April 13, 2024
Terrorist Billionaires & The Future Of Food: The Global Push To Force Humanity To Eat Sometimes Deadly And Often Poisonous Insects Ties Directly To Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab And The CIA
By Amil Iman and All News Pipeline
Let us be clearconsuming insect-based foods comes with potential health risks. These risks are primarily related to food safety and the presence of allergens or toxins in some insects.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) highlighted several food safety issues associated with edible insects, including:
Pathogens. Insects can harbor bacteria, viruses, and parasites, which can risk human health if not properly handled or cooked.
Allergens. Some insects contain allergens that can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
Toxins. Certain insects may contain toxins that can be harmful if consumed in large amounts.
Insects can contain allergens that may trigger allergic reactions in some individuals. These reactions can range from mild to severe, depending on the individuals sensitivity and the amount of insect consumed. Allergic reactions can manifest as skin rashes, itching, swelling, and, in severe cases, anaphylaxis, which requires immediate medical attention.
Moreover, some insects are known to contain toxins that can be harmful to human health. These toxins can affect various systems in the body, including the nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. Symptoms of toxin exposure can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and, in severe cases, coma or death.
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Now, enter billionaires with sinister motives. At the forefront is none other than Bill Gates, who relentlessly plots to manipulate the worlds food supply, pushing for the consumption of insects and alternative proteins while buying large amounts of American farmland.
Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and a prominent figure in the so-called philanthropic sector, advocates for a diet of insects and, through his foundation and investments, works towards a future where traditional livestock is replaced by insect-based foods. All these can be traced back to Gatess foundations investments, particularly the grants to All Things Bugs, LLC, a company aiming to develop nutritionally dense food using insect species.
Gatess agenda-driven interest in sustainable food solutions is not limited to insects. He has also invested in cultured meat, a lab-grown alternative to traditional beef, which has received $50 million in funding. Gatess investments and advocacy for his so-called sustainable food solutions are part of a sinister effort disguised as global challenges, including climate change and food security. His property acquisitions, including farmland in North Dakota and Texas, have only added fuel to speculations about his intentions, and these actions are likely part of a larger strategy to take our food away and make us eat insects.
Then we have Klaus Schwab and his Great Reset plot intending to destroy capitalism and enact a one-world government under the cover of COVID-19 and other agendas. Schwab founded the WEF with the help of Henry Kissinger, and is actively supported by Prince Charles. Schwab likely established his ties with other influential American advocates of globalization through Kissingers International Seminar, which the CIA funded with $135,000. The global elite led by Schwab used the pandemic opportunity to roll out radical policies promoting forced vaccination, digital IDs, and the abolition of private property. The sinister agenda of the WEF becomes evident from the fact that the unelected Schwab has served as the WEFs chairman since its inception, and he continues to hold the position of Founder and Executive Chairman today.

In the meantime, we hear about billionaires buying bunkers and islands, as if prepping for an apocalypse. The truth is that land acquisitions in Hawaii by billionaires displace local communities, raising concerns about mirroring a modern twist on feudalism. Ultimately, these billionaires arent just waiting for the apocalypse but actively shaping their own self-sufficient, controlled environments while we can survive on the insect food they produce.
I rest my case with a summary of the points regarding the risks of eating insects:
Allergic Reactions. Some people may have allergic reactions to insects, similar to allergies to shellfish or shrimp, due to the presence of chitin in their exoskeletons.
Microorganisms and Pathogens. Insects can harbor pathogens on their surface, in their gut, and as part of their reproductive cycle. The full scope of the microbiota of edible insects is unknown, and whether these extrinsic pathogens may be harmful if eaten. Cooking may not kill them, either.
Biological and Chemical Contaminants. Insects grown on agricultural waste may be exposed to mycotoxins, pesticides, and other chemical hazards like toxic metals and dioxins. High lead levels have been found in dried grasshoppers, leading to elevated blood lead levels in humans.
Processing Risks. When heated or cooked, the chemical-thermal reactions with the toxins on their shells or within their guts can release toxic compounds that accumulate in the protein meal.
The future of food is definitely at stake, and billionaires and their vast wealth continue to influence food systems in concerning ways.
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