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May 31, 2023

Tearing Off The Veil Of Secrecy By Exposing The Globalist Luciferians Hiding In Plain Sight, Carrying Out A New Holocaust And Leaving A Trail Of Devastation The World Over - Part One

By Kathleen Gotto for All News Pipeline

The last three years have been shown to be an exercise in lies, deception, destruction and power grabs not just here in the U.S. but all around the world. The COVID-19 (pandemic and vaccine) events were clearly a global military operation perpetrated by a powerful elite comprised at least of characters from the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, world governments, medical and scientific experts, academia, pharmaceutical heads, and high-ranking military.

No other explanation fits the totality of the precision and timing of the lockstep measures taken by the governments of the world. The question then is not so much who orchestrated this takedown of humanity, but who are these people, who do they represent in their quest for power and control, and what inspires them in their quest to kill off humanity? This will be at least a preliminary attempt to peel back the layers hiding the truth.

To best understand the last three years, we need to look back further in time and see if there had been any similar event that deeply affected this country. We dont need to look too far. The bombing of the NYC World Trade Centers Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 shook America to its core. The responsibility for this attack was quickly levied against 19 members of the Al- Qaeda group led by Osama bin Laden. End of story. Or was it?

It didnt take too long before hard questions came up concerning the characteristics of thermodynamic explosions vs implosions, chemical reactions, and a host of other highly technical matters. Then started the conspiracy theories of whether the attack could possibly have been an inside government job.

The abject horror and devastation that took place on 9/11 was so monstrous that it could scarcely be grasped. But as soon as the physical destruction began to be analyzed by various experts, that is when questions started.

It is indisputable that foreign terrorists had been involved. But it was discovered that the U.S.Federal Bureau of Investigation knew there were suspected terrorists with ties to bin Laden who were taking flight training at schools in the U.S. as well as abroad. Were the agents asleep at the switch, instructed to stand down, or what? FBI agents are selectively chosen and highly trained in multiple disciplines, so it may beg the question of not aptitude but attitude. Perhaps not so much at the agents level, but at their supervisors level.

What resulted from 9/11 was the USA Patriot Act of 2001, which has undergone changes back and forth since its unusually quick rollout; however, this Act continues to erode citizens of their Constitutional rights and enlarging the governments search and surveillance activities.

Some may argue that 9/11 was, at least in part, unleashed for the very reason of depriving citizens of their Constitutional rights, as well as for the fear factor that would engulf the nation and thus make the citizenry welcome an Act that would purportedly protect them from a similar event in the future.

The 9/11 theorists do raise some disturbing issues, and it is not the first time a national tragedy sparked questions about government involvement. The alleged CIA involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy comes to mind.

The events and aftershock results of 9/11 have a familiar ring to it. COVID-19s massive propaganda push of get the jab, get it now, youre gonna die without the jab, overt discrimination against the unjabbed, over-hyped fear of a questionable disease, senseless lockdowns, destruction of small businesses, closure of schools, ad nauseam.

The Patriot Act was rolled out in just 45 days after 9/11. While there is no average length of time for bills to pass through both Houses and the President, 45 days is still pretty fast. Also, Operation Warp Speed only took months to be rolled out, where typically vaccines take 5-10 years or longer. Looks like a pattern here. Move quickly, strike while the iron is hot!

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Something this author has always felt to be a discordant note to the whole 9/11 horror was where President George W. Bush was when the towers were struck. He was in the Emma E. BookerElementary School in Sarasota, FL where second-graders were reading to the President. What a picture of plausible deniability! Just sayin.

But, darned if George Bush isnt a member of Yale Universitys secret society called Skull and Bones, aka The Order, Order 322, the Brotherhood of Death here, here. Take note of the inordinate emphasis on death in this cult, for it cannot be reasonably called anything else. (A plausible explanation of Order 322 is the stuff for a future story, but suffice it to say for now that there may be a tie-in to our DNA double helix in the number 322 and the COVID-19 clot shot.)

The Bush family has a long connection to the Skull and Bones organization, going back to at least President George Bushs grandfather, Prescott, who is rumored to have stolen the skull of Chief Geronimo (Chiricahua Apache Warrior extraordinaire), which is now allegedly lying in Yales Skull and Bones headquarters called The Tomb. If so, how does that line up with the assertion that Geronimo is buried in Beef Creek Apache Cemetery, in Fort Sill, Oklahoma? Another story for another time, but the issue was resurrected on May 17, 2009.

The Chiricahua Apache Nation deserves to have this controversy resolved one way or the other. After all, Geronimo was their greatly revered ancestor. As will be seen further on, there could be more to this skull story.

