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March 2, 2022
The REAL Reasons Why Ukraine Is So Important To Biden, Clinton And Their 'Global Crime Cabal': Ukraine Is Their 'Little Crime Playground' Where Their Devastating Secrets Are Hidden
- Biden Risking America's Nuclear Annihilation To Protect His Family And 'The Cabal'
If anyone needed to see the 'bigger picture' of everything now happening in Ukraine, Russia, here in America and all across the world, we get it in numerous new stories out recently, and some time ago, across the internet.
And while we could never see what's happening in Ukraine going on for 10 to 20 years with Russia's unstoppable hypersonic nuclear missiles and the potential of an EMP or two that sends America and Europe back to the dark ages thrown into the mix, we get several HUGE pieces of the puzzle into what is REALLY going on in Ukraine, and why, if we look back at news stories over the past several years.
As we'll explore within this ANP story, Ukraine isnothing less than the 'Playground' of the 'global elite crime cabal' that 'runs the world', with huge amounts of drugs and human trafficking being run out of the country, along with their 'world disinfo/control' operation, and Ukraine also gives them a 'front doorstep' into Russia, not a word of any of this reported by their 'controlled' mainstream media.
Each of the videos at the bottom of this story take looks at various aspects of that 'Ukrainian cabal playground' that Joe Biden is risking America's nuclear annihilation over, with the 1st video below featuring US ArmyColonel Doug MacGregor joining former US Senator Trey Gowdy on Fox News and telling him and America that the Ukrainian government is deeply corrupt, and Biden and America definitely shouldn't help them.
Yet it appears another one of the 'real reasons' that Biden will most likely get America involved in the 'quagmire' there is because there are some absolutely devastating 'Biden family secrets' hidden in Ukraine, as well as secrets held by the 'global crime cabal', secrets that Russia could possibly get ahold of if they take Ukraine if they haven't all been destroyed by then.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
So are you ready to financially support a US 'war' in Ukraine that lasts for 10 to 20 years as this new story over at The Week suggests is a very real possibility? Reporting within it that 'lawmakers' at the US Capitol had been told on Monday that this mess that just recently restarted will likely last 10, 15, or 20 years, although ultimately in their minds, Russia will lose, just think about how much TAXPAYER money a long, drawn-out quagmire would bring in to that military-industrial complex President Eisenhower warned us about 61 years ago!
And while this story is certainly no attempt to paint Vladimir Putin as a 'hero', as we hear in the 1st video below, Ukraine is one of the most corrupt, globalist-owned countries in the entire world, quite literally the 'headquarters' of the globalist crime cabal.
One of the only countries in the world that they can fully control that has had the stability and infrastructure to be used for money laundering, bioweapons research and fully controlled by the 'puppets' of the 'cabal' itself, Ukraine in 2022 is also much like America in 2022, a country where nearly all the govt movers and shakers aretotally compromised so there's a big fat ZERO PERCENT chance of anything being investigated.
100% proven by none other than Joe Biden himself as seen in the 3rd video at the bottom of this story when he was talking to the "Council on Foreign Relations" and he quite literally bragged about how he'd hold back a Billion Dollars in aid to Ukraine unless a Ukrainian prosecutor stopped investigating him and his sons dealings, then laughed about it as the crowd joined in, let that sink in for a moment.
Echoing the 'theme' that we've seen over and over again from the mainstream media as seen in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story in which we hear one newscaster, speaker or politician after another talking about what's happening in Ukraine now being a 'fight for the new world order', we thought that 'the new world order' was some 'crazy conspiracy theory' cooked up by the 'kooky conspiracy theorists', or so the globalists have long been telling us.
With Ukraine's President Zelensky actually 'an actor', yes, his former 'career position' was being a comedian, why do so many now in the msm talk about Ukraine being a 'fight for the new world order' after telling us for so long there was no such thing as a 'new world order' while labeling all of us as 'conspiracy theorists'?From Michael Snyder's important story.:
We now have a war that the vast majority of us never wanted. All of our lives are going to be turned upside down, the global economy is going to be absolutely eviscerated, and countless numbers of people are going to die. I am very angry with Vladimir Putin and the Russians for launching a full-blown invasion, because it didnt need to happen. And I am also very angry with the Biden administration because it would have been so easy to find a diplomatic solution to this crisis. Unfortunately, the time for diplomacy is now over and World War III has begun.
On Thursday, State Department spokesman Ned Price made a stunning admission regarding what this war is really all about.
According to Price, Russia and China also want a world order, but he warned that if they win their world order would be profoundly illiberal
China has given tacit approval for Russian President Vladimir Putins latest invasion of Ukraine, in the judgment of U.S. officials, as part of a joint effort to undermine the institutions that American and allied leaders established to minimize conflict in the decades following World War II.
Russia and the PRC also want a world order, State Department spokesman Ned Price said Wednesday. But this is an order that is and would be profoundly illiberal. It is an order that is, in many ways, destructive rather than additive.
It would take an entire book to unpack everything that Price said there.
First of all, by stating that Russia and China also want a world order, he was tacitly admitting that the United States and other western nations desire to have a world order of their own.
And he implied that what we are witnessing is a battle over who will ultimately run the world order.
That should deeply alarm all of us.
So with even the globalist controlled media now confirming the existence of the 'new world order' that the independent media has seemingly been warning about forever, and any 'global government' something that would be sure to be something that comes crashing down upon the American people, whether that 'global government' is led by China/Russia or the 'growing more tyrannical every day' Democrat/Rino/globalists themselves, in the final video below we hear much more about the Biden's and the globalists ties to Ukraine and why their secrets getting out to the world spells disaster for them.
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