February 10, 2022
Breaking Down The New DHS Terror Document And Shredding It Into Little Bits And Pieces: 2021 Gallup Poll Proved Government Has LONG Been Failing The American People
- Biden, Fauci, Bill Gates, The CDC And The MSM Have Long Been Leading The Disinfo Parade

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While the Department of Homeland Security here in the good ole' USA recently issued a bulletin classifying Americans who exercise their 1st Amendment rights as 'terror threats', insanely claiming 'COVID misinformation spreaders' were putting America at risk, as Steve Kirsch, the Executive Director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, just pointed out in his new blog entry, if that's the case, the DHS better soon be taking down Joe Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky,US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, Bill Gates, the entire mainstream media apparatus and many others.
With ANP recently pointing out the blatant lies of each of those globalists devils about COVID vaxxes, including Joe Biden blathering "Youre Not Going To Get COVID If You Have These Vaccinations", a lie we all know now to be untrue, Dr. Fauci claiming of the vaxxes "You Become A Dead End To The Virusand CDC Director Rochelle Walensky bluntly lying to our faces"Vaccinated People Do Not Carry The Virus They Dont Get Sick, will the DHS soon metaphorically 'nuke' those globalist liars?
As Kirsch's must-read blog entry points out, what he's calling the actions of the REAL 'disinformation dozen' have CAUSED THE LOSSES OF MILLIONS OF LIVES! That's right, according to Steve Kirsch, the DEATHS OF MILLIONS OF AMERICANS lay firmly at the feet of Joe Biden, Dr. Fauci, Rochelle Walensky and the globalists. A quick excerpt from Steve's blog before we continue with a look back at a 2021 Gallup Poll showing Americans had already completely LOST TRUST in the US Institutions and government agencies that have TOTALLY FAILED America!
Top corporate spreaders of misinformation
These companies refuse to censor doctors and scientists who claim that the vaccines are safe and effective and masks work. Instead they actually compound the problem censor people who are telling the truth. Net result: hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by censoring the wrong people.
1) YouTube
2) Facebook
3) Twitter
4) LinkedIn
5) Medium
6) Nextdoor
7) Wikipedia (they mislabel people telling the truth as misinformation spreaders and people believe it)
8) All fact checker organizations
The actions of the Disinformation Dozen cost lives
Collectively, these people are responsible for the deaths of over 1M Americans.
For example, they have done things such as:
1) Encouraging and/or mandating people to take vaccines that data shows are more likely to kill them than to save them. And even when people arent killed, the scientific evidence shows that these vaccines are making people more likely to be infected from the latest variant. This has led to the untimely death of an estimated 400,000 Americans and to the permanent disablement of a roughly equivalent number.
2) Telling people to wear masks when they know full well that all of the randomized trials showed that masks were ineffective. By misleading people to think they were protected, people then ventured into dangerous situations believing they were protected when they were in fact not protected at all. Masks are not harmless interventions. IQ has dropped dramatically (22 points) due to this harmless intervention. DHS needs to stop these terrorists now inside the CDC who are promoting this.
You can read much more from Steve Kirsch's must read blog entry here.
(ANP FUNDRAISER:Due to renewed censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're now running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
Back on July 14th of 2021, theGallup Poll put out this stunning storyreporting the HUGE MAJORITY of American people NO LONGER TRUST our major institutions, including the United States government, the President, Congress, the mainstream media, the public school system nor the medical system.
With that poll showing the trust rating Americans have in Congress at an absolutely abominable 12%, the trust rating in the mainstream media TV news industry at an equally pitiful 16% while Americans trust in newspapers were at a horrid 21%, it showed back then that ONLY the US military at 69%, law enforcement at 51% and SMALL BUSINESSES at 70% were trusted by more than 50% of Americans.
And with that poll being ABSOLUTE PROOF that the overwhelming majority of American citizens no longer trust our major institutions here in the US as they COMPLETELY FAIL the Americans people, notice that the DHS bulletin attempts to blame those failures on the PEOPLE of America who no longer trust them!
As we'd emphasized on ANP the day after that Gallup poll was released in this story titled "This Explains The Orwellian Rush Into Medical Tyranny: Dangerous Polls Show Americans Agree, The MSM, Biden, Congress And Medical System Have Failed America Horribly", we should expect the rush to despotism to be kicked into overdrive as Americans 'awaken to woke'.
With that new DHS bulletinactually stating "These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions", did not the DHS read that 2021 Gallup Poll which provided us with 100% proof Americans had LONG AGO lost trust in 'government institutions'? Obviously, they are as clueless as Joe Biden who thinks 'the vaxxed' can't get COVID.
And while that DHS document attempted to fully demonize Americans who believe the 2020 election was stolen and who believe US politicians are in a mad dash towards tyranny, even Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard recently warned of a dictatorship ahead for America if the globalists continued to censor information and push propaganda.
Time for the DHS to investigate Congresswoman Gabbard for her dire warning? Tulsi Gabbard clearly has more courage than Joe Biden and most Democrats and Republicans in Congress, put together!
So while we here at ANP firmly believe that violence IS NOT the answer to the problems that America faces, let's take a look back here at what another Democrat Congresswoman recently said to see the utter and complete hypocrisy from the DHS here in the USA under Joe Biden.
While radical Democrat 'terrorists' BLM and Antifa were burning down their own cities, stores and towns while President Donald Trump was still in office, remember what absolutely lunatic Dem Congresswoman Maxine Waters babbled to her cult legion back in 2018. Claiming that 'God is on our side', just imagine if ANY Republican said this about Joe Biden and his cabinet in 2022 America.:
"If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. You push back on them. Tell them theyre not welcome anymore, anywhere!"
Giving Americans absolute proof of the utter and total hypocrisy from the left and their cult members, remember that it is more members of that 'cult' in 2022 who LIAR JOE BIDEN is now 'sicing like a pack of rabid dogs' on Americans who no longer trust what we are being told by what is nothing less than a 'pack' of liars who are now attempting to rewrite history and the meanings of words and phrases.
With even 38 Republican lawmakers urging 'braindead Biden' to take a series of cognitive tests to prove to the American people that we should have trust in our 'Commander in Chief' showing just how far this massive distrust in America's Institutions goes in 2022, who in their right minds actually believes that Democrats would admit to launching the COVID bioweapon upon America to allow massive mail in voting fraud to ensure Biden got into office? There is absolutely no doubt in our minds that political criminals like those devils will never just admit to their treasonous crimes upon America.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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