The foregoing have been just a few notable instances of U.S. national distress. There are many others, including the assassination of Martin Luther King and the FBIs investigation of him for nearly ten years. In case you havent noticed, the FBI is currently embroiled in more controversy today. It is highly doubtful that their political involvement just revved up again after sixty years.

Taking a deeper look back to the March 11, 2020 declaration by the World Health Organizationof a worldwide COVID-19 global pandemic, a lot has been learned in the last three years that this pandemic was apparently manmade to intentionally release a bioweapon. While the Internet is replete with scientific and medical voices coming out every day with more documented evidence of an engineered bioweapon masquerading as the COVID-19 vaccine, the work of Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Ms. Karen Kingston, and Peter Halligan are good places to start for an in-depth look at what our government and the governments of the world have unleashed on its own citizens.

The pieces really start falling into place when one considers that the clot shot was not just a U.S., European, Chinese, Australian or other country mandate. This could only have been a global, coordinated, conspired, endeavor organized among the worlds nations to kill off as many people on the planet as possible. More and more people are now waking up to the planned depopulation of the whole world, but questions remain.

Why are efforts being made to discredit, gaslight, deny and ridicule even credentialed medical and scientific inquiry into these matters? Is this another example, like the 9/11 theory, that is just too horrific and outrageous to believe? Is there really a hidden world of dark forces arrayed against humanity that is only now coming to light? Is it just another conspiracy theory, or are secret societies actually involved in ways that have been hidden for way too long? We need and deserve answers to these questions.

As mentioned earlier, the Skull and Bones society, with its trappings of elitism and academia, is well-known and has been around for at least several hundred years. But, perhaps it may be small potatoes compared to another secret society that should be highlighted as a primary, but hidden- in-plain sight, player in world events. That is Freemasonery. This cult group pops up in discussions here and there and over the years, but then it fades. Perhaps a deeper look is warranted. There are numerous ex-Freemason testimonies on the Internet from those men who got out, but here and here are two that are a bit different.

The first video is a testimony of a police officer who left Freemasonery, and the other one (ANP: 1st video at bottom of this story) is a two-hour fascinating testimony/history lesson that tears off the veil of secrecy from Freemasonery by Dr. Bill Schnoebelen, who died in 2016. Dr. Schnoebelen has all the credentials to expose the Luciferian dogmas, rituals, oaths, and degrees of Freemasonery, because he had been deeply immersed in it.

Dr. Schnoebelens video explains and exposes so much of the delusion we have been led to believe about our country and the dark forces operating in the shadows. With around six million Freemasons worldwide joined together in an unbreakable Brotherhood worldwide, and ensconced in many positions of power and influence in governments, it is a collective force capable of doing much damage to the world.

What was particularly compelling in the latter part of Dr. Schnoebelens video was what is revealed in an overlay of the map of Washington, D.C., showing something that is beyond the superficial knowledge of how the city was laid out. What emerges is simply stunning. It is an unmistakable Satanic figure! Well, that explains a lot, doesnt it?

In view of the deep deception and lies coming out of Washington, D.C., especially these last several years, it looks like their end-game may be starting to emerge. Any which way one could cut it, it truly appears to come down to depopulation, just like we have been hearing about from the globalists own words for some time. The why of depopulation has yet to be deeply explored with dots connected.

A highlight that Dr. Schnoebelen brings out several times, and which troubled him so much, is the Masonic ritual of a skull holding wine (?) for their Satanic communion. In view of the purported skull of Geronimo being stolen by Skull and Bones guys, who are part and parcel of the same Satanic cabal, it reasonably begs the question of whether Geronimos fierceness and near imperviousness to death for so many years is why the S&B group may have wanted it for their communion ritual. The obvious expectation would be to partake and be imbued with Geronimos power and death-cheating qualities. No information has yet been found describing what is actually in the S&B or Masonic communion bowls.

There are many players that go by different names, but serve the same god, the fallen angel, Lucifer. Pieces of the puzzle are indeed starting to fall into place, but deception is still being levied upon us.

We need to know how to read the signs in front of us and to question things that dont jive, like why does Dr. David Martin, supposedly a good guy for truth, have an Eye of Horus on his left upper arm? Maybe it was applied years ago and is now erased; maybe it was photo-shopped in; or maybe he sports it with pride and we have been punked by controlled opposition.

This has just been a preliminary overview of what the author believes to be more dogma than riddle wrapped in an enigma. The intent here is to keep digging and keep exposing the Truth, God willing!

---Kathleen Gotto

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