February 15, 2023
By James Howard Kunstler for All News Pipeline
Didnt you get the feeling this past weekend that were living in HG Wells classic tale of the earth invaded by sinister alien spacecrafts? Our government is playing the story like a bassoon concerto. American officials do not know what the objects were, much less their purpose or who sent them, The New York Times reported, poaching a line from every horror movie of the 1950s. When do the giant ants show up on Fremont Street in Las Vegas?
Looks like theyll keep up the suspense as long as possible, too. Oh, we cant retrieve that thing up in Alaska due to white-out weather conditions Oh, that other thing the eight-sided silver tic-tac it fell into Lake Huron, glug glug and that first one, the big balloon payload, lies deep in Davy Jones Locker now. Youll have to stand by, folks.
Lets face it, all the other mindwarps set in motion by the folks-in-charge are not just losing their mojo theyre generating a lot of nasty blow-back in the way of widespread distrust of authority and institutional collapse. Even Woked-up Democrat voters begin to suspect that the vaxxes they greeted like a holy deliverance might not be so good for you after all. Im waiting for Rob Reiners head to explode when he starts to notice how many young SAG-AFTRA members are waking up dead in West Hollywood.
More to the point, you are now correct to suspect that the entire Covid-19 episode, from the design of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus to the gene-modification shots put out by Pfizer and Moderna (erroneously labeled vaccines), was a joint Intel-DOD operation, not really a public health crisis. The abiding mystery is why? Why turn Western Civilization upside down and inside out and then try to pound the whole thing down a rat-hole?
Frankly, the only angle that makes sense is that our government is captive to a hostile force. The WEF, the WHO, and the UN are the most obvious culprits, certainly the most talked-up, the most active on-the-scene. But until a few years ago these organizations had no real influence on the world. They were bad jokes only pretending to protect the global communitys interests actually completely incapable, utterly incompetent.
Klaus Schwab, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus? Please! What Muppet factory were they made in? The UN was a mere collective of Third World hustles and rackets. And everybody knew it, but the developed world played along as a sop to these sad-sack nations and their greedy officials because the grift was chump-change.
Youd have more reason to suspect that those outfits were fronting for something else, and that something might be the CCP. The Marxist culture war against American manners and values is unmistakably a re-play of Chinas cultural revolution, with all its insults against reason, tradition, custom, common sense, and due process of law. The titanic wave of Woke lunacy was hatched in the universities over many decades places easily infiltrated by malign agents and seeded into political activism on the Left, especially among the Democratic Party which now has a figurehead president implicated in bribery and treason.
How and why else has the evidence of those crimes been so sedulously suppressed when it should have been served up to a grand jury post-haste in 2019, as soon as Hunter Bidens laptop surfaced? The darn thing was absolutely stuffed with a rich documentary record of crime from the lowest (drugs and whores), to the highest (payoffs from foreign actors). The extraordinary lengths that the DOJ and FBI traced to hide it, or pretend to not look inside it, is one of the most transparently degenerate acts ever seen in US history and continues to this day.

And now, all of it unwinds rapidly, all the organized deception and lying. You could argue, perhaps, that US government agencies, this aggregation of interests we call the Deep State, just went plumb insane from guilt, fear, and shame over its own long-running, rampant criminality, but even that fails to answer how come, for instance, the CDC is still pushing booster shots of a toxic bio-engineered cocktail that maims and kills people. Are they aiming to reduce the US population on-purpose at the same time that the DHS is ushering millions from other countries across the border illegally? Is the Deep State working Chinas will against us and the rest of the West? Did we collaborate with our adversaries in our own collapse?
All the usual totemic tropes the Deep State employs to intimidate its opponents Russia, white supremacy, right-wing extremism, racism, misogyny, transphobia, blah blah have lost their power to scare the non-insane. Fewer Americans believe the official bullsh!t about keeping America safe from misinformation. Its perfectly obvious now that misinformation is a synonym for the truth. So, what have they got left? A UFO invasion? Is that what its come to? I guess so.
Forces are aligning now to shake this creaking system down to its foundation. The moment of criticality will most likely come when the financial markets crater and the US dollar gets broken by international ridicule to a near-worthless token of decrepitude. The public can apparently take an awful lot of gaslighting, double-dealing, and derogation. But that all changes when you cant buy food anymore.
The Superbowl is over. Here we are now, in the heart of the heart of winter, waiting for the ground to shift. Reality is out there howling against a cold moon, fixing to run our enemy down, like so much frightened prey. Before long, youll see blood on the snow.
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