January 13, 2024
The US Govt Has Dropped A Nuclear Bomb On Their Credibility By Using Dirty Hands To Carry Out Vicious Deeds, Pushing Civil War So They Can Declare Martial Law Before The Election
By James Howard Kunstler and All News Pipeline
The same people accusing Trump voters of subverting democracy are the ones who cheated in every election since the 1960s, lied to get us into half a dozen stupid wars, created Covid in a lab, and then covered that up. You are free to tell them to STFU Peachy Keenan
You know why the judge let provocateur Ray Epps off the hook for his antics before and during the so-called J-6 insurrection, dont you? Well, yes, it was partly because he was acting at the direction of blob officials, most likely the FBI, but possibly the CIA, Defense Intelligence, or some black-box fed outfit no one ever heard of (but somehow gets half a billion in funding every year). Ol Ray, pleaded to one years probation (no jail time), 100 hours of community service (checking books out at his local library?), and a $500 fine. Say, what. . . ? A speeding ticket on the Rockville Pike would probably cost you more.
You remember those videos of Ray on the DC street the day before the riot, importuning the crowd, a commanding presence with his military bearing and red hat, six inches taller than most of the other men around him, yelling, Tomorrow we need to go into the Capitol, into the Capitol! At which moment the crowd groaned no-o-o-o. . . ! and then commenced chanting, fed. . . fed. . . fed. . . ! They had his number. His use of the word need was especially beguiling, as in, who actually needed that to happen?
Ill tell you one reason Ray didnt get, like, twenty years, nor two years of pre-trial detention in the reeking, roach-infested DC lockup, or massive fines, like other J-6 defendants: Because he told his handlers in no uncertain terms that he would blow their cover and vivisect them publicly on the whole fed J-6 operation if they so much as made him show up in person for any proceeding and, of course, he attended his sentencing by phone, in a Zoom meeting from a remote location.
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Okay, Ill tell you the actual reason that Ray Epps got the VIP powder puff treatment: It was to give half of America a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. . . the old double-barreled middle finger. . . a thunderous f**k you, with the subtext: we can do anything we want to you and you cant do anything about it. . . and we can rub your faces in it, too, ho ho. . . and then empty a bed pan over your head in case youre not feeling sufficiently impotent and humiliated. And the purpose of all that is their hope to foment some act of genuine violent resistance against the blob to justify further lawless persecution of the blobs enemies. Theyre really hoping to set off a civil war to justify martial law in order to ensure a free and fair election.
The judge in the Ray Epps case is. . . wait for it. . . the fabulous judicial utility infielder, James Boasberg, now Chief Judge of the DC Federal District Court, a big cheese. Yes, the same rascal who sat on the FISA Court during the FBIs Crossfire Hurricane shenanigans, when they fed all manner of fake documents to that court to enable the FBI to conduct warrantless surveillance on Donald Trumps campaign, and then afterwards on his presidency.
It was Judge Boasberg who let FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith off the hook with probation when he was charged with doctoring an email to conceal the fact that FBI target Carter Page had been an active CIA informer in Russia over the years, not just some schlub swanning around the fringe of the Trump Campaign. Getting a FISA warrant on Carter Page was tremendously advantageous to the FBI, because it enabled them to use the three-hop rule, meaning they could also surveil anyone else in the Trump retinue who Mr. Page had communicated with by phone or email.
The disposition of Ray Eppss case also means there will be no further official inquiries into his behavior that fateful day 1/6/21. The principle of double jeopardy means he cant be tried for the same thing twice. There will be no further inquiries into what he did that day and on J-6 itself when he appeared at the barricades on the Capitol grounds, apparently goading protesters to bust through them. Its a dead letter. Chalk up a W for the blob.

But now, chalk up an L for the blob: Fani Wills, the Fulton County (GA) District Attorney, has been caught funneling more than half a million dollars to her love bunny, attorney Nathan Wade, after appointing him special counsel in the gigantic RICO case against Donald Trump and eighteen other defendants. Poor optics, as they say, and maybe a good deal more than that such as prosecutorial misconduct. The fact that the lovestruck pair took Caribbean cruises together with that money may only be a minor part of the story. More will come out when Fani Willis answers the summons she has been served to give a deposition at the request of Joycelyn Wades lawyers in the Wades ongoing divorce proceeding.
More to the point, both Fani Willis and Nathan Wade (in her service) spent time consulting with lawyers at the White House before they filed charges against Mr. Trump. Mr. Wade was there on May 23 and November 19, 2022 talking to Joe Bidens White House counsel for sixteen hours. Ms. Willis is shown by White House visitor logs to have been present for five hours a few months later, on February 18, 2023, a week after recommending charges to a Fulton County grand jury. The log states that she spent those five hours with veep Kamala Harris.
I doubt that is who she came to visit. My guess is that Ms. Willis spent those hours being coached by Deputy US Attorney General Lisa Monaco, possibly joined by Mary McCord, a former head of the DOJs National Security division during the Crossfire Hurricane years, then outside counsel to the first House impeachment committee, then counsel to the House J-6 committee. It was Ms. McCord, in Trump Impeachment # 1, who arranged for then DOJ Inspector General Michael Atkinson to change the whistleblower rules, allowing for hearsay evidence, which gave a green light to NSA mole Eric Ciaramella to report on the infamous Ukraine phone call that he had not personally witnessed (but was fed a story on by Col. Alexander Vindman.) Nice work there. In other words, these two gals, Lisa Monaco and Mary McCord, are the poison spiders in the DOJ web of veteran seditionists.
This week there is also chatter as to whether Special Counsel Jack Smith might ever actually bring an official federal insurrection charge against Mr. Trump to facilitate his branding so as to get him kicked off the ballot around the country. I doubt thatll work out for Mr. Smith, too. If such a matter ever went to trial Mr. Trump would enjoy the right to discovery of all sorts of evidence that the DOJ and the FBI would never allow to see the light of day. So, Jacks stuck with his lame cases now on the docket which, believe me, will be going nowhere.
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