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February 28, 2022

The Enormous Cost To America Of Joe Biden's Pitiful Weakness: Everything He Touches Becomes Calamitous And Turns To Chaos, Leading To The American People And The World Suffering

ByRichard McDonough of theBlue State Conservativefor All News Pipeline

If you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see whatweak menare capable of. University of Toronto Psychology ProfessorJordan Petersen

Several times leading up to the 2020 election, Joe Biden reminded us what a tough guy he is. In 2019 he stated that Putin knows that when I am president of the United States his days of tyranny and trying to intimidate the United States and those in Eastern Europe are over. In 2020 he added that Vladimir Putin doesnt want me to be President. because Im the only person in this field whos ever gone toe-to-toe with him. Apparently, Biden thinks Putin is terrified of him.

Biden, the Democrats and the news media informed the 2020 voters that, according to their shared storyline, Putin had some dirt on Trump and, therefore,Trump is Putins puppet.If Trump were re-elected Putin might even send tanks, troops, fighter planes, and missiles into Ukraine and destroy their independence. It was very important for people to vote for strength, that is, Joe Biden, rather than weakness, Donald Trump.

Biden did not, of course, provide any evidence at the time for his claims about his own prowess (except for his story about a confrontation with the elusive bad dudeCorn Popat a Delaware swimming pool in 1962). Biden provided no dates or cases when he went toe to toe with Putin. If one is a Democrat that is the standard procedure, that is, one engages in unsubstantiated bluster. One does not even need ones campaign to spread the storyline to the peasants. One simply bleats out the bluster that sounds useful at the moment and lets acompliant news mediaspread the storyline around for them.

If, as often happens, as in the present case, it later, after the next election, turns out that the story was false, one simply ignores or makesridiculous excuses. Democrats do not have to worry that the news media will call out the fraud because they would have to call out their own role in it.

Unfortunately, despite Joe Bidens literally comical yarns that Putin is terrified of him, and despite his last-minute offer of a direct meeting between himself and Putin, an offer that Putin simplyignored, on Feb. 24, 2022, Putins launched amilitary attackinvolving tanks, troops, fighter planes and missiles on the independent country of Ukraine. Meanwhile, Putin, who must have forgotten that he is terrified of Biden, warned Western nations that if they interfere then they will faceconsequences you have never seen.

In 2008, during the Obama-Biden administration, Russiainvadedthe country of Georgia in support of the two separatist regions with large Russia-speaking populations. In 2014 during the same Obama-Biden administration, Russia seizedCrimeafrom Ukraine. In early 2021, a few months into Bidens first year, China violated the 1997 One country two systems agreement with the UK that guaranteedHong Kongsindependence for 50 years, thereby eliminating Hong Kongs independence.

In the first year of the Biden administration, China regularly sends fleets offighter jets, accompanied by threats of immediate war, into Taiwans air space. In 2021 Bidendisastrouslyand callously pulled American troops from Afghanistan resulting in the deaths of 13 Americans by a suicide bomber, the injury of a hundred more, the deaths of 179 Afghans, and great misery for the Afghan people now being targeted by the Taliban but Joe, incapable of self-reflection, believes he did asplendid job.

On the home front, there is ahumanitarian disasterat the southern border because the far-left zealots in Bidens Democrat party have instructed him to maintain an open borders. Inflation is at a40-year highbecause there is nothing the Left loves more than spending taxpayer money on theirself-serving boondoggles. Crime and homicides areexplodingall over the country, especially in Democrat controlled cities.

Newsweek, citing aSiena College Research Institutestudy states that Bidens popularity is now terrible, even in blue states with only 25 percent of respondents of New York residents, one of the dependable Democrat states, considered Bidens job performance good while 38 percent said it was poor. Nonetheless, Biden, unwilling to learn,doubles downon the same mistakes he made throughout his entire career. Everything he touches turns tochaosand the American people and the world have to suffer and this was Biden who promised in his campaign to restore normalcy to our politics.

Jordan Peterson invokesJungian psychologyto explain his view that strong men are dangerous but that weak men are more dangerous. Jung holds that everyone has a dark side, a shadow, that can either be incorporated into an integrated personality or not. If one faces this dark side, which takes courage, and incorporates it into an integrated (strong) personality it can become a controlled force for good but if one fails to face it, out of cowardice, it explodes in ademonic ragethat can be very destructive.

One need not, however, invoke Jungian psychology. The basic common-sense idea is that someone who never comes to terms with their negative traits never grows up. Since they never face the negative side of their personality, they think of themselves as thoroughly good, like Mary Poppins. Unfortunately, there is no Mary Poppins, not in reality at least. As a consequence, such people live infearof being exposed as frauds. Since they think, and must think, of themselves as thoroughly wise and good, anyone, like Trump, who does not submit to their shallow fantasies, is a threat. It must, in a process called projection, be his fault, by his stupidity and evil, that has made them intochildishhaters. Sincethe one thing they cannot abideis themselves, anyone who makes them see the fraud must pay dearly.

Liberals who censor their criticscannot copewith the complicated reality of adult life. Justin Trudeaus bizarretotalitarian responseto the trucker protests is another example. Bidens crude childish remarks to a new young journalist, Peter Doocy, that he is astupid son of a b***hfor asking him an embarrassing question about the political costs of high inflation, is another. Weak people can never face their own failures because that would mean facing their own dark side. Bidenmustsee himself as the big guy, not another clown, no matter how much destruction it causes to others.

By contrast, Trump has a dark side that sends weak-minded people intohysteria. Trump, warts and all, is a man in an age that prefers Peter Pan. Trumpisdangerous, to ISIS that disappeared, just as he said, in his first year, to Israels enemies, who objected to hisdaring actions, to Vladimir Putin, President Xi, and Kim Jong Un who allcurtailedtheir mischief during Trumps presidency, to terroristSoleimaniwho was vaporized on an Iranian street, to the European freeloaders who were reluctantly made to startpaying their fair shareto NATO, but most of all to the Democrat-media complex who discovered that, unlike mostRepublican weaklingsandswamp-creatures, he was completelyunafraidof them.

Yes, Trump was dangerous. With manyaccomplishmentsthat the Democrat-Media complex dishonestlyrefuseto acknowledge, the predators were kept at bay. By contrast, Biden has thoughtlesslysquanderedUS credibility, created by others over many generations, that is not his to spend. Bidensinstinctis weakness. He does not play to win but not to lose, which, in a world full of ruthless predators, is a sure recipe for thecollapse of the world orderthat has kept so many people safe and prosperous for so long.

This story was originally published here. Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgensteins logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi. Richard is a regular contributor toThe Blue State Conservative

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