compass.Without a moral compass, we wander in confusion, insanity and delusion. Without Gods moral compass to guide us, we just do what we want regardless of the consequences, regardless of the effects.
So with insanity exploding all across the nation as it breaks apart in scattered bits and pieces, and that insanity also a huge result of the American people being constantly lied to by our mainstream media and the 'government,' Michael Snyder concluded his recent story with this warning.:
Our country is disintegrating right in front of our eyes.
And as it falls to pieces, there will be great chaos, and this will especially be true in blue states and in major cities.
If you are going to relocate, I would advise you to do it now.
Things may seem unstable now, but the truth is that they are only going to get crazier from here.
As we'd warned in this June 28th ANP story titled "Events Of 'Today' Give Us An Alarming Look At Our 'Escape From New York' Like Future Under Democrats, Where Inmates Run The Asylums As Crime And Shoplifting Become Profitable Businesses," it'll only take one 'huge event' for what is remaining of 'civility' to completely vanish from the city areas.
And whether that 'huge event' be WW3 breaking out, an EMP taking down the electrical grid or a total economic collapse, as we've long warned on ANP, what we know as 'civilization' is nearly always "only 9 meals away from total anarchy."Could you see a city like Philadelphia or Baltimore or NY City suddenly having no food, or other supplies, being shipped in?
As this story titled "13 Places to Avoid Going When SHTF- Planning a Bug Out Can Seem Overwhelming. but the More You Plan and Prepare in Advance, the More Likely You Will Remember Which Places to Avoid Going When SHTF"warns, those living in the cities are usually much less 'prepared' for such apocalyptic scenarios than those out in the country or the mountains.
So we can guarantee that the cities will deteriorate much more quickly than elsewhere, but we can also be sure that once SHTF, all of that city crime and violence will quickly make it out to the suburbs and beyond as people hunt for food in their attempts to keep themselves and their families alive.
With 'population density' long known as a key to surviving SHTF, with 'less resources available for more people' a proven recipe for disaster, as that story points out, there are many common places people should NEVER GO once SHTF, yet we're told by TPTB TO GO to some of these places, instead of avoiding them. So while many of these places NOT to go once SHTF may seem to be common knowledge, we've seen in one disaster movie after another that people will still seek them out for one reason or another, usually because they're not prepared. From this story.:
1. Downtown
It goes without saying that downtown areas of any city should be avoided. This is especially true in mid to large cities where lack of regular sanitation services will create ideal conditions for diseases. The risk of rioting, looting, and violent attacks is also greater in downtown areas. City dwellers are statistically less prepared for a SHTF event as many families live paycheck to paycheck with very little stockpiled supplies.
In addition, because population density is highest in these areas, stores and other sources for supplies will be quickly cleaned out. Many city residents depend on public transportation on a daily basis and are less likely to have access to a vehicle to flee the city. Mass numbers of people in these areas will be desperately seeking food, water, and medical supplies, as well as transportation out of the city.
2. Main Roads, Intersections, and Freeways
If you are planning to bug out to an area outside of the city, or if you are caught away from home, it may seem like the shortest route is the best course of action. But, keep in mind that main roads and busy intersections will quickly become overwhelmed with people trying to flee just like you are.
Most people only know one or two ways to get out of the city and these are usually main roads. Those who are looking to steal supplies will see main roads and intersections as prime locations to ambush unwary travelers. Get a map of your area now and plan several routes out of the city and from work to home that use side roads rather than highways and state routes.
3. Bottleneck Points
A bottleneck can be any area that a majority of people must travel in order to get out of a cul de sac, neighborhood, city, county, or state. In most cases, this will be things such as bridges, overpasses, underpasses, freeway ramps, etc. If several hundred or thousands of people are fleeing the same area, and everyone must cross the same bridge to get out of town, that will quickly become a bottleneck point.
The same is true for any areas where there is only one road going in or out. Avoid these areas at all costs and look for alternative ways to get through or cross, even if it means taking a longer way around or traveling in a nontraditional way (motorcycle, private plane, bicycle, on foot, etc.).
4. Hospitals
It may seem weird to see hospitals on a list of places to avoid following a SHTF event because one would think this would be a place to find help. The reason to avoid hospitals if at all possible is because most people, especially those that are injured, will flock to them. Even people who arent injured may head for the hospitals to get help for family members who have been injured.
