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October 21, 2015

Presidential Path Opens For 'Queen Of Blood' As America Falls Further Into The Hands Of Total Evil - Will 'Clinton Body Count' Expand In 2016?


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Vice President Joe Biden's announcement that he will no longer consider himself to be in the running for President opens up a wide open path paved for the 'Queen of Blood' herself, Hillary Clinton, to be the Democratic nominee in 2016 as America falls more deeply entrenched within the hands of evil.

Clinton, fresh off a meeting with the cop-hating 'black lives matter' radicalgroup, now appears to have no real contenders in the fight for the Democratic party nomination as Jim Webb drops out of the race, Martin O'Malley continues to tread water and Bernie Sanders campaign continues to implode since he handed Hillary the victory at the 1st Democratic debates according to mainstream political pundits.

With Donald Trump recently hinting that he might select Dr. Benjamin Carson as his choice for VP if elected by Republicans to be their nominee, we're beginning to see how things might shake out next November with a Trump/Carson ticket going up against 'the blood queen' and whomever she might select to be her whipping boy/running mate.


In the 1st video below, Alex Jones looks at what's happening to 2015 America with merely 12+ months in between now and the next presidential election day. Jones rants about the state of world affairs today and tells us it's easy to see that America is now firmly entrenched in the hands of evil.

Alex begins with recent remarks made by Senator Ted Cruz who warns of the huge threat that the 1st Amendment and freedom of speech are now under in America. Telling us that independent websites such as the Drudge Report and Infowars and just about any place else you love to get your news are in danger of being shut down, as more and more Americans awaken to government corruption and the satanic globalists in DC who have sold our nation out to the highest bidders begin to panic. More below video.

I think the threats to free speech, under big government statists, have never been greater, Senator Cruz said. You know, in Washington, D.C., when you drive down Pennsylvania Avenue you come to the Newseum. And carved into granite, some forty feet tall, are the words to the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights to the Constitution. If the Democrats had their way, theyll have to sandblast those words out of there. I think we cannot overstate these threats.

In the interview withThe Blaze,Cruz also denounced President Obamas plan to hand Internet domain registration over to foreign bodies as reminiscent of Jimmy Carters idea to give away the Panama Canal, warning it would imperil American interests and undermine free speech.

Each and every day now we are seeing more signs of the globalists clearing a path for Hillary to be the Democratic nominee for president in 2016. From having no real challengers for the nomination to the mainstream media now describing Hillary as shoo-in we see that the only thing that might stop her from being nominated would be her possibly being in prison by 2016 though the Washington Times ran a story on Monday called "Hillary As First Prisoner-In-Chief".

More than a few obstacles lie inHillary Clintons path to theWhite House, but the threat of an indictment, or even conviction and a term in a federal pokey, doesnt have to be one of them.

If elected, she could take the presidency with her, becoming our first prisoner-in-chief.

We also have to ask, with a Hillary presidency, how quickly would the 'body count' that surrounds Bill and Hillary grow? The 'Clinton body count' has already grown in 2015 according to this story from the Political Insider and the ever-expanding list is being updated with Hillary's 2016 run in mind.


With the globalists having clearly selected Hillary for 2016, can anybody stand in between her and the White House or will 2016 be the year (the rest of) Americans find out their vote doesn't really matter any way? As we approach 2016, will America survive for one more election cycle or, as is warned of in this excellent new story from Mike Adams at Natural News, will the next massive false flag in America bring in 'the end'? Please let us know what you think in the comments below. From Mike.:

It's now abundantly obvious that another massive false flag attack is being planned for America, to be followed by a government ban on the First Amendment and the censorship of websites that disagree with theofficial government narrative of what really happened.

The corrupt, criminal regime currently occupying Washington D.C. is losing its grip over America. The wild popularity of Donald Trump reflects America's loss of false faith in the institutions of government and mainstream media. The American people are tired of being lied to and are waking up to the reality of how they have been propagandized, controlled and imprisoned by a totalitarian regime that respects no law or individual liberty.

This Friday on, I unveil shocking details about the massive false flag attack that's coming to America... and how it will be immediately followed by a government push fortotal control of all online informationcoupled with a suspension of the First Amendment.

Why will this happen? Becausethe new media is rising rapidly, taking viewers, listeners and readership away from the corrupt controllers. Belief in the mainstream media is plummeting, and no one trusts officialgovernmentnarratives anymore.

The strategy for the criminal regime in Washington D.C. is totake the indy media offline, but they can't carry it out without an outpouring of public support for crushing theFirst Amendment. This can only be accomplished by staging a huge false flag attack (with massive casualties above 10,000) and blaming it on "domestic extremists" who have ties to independent media journalism websites.

Please read the rest of Mike's alarming story here.

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