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December 6, 2024

Reagan Revolution Part Deux: Burying Communism For Good - Humanity Can No Longer Afford The Cost In Lives And Liberty

By D. Parker-All News Pipeline

Its always been a perennial lie of the political left to falsely claim theyre all about fresh ideas, bringing in new winds of change, and that communism has never really been tried before. Anyone with a passing familiarity with history knows thats a colossal pile of B.S., but if they can bluff their way along, they can hawk their societal slavery once again. The strains of collectivist control of the economy were in the cards in the last election, and if they had won, they would be crowing about how were all commies now.

Thankfully they lost, and they lost bigly, given the long odds with the national socialist media and every leftist celebrity on their side, so now is the time to take a good hard look at the damage their genocidal dreams have wrought upon humanity over400 yearsand finally declare enough is enough. Its time to make the case for burying these collective ideologies for good.

Our headline harkens back to the 1980s; back then it was President Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II, and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher setting the communism of the old USSR and the Warsaw Pact on a path of destruction. The problem is that like roaches after atomic testing, leftists will come back propagandizing that the same ancient ideas are brand spanking new, untried, and untested, so theres a good chance theyll work this time even though theyve failed, untold times before. Recall the Cold War boast ofNikita Khrushchevfrom 1956: Whether you like it or not. History is on our side. We will bury you!

We now know that history isnt on their side, we also know that there is a very high cost to humanity with their Utopian fantasies. Fantasies that can never work, but always end with a mountain of corpses.

If there is one common thread running through collectivist thought down through the millennia, its an upper-crust, self-styled intellectual authority class that appears to think it knows better than the rest of humanity, and thus should rule over them. Thus, this intellectual authority class develops collectivist systems to control everyone else and bring about a perfect Utopia at least, thats been the sales pitch for the past 2,000 years.

Thesecommunist conceptswere discussed inPlatosRepublic, composed sometime between 380 to 350 BC, or approximately 2,400 years ago. These concepts were referred to in the 1516 publicationUtopia, with the concept of a socialist society appearing300 years before Karl Marx.

We can skip ahead in time to the early 20th Century when leftists didnt understand why the proletariat around the world didnt follow the lead of the revolting Bolsheviks. They didnt understand why the people rejected what they were offering them. Why didnt Europe acceptNazism? Why didnt the people want theintellectuals of the Khmer Rougewho had spent time in elite Parisian universities and written doctoral dissertations about how great socialism is?

We saw this in the last election with whole swaths of groups who were normally the target of leftist vote-buying efforts, voting instead for President-Elect Donald Trump. Finally, we saw an example from today in whichFidels grandson Sandro Castroangrily defends his right to party like a rockstar the epitome of the far-left communist ruling class.

The far-left authoritarian ruling classalwayswants to impose its collectivist ideologies (communism, fascism,socialism, etc.) upon the people and rule with an iron fist for their own good, of course. Remember, these are people who pretend to be for progress with concepts that are over 2,000 years old. How exactly is that progressive?

The natural response from some will be that the people should be free to make this choice. Except that, we know from experience, leftists are liars. Again, their perennial favorite is that communism has never really been tried before (or some variation thereof). This deprives the people of that choice because they arent fully informed of the situation.

The left also uses force to impose their collectivist ideologies, taking the question of choice out of the equation. The fiction of democratic socialism quickly devolves into mob rule, negating any further decision-making abilities on the part of the people.

There are numerous reasons to bury communism for good and see economic liberty flourish around the world. Countries based on economic freedom arent aggressive toward each other, making for a much more stable planet. Economic liberty always favors a clean environment along with protecting common sense human rights. Can any of the collectivist countries even get close to offering those benefits?

Were limited in space, so well outline the primary reason these hideous collectivist ideologies need to go away and be shunned for all eternity. One reason that distinguishes the collectivist authoritarian abominations from the individual liberty-based, economic liberty systems. And its that collectivist systems require force (and its mental equivalent lies) to operate.

Force is the primary differentiating factor between communistic (or whatever) systems and those based on economic liberty. It's the only way those systems can work, and its the reason they need to finally be on the ash heap of history. Because in the 400 years of failure from the concepts that have never really been tried before billions of people have been oppressed, and untold millions (we know that at least over 100 million) have been thrown into cattle cars, shipped to concentration camps and gulags, and murdered.

It's been 400 years of running the same experiment on something that has never really been tried before over and over, in every country, and under every possible condition, and its failed to work every time. The result has been misery and mass murder. Experiments where a country has been divided, with economic liberty on one side, and socialistic slavery on the other. Where you could easily see which side was free by looking at which side of the wall had graffiti, and which side had anti-personnel mines with trip wires so sensitive that they needed an extra wire so birds wouldnt set them off.

Its more than obvious that we must be rid of these ideologies, humanity can no longer afford their cost in lives and liberty.

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