Emotions in this area will be high and the risk of violence is greater as people lose control. In addition,patients who are ill and/or patients dying from lack of resources will increase the risk of rampant infection and disease. The hospital and surrounding areas will be a petri dish environment for viruses and bacteria. With medical resources limited, youll want to avoid getting sick to increase your odds of long-term survival.
5. Prisons and Surrounding Areas
This one should be a no brainer. If there is a prison in your area or along the route to your bug out location (BOL), youll want to avoid the area as much as possible.
6. Police Stations and Military Bases
Like with hospitals, it may seem counterintuitive to avoid police stations and military bases following a SHTF event. Police and military are supposed to serve and protect citizens, right? But although it may seem like going to these locations would be a safer alternative, in most cases it will be a waste of precious time and may in fact get you killed or locked up instead.
(A view from the front yard of ANP. Trees as far as the eye can see!)
7. Shelters or FEMA Camps
Although shelters are designed to help those people who find themselves without a place to sleep or food to eat, most shelters are understaffed and operating at or above capacity even in normal times. Homeless shelters and food banks will be quickly overrun by mass numbers of people. Some may be forced to close the doors to newcomers within days of a SHTF event.
These shelters and any publicized FEMA camps that spring up will have very poor conditions. Supplies will be rationed, tempers will be high, and violence will be rampant. As more people arrive, and conditions worsen, the buildings and surrounding areas will quickly become breeding grounds for infection and disease.
8. Grocery Stores and Shopping Plazas
For people who are not prepared, their first instinct will be to find food, water, and supplies. Humans are creatures of habit and thus many will flock to local grocery stores and shopping plazas and begin looting for needed supplies.
These areas will be picked clean within less than 24 hours of a SHTF event. Those that are left there will be the most desperate and scared for their lives. These crowds are unpredictable and often violent.
9. Gas Stations, Auto Parts, and Convenience Stores
The reason to avoid gas stations, auto parts, and convenience stores is similar to that of other stores and shopping areas. Desperate people are going to flock to the first places they think of to find supplies to get out of the area. Those trying to get of the city will want to try to gas up and/or get.
For all but those people who were quick to get on the road, getting gas will be nearly impossible. Lines at these places will be long, tempers will be high, and violence will be much more likely, especially when pumps run dry and shelves are bare.
10. Hardware and Sporting Goods Stores
One thing that people will be searching for when SHTF is guns, ammo, and other items to use for protection. Since sporting goods and hardware stores carry a lot of these items, these stores will be hot spots for looting. If you dont already have your weapons ready when SHTF, youre better off to look around your home for items you can use, rather than try for a quick trip to a hardware or sporting goods store.
11. Banks, Check-Cashing, & Pawn Shops
One thing just about everyone who isnt prepared in advance will be looking to get first is accessing to cash. For this reason, banks, check cashing or loan offices, and pawn shops should be avoided following a SHTF event. This is where large numbers of people will flock toward first.
Many people in these areas will become trapped, unable to access their money, either because computers are down or because cash reserves were already depleted. When desperate people cant get access to cash that they believe will help them get needed supplies, things will get ugly.
12. Large Shopping Malls and Public Squares
When things get chaotic just before a SHTF event, the last place you will want to be is in a public square or large shopping mall. These places can quickly become a gathering place for desperate, angry people. Rioting, looting, and violence will be high in these areas so its best to avoid them if possible.
13. Large Social Gatherings and Public Events
If you even suspect that things around you are getting chaotic. If you sense civil or economic unrest or have recognized other precursors to a SHTF event, you will want to avoid large social gatherings and public events. These events draw large crowds of people on the same date and time. Events or gathering that are tradition or annual events that can be predicted or are widely publicized are more dangerous. These are prime target events for terrorists.
Yet that story also offers us plenty of alternativesthat are well known to 'preppers,' such as stockpiling food and supplies well ahead of time, being prepared to defend that food and those supplies, knowing alternative routes to 'get out of dodge,' and clearly knowing the 'danger zones' in your own regions.
Concluding their story with "Planning a bug out can seem overwhelming...But the more you plan and prepare in advance, the more likely you will remember which places to avoid going when SHTF,"Susan and I decided nearly 10 years ago to make our own home our 'bug out location,' so once America is hit by a true SHTF scenario, we're not caught in the maddening crowds attempting to 'bug out'.
Meaning we had to move away from the suburbs/cities, there's no doubt in my mind that doing that was one of the best decisions we've ever made, with the chaos and insanity being seen already across many locations in America, especially within the cities, something we haven't seen here at all in our nearly 10 years up in the mountains, except in watching the mounting madness online.
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