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February 26, 2022

It's Not A Coincidence Utter Chaos Is Now Rampaging All Across America And The World With So Many Things Going So Wrong In So Little Time: Communism Thrives On Chaos

- The Hegelian Dialectic Is Fully In Play: 'In Chaos There Is Opportunity' - Vladimir Lenin

By Skip of GraniteGrok via the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline

It cant be a coincidence that so many things have gone so wrong in so little time. We see the Biden Administration doing on a national level what Socialist Sociologists Cloward & Piven did to New York City setting impossible demands, structurally and financially, on its welfare system to overload it.

In short, to create Chaos.

Liberalism thrives on chaos. As long as there is chaos, Liberals can claim to be the solution, regardless whether they themselves are the cause of the chaos. Chaos makes individuals feel they need something stronger than themselves and Collectivists then offer the ruse of order at the price of individual freedoms. Liberal Logic 101

Lenin said that in chaos, there is opportunity. The opportunity for Communism was to wreck the existing Government (in that case in Russia, a monarchy) so that they could swoop in and take over. Power is what was sought, and Power is what he and his fellow travelers got.

Human nature doesnt really change even if the Democrats-Progressives keep saying that evolved word. After all, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would be considered a Progressive if he lived here in the State, and he is showing that they, as a group, have not evolved at all they all seek the Power that Lenin grabbed. There is truth to the maxim that within every Progressive, a Totalitarian is trying to get out.

Cloward & Piven (and Saul Alinsky) just decided that another means than outright arms was the way to create chaos. Now we see Chaos spread across so many areas, in so many industries, and across so many facets of our lives.

The Left has effectively politicized everything thus, there are no traditional norms to act as bulwarks against their actions and machinations. They are hoping (and depending on) that Society is now in such a state of being that it is like glass: strong vertically but with sufficient force, applied from the side and with a sharp blow, it will shatter.

They are creating the problem and have their solutions waiting in the wings. This is the Hegelian Dialectic:

Hegelian dialectic is PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION and how it works is like this:

- The government creates or exploits a problem in which attributes blame to others.

- The people react by asking the govt for protection and help (safety and security) to help solve the problem.

- Then, the government offers the solution that was planned by them long before the crisis occurred.

Whats the outcome? The outcome of all of this is: the rights and liberties are exchanged for the illusion of protection and help.

The Canadian Govt created the mask/mandate problem. The working class (truckers) complained and protested with their Freedom Convoy. The Government complained and asked for safety and security for itself (imagine that, Govt calling itself a victim while scapegoating Powerless truckers).

Their solution was to call the truckers domestic terrorists and insurrectionists and then strip them of their finances, property, and rights. Worse, they deputized their financial industries to do their dirty work for them (e.g., Corporatism) just like we are seeing Big Tech doing it here in the US.

So what are we to do and what are YOU willing to do?

This story was originally published here. Skip is the Co-founder of GraniteGrok whose concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small L libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of Americas Founders back into our culture.

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