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June 28, 2023

Events Of 'Today' Give Us An Alarming Look At Our 'Escape From New York' Like Future Under Democrats, Where Inmates Run The Asylums As Crime And Shoplifting Become Profitable Businesses

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

The new story over at the Daily Mail tells us about the elaborate game of cat and mouse now taking place in Los Angeles, California, where the tent cities of the still-growing homeless population are demolished, the 'residents' of those cities 'evicted,' only to, within hours, find another part of the city to put up their tents before quite literally 'hacking' into fire hydrants for their water and street lights for their electricity.

Quite often coming back to the very same locations they were just 'evicted' from, those who are living in the areas complain of human feces being dumped into the streets as those homeless turn street corners into their personal, open-air commodes, hypodermic needles being left on the ground and out-in-the-open drug deals, blaming city leaders of turning a blind-eye to the still-growing problems.

And quite literally leaving Americans to leave the big cities in droves according to this story over at The Hill which reported over 2 million left the big cities between 2020 and 2022, it's not just a coincidence that America's big cities also lead the country in the highest murder rates, and as Big League Politics reports, its also not just a 'coincidence' that those big cities are run by Democrats.

And as that story reports of the list we've republished below,this is the reality of living in a blue jurisdiction, whether its a city or state. These areas are marked by policies that coddle criminals and disarm the law-abiding, thereby making them total hellholes to live in.

So while that BLP story argues one of the best ways to fight back against this disorder is to unseat progressive DAs who give violent criminals a slap on the wrist,and from there, our vaunted cities could be taken from the Left and restored to greatness, at this point of America's collapse, we're likely long past that stage where US cities will ever be anything more than rapidly-sinking hellholes, slowly but surely moving to an 'escape from New York' stage, with Democrats allowing the inmates to run the asylums. As we see in the list below of America's most murderous cities, Democrats have huge problems on their hands and they are doing nothing about it but sitting on them.

These cities and their total murder numbers included:

1 - Chicago, Illinois: Murders in 2023: 166

2 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Murders in 2023: 165

3 - Phoenix, Arizona: Murders in 2023: 137

4 - Dallas, Texas: Murders in 2023: 126

5 - Baltimore, Maryland: Murders in 2023: 112

6 - Houston, Texas: Murders in 2023: 109

7 - Los Angeles, California: Murders in 2023: 102

8 - New York City, New York: Murders in 2023: 100

9 - Indianapolis, Indiana: Murders in 2023: 96

10 - Kansas City, Missouri: Murders in 2023: 96

11 - Detroit, Michigan: Murders in 2023: 89

12 - Washington, DC: Murders in 2023: 89

13 - Louisville, Kentucky: Murders in 2023: 89

14 - Memphis, Tennessee: Murders in 2023: 81

15 - St. Louis, Missouri: Murders in 2023: 65

And with these insane policies that coddle criminals leading to stores all across the nation shutting down some of their locations and taking their business elsewhere due to rampant shoplifting being allowed by Democrat politicians, as the Daily Mail reported in their story, the stores now shuttering their doors in various locations include Wal Mart, Target, Macy's, Bed Bath & Beyond, Best Buy, Walgreens and others, with WTOP News in Washington DC reporting in a new story that long time grocery store anchor Giant Food may soon be shuttering stores in that region, too.

With massive thefts happening all across the country as stores close following millions of dollars in losses from rampant theft, with the 'big box stores' across the country in 2021 losing a whopping, combined $94.5 billion, even that Daily Mail story points out this is happening in Democrat-run cities.

And asthis new story over at WTOP newspoints out, by going soft on crime, a new 'business' is being formed that takes advantage of these criminal-friendly laws, 'shoplifting for hire'. Meaning shoplifters are quite literally going out and stealing food and other products for others and getting paid for doing so, they'll even go into stores with 'shopping lists' like you and I might do, though listing all the products they intend to steal instead of all the goods they'll go in and pay for. From the WTOP story.:

Giant Food, which is headquartered in Landover, Maryland, may be forced to close some stores if an uptick in thefts and violence continues, the grocery store chains president says.

Its a trend other big box stores are seeing around the country.

