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April 30, 2023

The Extinction Protocols Are Now In Play As The 'New Nazi Party Of America' Carry Out The Worst Atrocities And Evils We've Witnessed In Human History

By D Parker for All News Pipeline

Tucker Carlson made some very interesting points in his keynote speech at the Heritage Foundation 50th Anniversary Gala as seen in the 1st video at the bottom of this story. These take on special meaning now that the people who only pretend to be liberal, in favor of progress and democracy, are celebrating the diminishment of liberty, progress, and rule by the people.

Its becoming ironically obvious that as things become more confused, they are settling themselves out in an even starker contrast. This was something that Mr. Carlson pointed out in his keynote speech, delivered after his last Fox News show.

If you want to know whats evil and whats good, what are the characteristics of those?

And by the way, I think the Athenians wouldve agreed with this. This is not necessarily just a Christian notion, this is kind of a, I would say, widely agreed-upon understanding of good and evil. What are its products? What do these two conditions produce?

Well, I mean, good is characterized by order, calmness, tranquility, peace, whatever you want to call it, lack of conflict, cleanliness. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Its true. It is.

And evil is characterized by their opposites. Violence, hate, disorder, division, disorganization, and filth. So, if you are all in on the things that produce the latter basket of outcomes, what youre really advocating for is evil. Thats just true. Im not calling for religious war. Far from it. Im merely calling for an acknowledgement of what were watching, which is not one

They dont want a debate. Those ideas wont produce outcomes that any rational person would want under any circumstances. Those are manifestations of some larger force acting upon us. Its just so obvious. Its completely obvious.

And I think two things: One, we should say that and stop engaging in these totally fraudulent debates, where we are using the terms that we used in 1991 when I started at [The Heritage Foundation], as if maybe I could just win the debate if I marshaled more facts.

Ive tried. That doesnt work. And two, maybe we should all take just 10 minutes a day to say a prayer about it. Im serious. Why not?

And Im saying that to you not as some kind of evangelist, Im literally saying that to you as an Episcopalian, the Samaritans of our time. Im coming to you from the most humble and lowly theological position you can. Im literally an Episcopalian. And even I have concluded it might be worth taking just 10 minutes out of your busy schedule to say a prayer for the future, and I hope you will.

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It becomes even more interesting if you extrapolate his remarks and look at how this applies across the board. There is a strange dichotomy that applies to the two major sides of the political divide.










Building up/Burning down



Civil Rights/Cancel Culture




Economic Liberty/Fascism

Individual control/Centralized control

Limited government/Unlimited government






Life/Death (Vida/Muerte)


Strangely enough, if you look at the various aspects of our society concerning the two sides of the political divide, youll see that there is an unmistakable contrast between the two that is growing by the day. Try it yourself, the list almost seems endless.

Consider any aspect of the pro-freedom right and its contrast with the anti-liberty left, and youll see a positive value in one and a negative in the other.

As Mr. Carlson referred to in his speech, the ideas of one side of the political divide wont produce outcomes that any rational person would want under any circumstances. They are the obvious manifestations of a larger force acting on our society and the world at large.

Consider just one of these in that while the far left has perfected the art of lying with language and exploiting labels like liberal they couldnt help but show their true colors in gloating when Mr. Carlson was cashiered. This was epitomized by one of the luminaries of the Bolshevik brain trust, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; John Hayward looked at the big, fascist picture of AOCs de-platforming works boast in an epic thread. That started with:

Of course, "deplatforming works." Fascism works. Totalitarianism works. Terrorism works. That's why people keep embracing such ideologies, even though our culture nominally considers them to be among the greatest of human evils.

It is well worth reading in that it shows which side has taken on the role of evil in this drama. One would hope that people who purport to be supporters of liberty and democracy would recoil with acts of cancel culture and de-platforming. But after years of projecting the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi) persona, it should be clear that it is the far left that fits this role, despite 80 years of false protestations, trying to lie that its otherwise.

The rest of the contrasts between the pro-freedom right and the anti-liberty left are also striking, we cant do justice to each one, but most people intuitively know which side is dividing the country and trying to tear it down and acting illogically because that is the methodology of evil.

As Mr. Carlson said in his address, if youre all in on those manifestations, what youre really advocating for is evil. That is the truth, no matter the lies of the fascist far left. Originally published on the American Thinker.

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