March 4, 2023
Sudden Death Epidemic Explodes Across America As Doctor Bluntly Warns: 'The Greatest Perpetrator Of Misinformation During The Pandemic Has Been The United States Government'
By James Howard Kunstler for All News Pipeline
The crown of America sits in a gutter begging someone to pick it up before the nation collapses Auron MacIntyre, The Blaze
In an interview with Fox Newss Bret Baier last Tuesday, FBI Director Chris Wray said, The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan. Like so much else in Americas tortured, distractible life these days, the meaning larded into that that utterance went clear over the collective heads of just about everybody.
What was the key part of that statement? For quite some time now. Gee, really? Like, how long? One year? More than that? Maybe since March 2020? And you didnt say anything, Mr. FBI Director? You didnt do a thing to dispel the Covid-19 miasma that swaddled Washington DC like a smallpox blanket of yore? The question of where the novel coronavirus came from has been a ferocious national controversy since late 2019, you understand.
Several government agencies, including the CIA and all the offices under the gigantic National Institutes of Health (NIH) including the NIAID run for decades by Dr. Anthony Fauci plus the FDA and CDC, tucked into the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) all of these outfits have pretended to not know the true origin of Covid-19 for over three years. And the FBI Director, who could have shed some authoritative light on the matter by stepping up to a podium and weighing in, just let all that chaos roll?
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And by-the-by, lets not forget that the whole time Chris Wray knew with moderate certainty that Covid-19 came from the Wuhan virology lab, he was in charge of a battalion of FBI agents assigned to managing Twitter, Facebook, and Google that is, the apps that comprise the digital Public Square to make sure that anyone who opined about Covid coming from the Wuhan lab got censored, banished, cancelled, reputationally destroyed.
So, why did Mr. Wray make this statement on Tuesday The FBI has for quite some time now assessed Probably were hearing the old Modified Limited Hangout strategy, a venerable ruse, which is when a criminally culpable government throws the public a bone of admission about something that is common knowledge anyway the thing everybody knows while pretending that they were in on the common knowledge all along which just adds another layer of perfidy to the giant matrix of lies laid down by US agency officials in this disgraceful episode of US history.
What Mr. Wray left out of his statement this week is any hint that a gang of US scientists and doctors under Dr. Fauci were directly and intimately involved in the activities at Wuhan that produced the virus that killed millions around the world, and led to the warp speed production of a vaccine mere weeks after the organism appeared which will probably end up killing and maiming more people than the disease itself.
It happened also this past week that a team of distinguished medical warriors including Drs. Martin Makary of Johns Hopkins, Martin Kulldorff of Harvard, and Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford testified before the opening session of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. Dr. Makary began his remarks stating boldly: The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.
. Misinformation that
- Covid was spread through surface transmission
- That vaccinated immunity was far greater than natural immunity
- That masks were effective. Now we have the definitive Cochrane review. What do you do with that review? Cochrane is the most authoritative evidence body in all of medicine and has been for decades. Do you just ignore it and not talk about it?
- That myocarditis was more common after the infection than after the vaccine. Not true, it is 4-28 times more common after the vaccine.
- That young people benefit from a booster, misinformation. Our two top experts on vaccines quit the FDA in protest over this particular issue, pushing boosters in young, healthy people. The data was never there. Thats why the CDC never disclosed hospitalization rates among boosted Americans under the age of 50.
- That vaccine mandates would increase vaccination rates. A George Mason University study shows that it didnt. It did one thing, it created Never-Vaxxers who are now not getting the childhood vaccines they need to get.
Over and over again, weve seen something that goes far beyond using your best judgment with the information at hand. Weve seen something that is unforgivable, and that is the weaponization of medical research itself. The CDC putting out their own shoddy studies, like their own study on natural immunity looking at one state for two months, when they had data for years on all 50 states. Why did they only report that one sliver of data? Why did the salami slice the entire database? Because it gave them the result they wanted.
The same with the masking studies. The data has now caught up in giant systematic reviews, and public health officials were intellectually dishonest. They lied to the American people.
This week, Edward Dowd, the former BlackRock trader-turned-Covid-statistician and author of the new Book Cause Unknown released preliminary fourth quarter 2022 excess deaths numbers for group life insurance death claims compiled by the International Society of Actuaries (SOA).
For the age group up to age 44 excess deaths rose above the baseline (normal): 13 percent in October, 21 percent in November, and 43 percent in December. For the age group 45 to 64, the death rate above baseline rose 4 percent in October, 16 percent in November, and 35 percent in December. Mr. Dowd says that he is told the rates moving into the first quarter of 2023 are higher still. This is a whats known as a trend, and a pretty ominous one.
It boils down to an awful lot of people in the prime of life dying off, and more every month. Nobody in any of the US public health agencies is talking about this. One very prominent official, Rochelle Walensky, head of the CDC, is still busy arranging to dispense more Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines to Americas school-children the vaccines being the prime suspects causing those stunning excess death rates among the young and employed demographic. Nice work, Rochelle!
How do the approximately 70 percent of vaxxed-up Americans deal with this reality? Many, of course, are noticing vaxxed family members, friends, colleagues, sports figures, acquaintances getting sick and dying of sudden heart failure, strokes, aggressive cancers, strange neurological problems, and other mystifying syndromes. The aggregate reaction so far seems to be a numb despair. But then, the still-living vaxxed also have to contend with the anxiety over what is going on in their own bodies. Perhaps theyve heard whispers from the more extreme voices on the margins of this discussion that every single person who got vaxxed might be subject to an early death one way or another. Thatd be a reason to withdraw into the first stage of the Kbler-Ross Transect of Grief, which is denial and just hunker down there for now. Its an awful lot to contend with.
Whats next then? Consider that around 30 percent of Americans are not vaxxed, and are free of the anxiety that they are designated goners notwithstanding the basic limits of the human condition. That 30 percent of Americans, and perhaps even some of the 70 percent vaxxed, will possibly be concerned with the other enormous threats to our national life: the insane Ukraine project, which looks like the overture to World War Three (no thank you); and the collapsing US economy, with features such as unaffordable food and fuel, scarcity of parts for fixing anything thats broken, and a pretty good chance that retirement accounts will be wiped out in a coming equity-and-bond market correction.
All of which is to ask: when will the people of this land finally get pissed-off at the managers who are running everything? And when will the people start to express their new-found rage? Ill make a wild-hair guess. By May, when the weather really starts lightening up, the people will be out in the streets looking to smash anything that appears to represent authority. Welcome to the season of real chaos and crisis, possibly many seasons, maybe years. Take great care of yourselves and your situations. Prepare if you can. How does it feelto be on your own? The bard sang sixty years ago. Well soon find out.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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