September 17, 2022
The New Nazi Party Can No Longer Hide Their Fascism - From Their Despotism To Their Hatred Of America, The Globalists Are Who America's Founding Fathers Warned Us About
By D Parker of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline
Its obvious now that the far-left is fascist, no matter how much leftists try to deflect with projection on the pro-freedom right.
We call them the party of projection for a reason. The anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left have no choice in the matter. They cant admit the truth, and they certainly cant change their socialist national agenda. So they are stuck with constantly trying to gaslight everyone as to who they are until they have gained enough control.
They keep lying and smearing others as fascists, or as members of the National Socialist German Workers Party, even though these groups were clearly leftist.
Collectivists have been hurling those insults for years. We dont know about you, but weve had enough of the projectional spewing of their ideological failings. If youve studied the liberty-deniers you know they are bluffing when they exploit those words, simply because they completely lack substance in backing them up.
Thus, were going to finish the debate the anti-liberty left foolishly choose to start. Weve already listed numerous commonalities between the National Socialist German Workers Party in Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. However, since they thought demonizing the pro-freedom right with what they are doing now, were going to oblige them and show how they closely resemble The Baddies.
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Lance Morrow, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, eviscerated the usual narrative in an editorial from the Wall Street Journal entitled The Left Gets Fascism Backward.
Bidens Democrats seek a one-party state. Trumps followers want freedom from government power.
If there are fascists in America these days, they are apt to be found among the tribes of the left. They are Mr. Biden and his people (including the lions share of the media), whose opinions have, since Jan. 6, 2021, hardened into absolute faith that any party or political belief system except their own is illegitimateimpermissible, inhuman, monstrous and (a nice touch) a threat to democracy.
The evolution of their overprivileged emotions their sentimentality gone fanatic has led them, in 2022, to embrace Mussolinis formula: All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state. Or against the party. (People forget, if they ever knew it, that both Hitler and Mussolini began as socialists).
The state and the Democratic Party must speak and act as one, suppressing all dissent. America must conform to the orthodoxy to the Chinese finger-traps of diversity-or-else and open borders and rejoice in mandatory drag shows and all such theater of gender. Meantime, their man in the White House invokes emergency powers to forgive student debt and their thinkers wonder whether the Constitution and the separation of powers are all theyre cracked up to be.
Read the rest of the editorial, as it shreds the nations socialist medias Orwellian narrative that inverts reality. He makes the point that Mr. Trump and his followers are essentially antifascists, who want minimal government, while the anti-liberty leftists want maximum government.
Its also relatively easy to destroy their interminable projection with a series of questions that compares the two sides, since this issue never seems to go away, even when their lies have become so obvious.
Which side wants to go all authoritarian, all the time?
Which side suppressed freedom of assembly and freedom of religion?
Which side is censoring the press?
Which side wants unlimited government? (As opposed to limited government)
Which side believes in the common good over the individual good (Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz in the original German)?
Which is the side of collectivism? (As opposed to individualism.)
Which side wants people to be controlled? (As opposed to those who have no such desire.)
Which side is extensively exploiting the nations socialist media as its propaganda organ to gaslight the people in the tradition of Joseph Goebbels?
Which side is making up new definitions for words daily?
Which side makes up new definitions for fascism depending on the situation?
Which side is destroying the right to privacy?
Which side is openly talking about civil war if it doesnt win?
Which side projected its Reichstag moment on the other?
Which side is illegally attempting to create a gun registry?
Which side is constantly working to destroy the sensible individual civil right of self-defense?
Which side is weaponizing federal agencies (IRS, FBI, ATF, etc.) against its political opposition?
Which side is setting up systems to snitch on people, as was the tactic of the Gestapo and the Stasi?
Which side perpetuates the racism of gun control?
Which side has used those agencies to censor the press to impact the outcome of an election?
Which side is spying on the other?
Which side mandated that people wear useless slave masks?
Which side forced people to get the jab in violation of the Nuremburg code?
Which side wants to break your will over emissions?
Which side is trying to destroy the 2nd Amendment by taking firearms from innocent people with unconstitutional gun confiscation orders?
Which side caused the death of an innocent man via the implementation of an unconstitutional gun confiscation order?
Which side is unconstitutionally confiscating private property without due process, violating the 5th and 6th Amendments?
Which side is inflicting a process of punishment on innocent people?
Which side has a strange obsession with the guillotine, like the National Socialist German Workers Party?
Which side is applying a double-standard of justice?
Which side wanted to set up an American Gestapo, a secret police at the beck and call of a future president?
Which side loves to play the circular logic game of proving ridiculous childish insults?
Which side is exploiting beyond belief its own Reichstag fire?
Which side is demonizing and dehumanizing the other with pejoratives like MAGA Republicans?
Which side is trying to control what is shipped by private entities?
Which side exploits a serious crisis to its political advantage?
Which side is openly trying to gaslight the people, blaming President Trump for the violent crime taking place now?
If you answered the anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left for all of them, you would be correct.
Forget about the fact that they keep on coming up with new definitions for fascism, depending on what we happen to be doing now. If we all walked around saying supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, they would say thats a vestige of fascism.
Well, too bad for them that almost everything they are doing compares to the National Socialist German Workers Party. If the fascism fits, wear it.
This story was originally published here. D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a Bill of Rights organization, and a longtime contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack.
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