They steal everything from roasts to shrimp to deodorant to razor blades, you name it, said Giant Foods President Ira Kress.

Shoplifting has always plagued grocery stores, but Kress said in recent months, Giant has joined a long list of other regional and national retailers that are reporting a boost in thefts, sometimes conducted by large, organized crime rings.

They hire other thieves and provide them with a list of products to steal, he said. Those thieves then go out and fill the list.

Along with the thefts comes an increase in violence, which Kress said he is the most concerned about.

What we always must do is ensure we can run our stores safely and profitably, he said. If I cant do both of those things, Ill have no choice but to close a store. This clearly takes a toll.

It is scary, and it is really concerning and, unfortunately, I dont have many solutions for it either, he said. But, to the degree that I can limit any of the violence which is trying to limit the interactions that are causing these individuals to create the violence in our stores Ill attempt to do.

Kress blames a lack of stricter laws and punishments that discourage theft and the ease of selling stolen goods on the black market.

It is extraordinarily easy to sell stolen items now, Kress said. And if its easy to make money and there are little-to-no penalties getting caught doing it, then more people are taking advantage of that.

So with Democrats policies fueling this crime wave that sees organized gangs making a killing off of stealing food and other products for people who don't want to go into the stores and pay for these goods but are more than happy to pay criminals for stealing them for them, and by Democrat-appointed prosecutors who've made it impossible for these organized gangs of thieves to be held responsible, we expect things will get much worse before they get better as long as we stay on the path we're now on.

With 'population density' a key to surviving nearly any kind of Apocalyptic scenario that plays out across America, with the kinds of higher population densities seen in US cities and suburbs meaning more people are fighting for fewer products once SHTF than those living out in the country or the mountains or elsewhere far, far away from the big population centers, we're right now getting an alarming look at America's future if we stay on the same path we're now on in those Democrat-run cities, with this recent ANP storytitled "Globalists Pushing Lab Grown Meats And A Socialist Food System As Atlantic Writer Complains About 'Too Many Choices' At US Grocery Stores - THIS Is What 'Lack Of Choice' Looks Like" and this story over at SHTFPlantitled "By 2030 You Will Not Eat Meat & Will Only Be Allowed To Buy 3 Clothing Items a Year, Report Says" both showing us the globalists 'end game.'

As this SHTFPlan story reports, largely citing 'climate change,' the globalists are seeking to have complete control over every facet of our lives, and within just a few years. So if we think that what we're seeing right now is bad, this story makes it clear that we haven't seen anything yet.

A report published in 2019 and re-emphasized in 2023 recommends that by 2030 we will not be permitted to eat meat or dairy products, we will be limited to three items of new clothing per year and one airplane flight every three years. It will start in countries that consume the most.

Published in 2019, The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5C World report sets out targets for cities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as consistent with the 2015 Paris Agreement ambitions. What this report aims to do is quantify and then suggest ways for city leaders to reduce consumption-based emissions. In other words, reduce what you and I consume be it food, clothes or travel, etc.

The place to start, a press release stated, is with those who consume the most, and consumption-based emissions must be cut by at least 50% by 2030.

The report outlines six sectors where the worlds cities can take rapid action to address consumption-based emissions: food, construction, clothing, vehicles, aviation, and electronics.

And with not only cities all across America but all over the world signing up for this insanity, what will you do when you're told that you are no longer 'permitted' to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast, or have a nice steak for dinner, and that you can't purchase any new clothing because you've already exceeded your 3 'permitted' outfits for the year? And by what's happening now in the world politically, we can easily see that those 'rules' won't 'apply' to the globalist psychopaths themselves though, as they'll continue to feast upon whatever they want to, and fly their airplanes where ever they choose.

So with Democrat-run cities quite literally going to hell all across America, and no plans being generated to get things under control but plenty of actions being taken by the radical left to ensure they'll continue to collapse into chaos and utter madness, each of the videos below take looks at various aspects of the topics we've discussed within this story. And with ANP continuing to stress prepping, home gardening and remaining prepared, in the final video below, The Texas Boys join Mike Adams of Natural News, showing us how to ESCAPE the city, HOMESTEAD in Texas and live off the land.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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