August 14, 2023
The Scope Of The Biden Clan Derangement Is Shakespearean With The Slimy Trail Of Bribery And Corruption They Leave Everywhere Leaving Democrats In Need Of Electro-Shock Therapy

By James Howard Kunstler for All News Pipeline
The idea that our Justice Department can indict someone, especially the sitting presidents main political rival, over speech thats protected by the First Amendment is simply insane Simply put, this indictment is nothing more than a declaration of war against American voters and their constitutional right to free speech. Alistair Crooke
In August, the head-shrinkers notoriously abandon their posh clientele among the managerial elites, who are left to flounder in the flotsam of their disordered lives while their shrinks go off to body-surf and drink mojitos. And so, a month that ought to be a pleasant break from routine business leaves the managers of all that routine business awash in a rising tide of their own personal misery the job-haters, the sexually tortured, the self-subverters, the hopeless obsessive-compulsives, the cringing masochists, the unloved and unlovable, the projectionists of animus, rancor, and loathing.
Among these are The People of the Blob, the folks infesting the high ranks of our governments permanent bureaucracy, which has turned so viciously against the governed. Do you doubt any longer that this demographic in the USA is mentally ill? This malady of self-destructive bad faith and enmity afflicting especially the Democratic Party shoves us inch-by-inch and day-by-day toward something that looks like national suicide. Must we all follow?
Could this sick polity be better personified than by the tragi-comic figure at the head of it: Joe Biden along with the Biden family? The scope of this clans derangements is almost Shakespearean, lacking only that decorum of personal presentation on view in all the Bards plays. King Lear, tormented as he was, would never face-plant after a speech. His daughters had a lot to worry about, but as far as we know, they were not subjected to showering with the big guy. And, there were no known recordings of the Earl of Gloucester smoking crack with naked, under-age girls.
ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
Yet, in the real-life of our nation, JBs troubles mount as each day peels off the calendar. Only the most pathologically credulous might fail to notice the slime trail of bribery lately uncovered by congressional sleuths. JB obviously put himself in the service of interests outside the United States, and how is that working out now, notably in Ukraine, where he has levered us into the most perilously half-assed war imaginable the losing of which will dash whats left of Americas standing in the world?
One thing that has become clear in this cabbage soup of perfidy, is just how blobbed-up Volodymyr Zelensky was when President Donald Trump made that fateful phone call to him in August of 2019 inquiring about JBs curious doings in Kiev over the years. Did Z follow-up that call immediately with one to Alexander Vindman in the National Security Counsel who then called Eric Ciaramella of the NSC and CIA? Because, voil, there was something supernatural about how fast we were off to Impeachment Number One!
And now the not-insane cohort of Americans is prompted to ask whether this war in Ukraine was provoked in any part to cover-up all the nefarious blobbery that preceded it and not just Hunter and Joe Bidens capers, but the machinations, too, of State Department blobette Victoria Nuland and her retinue in the Kiev embassy, Marie Yovanovitch, George Kent, and many others of the Blob persuasion. A review of all this suggests that Joe Biden is what has driven the Democratic Party insane. And now, of course, they cant seem to get rid of him, like a demon riding them through an endless nightmare.
Instead, they have bent every last effort to get rid of JBs supposed rival, Donald Trump, who has been inducted into a Lawfare-engineered chamber of horrors designed to slice-and-dice him into a million pieces and strew the shreds into the Potomac for the blue crabs to feed on. One cant imagine a lamer case than the charges Special Counsel Jack Smith has cooked up against Mr. Trump for verbally expressing doubt about the probity of election 2020. Will Mr. Smith be able to prove any of this, assuming that it is now against the law in America to believe something and say so?

Logically, Mr. Trumps defense might present reasons why he believed the election was rife with fraud, by introducing evidence of said fraud, of which there is actually an impressive amount now, despite whatever mendacious bullsh!t you see in The New York Times and on MSNBC. Do you suppose Judge Tanya Chutkan would do anything but allow that evidence to be introduced? And if she disallows it, is that not instantly grounds for a mistrial, since it would prove beyond a reasonable doubt there were good reasons, after all, for Mr. Trump to express what he believed?
Things are getting durned interesting. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FLA) offered a charming plan this week to counter this deceitful DOJ crusade. Heres how it would work. First, the House Judiciary Committee calls Special Counsel Jack Smith to give transcribed testimony in the next fifteen days regarding the weaponization of the First Amendment.
If he refuses, subpoena him. If he ignores the subpoena, the Committee holds him in criminal contempt of Congress, and issues a formal referral to Attorney General Merrick Garland. If Mr. Garland ignores the referral, impeach the SOB forthwith. At the same time, invite Mr. Trump to give testimony to the Committee as a whistleblower, conferring congressional immunity to him among the usual whistleblower protections as stated in law (under 18 U.S. Code 6002 and 6005).
Impeaching Mr. Garland would surely have a salutary influence on Americas current troubled mental state. And it would be a grand prelude to the more consequential impeachment of Joe Biden for selling out his country, a kind of political electroshock therapy for the Democratic Party, leaving them finally clear-headed enough to nominate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., in the coming election of 2024.
ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
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