September 4, 2022
Raging Madman Joe Biden Was Watching Old News Reels Of Hitler And The 3rd Reich Before His 'Declaration Of War' Upon America, Even Using 3rd Reich Color Schemes - A Pictorial Essay
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While #SatanicBiden and #PedoHitler trended hugely on twitter during Biden's bizarre Thursday night speech in which he seemingly 'declared war' upon half of the country, as several different people have astutely pointed out, Biden did so while seemingly 'invoking' Adolf Hitler, using not only Hitleresque gestures and motions but even invoking the red, white and black color scheme often used by the 3rd Reich.
Matching the color scheme of 'Antifa' as seen below, that group claims to be 'anti-fascist' when their actions and tactics support the 'real fascists' sitting in Congress and the White House in Washington DC.
With the Biden color scheme just the latest bit of info from his Thursday night speech that reminds of the 3rd Reich, with the colors of the 3rd Reich very dynamic and used in flags, banners, uniform insignias and awards meant to look impressive and capture attention, as we'll explore within this story, it appears that Biden went through old Hitler news reels prior to this 'Dark Joe' presentation.
Also using the US Military as props, whose salaries are paid for by the American taxpayers who Biden has just declared war upon, two US Marines standing rigidly behind him like SS body guards for effect, how long will it be before Biden starts wearing a fancy military uniform everywhere he goes, or his dumbed down followers begin to extend their right arm in praise of their dear leader, so 'Hitleresque' was 'the speech'.
And while America may not have yet arrived at the time when Biden's political enemies are 'forced into the ovens,' who really thinks such a fate WOULD NOT await us if not for the 2nd Amendment and the American people owning 475 million+ ways to defend ourselves from 'terrorist government'?
Remember, governments ARE officially the 'biggest mass murderers' in world history!Will Biden's government take their place among the most brutal and murderous of all time, or will Biden's handlers come to their senses? Certainly any 'kinetic' war against Americans would end up a total disaster in Washington DC and all across the country with the kinds of repercussions no one could safely estimate, just as America's Founding Fathers originally intended with the 2nd Amendment.One could well imagine America and her 475 million+ guns would be any wanna-be dictators worst nightmare.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
With Biden's late night rant Thursday night, in which President Trump said Biden either sounded insane or senile, another perfect reason for the American people to continue stocking up on guns and ammo and foods and supplies, with our own government at war with us sounding like something straight out of a horror movie, why is Joe Biden so angry in September of 2022?
And with the left actually embracing 'Dark Brandon' at a time when his approval ratings were at historical lows, his agenda imploding in front of America's eyes, what's to stop him from continuing to put forth this 'alter-ego' that's seeing him seemingly preparing to destroy half the country? NEVER our dictator!
So while it could all very well be just 'coincidence' that 'Brandon' and his team picked the color scheme of the Third Reich for Brandon's speech in which he invoked Adolf Hitler, using gestures and anger that reminded many of 'the fuhrer' as pointed out in this Western Rifle Shooters story as well as this Gateway Pundit story, as Susan Duclos had warned in this August 29th ANP story titled "The National Media Won't Show You This Proof That Fascist Nazis Of America Have Taken Over The Entire Democrat Party,"this is not a political issue, this is about good vs evil.
With Ronald Reagan himself warning America decades ago that if fascism ever came to America, it would come dressed in the clothing of liberalism, look at what Biden and Democrats are trying to do now, impose one-party rule, as if insanely, the 'party of insane' is what America needs now in 2022.
Each of the videos below take looks at the performance of Brandon on Thursday night in Philadelphia in which he 'declared war' upon half of the country while speculating where we're headed from here with Brandon and the left desperate to blame the right for their own failures while more and more Americans are awakening to the utter disaster the Biden regime has been for the average American.
For those who haven't yet prepared, it's a great time to do so with September being National Preparedness Month here in America, and there are tons of links to food and other supplies in this most recent story by Susan Duclosin which she urges us to be fully prepared going forward with who knows exactly what around the corner, the Biden cabal eager to blame 'someone' for their own horrific shortcomings and failures and anyone or anything 'MAGA' directly in the globalists firing line.
ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP. All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.
Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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