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November 12, 2024

Proof The Studies Are Correct About Liberals Being Crazy - After A Steady Diet Of MSM Fake News About Trump, Women Are Shaving Their Heads And Plotting Death For Trump Supporting Men

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

For years we have reported on multiple studies showing that white liberals suffer from mental illness more than any other demographic. Over half of young white liberal women were given a mental health diagnosis, which is more than double the amount of conservatives that have been given a mental health diagnosis.

Then we have other researchers finding that depression runs rampant throughout the liberal portion of the Democrat party, which these days, is the majority of the party.

American adults who identify as politically liberal have long reported lower levels of happiness and psychological well-being than conservatives, a trend that mental-health experts suspect is at least partly explained by liberals tendency to spend more time worrying about stress-inducing topics like racial injustice, income inequality, gun violence, and climate change.

Basically "social justice warriors" (SJW), those constantly looking for something to be offended by, or angry at, see the highest levels of depression.

Then we get to certain issues, such as young "progressive" women find high dissatisfaction with how women are treated in the U.S., while 70% of conservative women reported they were satisfied with how women are treated in America.

These feelings are especially pronounced among progressive women. In a survey we released this year, we found that young liberal women expressed the greatest feelings of discontent with the treatment of women in the US. Less than one in three (32 percent) young liberal women said they were satisfied with how women fare in American society. In contrast, 44 percent of young liberal men, and 70 percent of young conservative women, report being satisfied with how women are treated in American society.

In my mind, the media has much responsibility for those feelings among young liberal women, as the MSM is constantly claiming women's rights are under attack, and liberals are the most likely to be reading those leftist publications, and have high levels of trust in the media, while conservatives have a much lower level of trust in anything the media reports.

The graph below comes from Gallup's breakdown from October 2024.

That suggests a direct correlation between trusting the media and mental health issues. The people with the lowest levels of trust in the media, also have the lowest levels of mentally ill political party members and vice versa.

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One cruise line is offering a four year trip around the globe, meals included with beer and wine for lunch and dinner, all to avoid being in the U.S. while Donald Trump is President.

Single-occupancy cabins for the full four years start at $256,000, with double-occupancy running $320,000 for the trip.

An expensive way just to avoid reality of a president one didn't vote for.

The other day we discussed liberal women boycotting men, not wanting to marry, nor have children, and wanting to leave America after Trump won the 2024 presidential election, but it appears that was just the beginning of their meltdowns.

One temper tantrum idea has seen women shaving their heads in protest, for lack of a better word, of the election results.

Via Sky News Australia:

The latest manifestation of that has been droves of unhinged women shaving their heads and posting the footage to social media, claiming they are protesting the patriarchy.

Shaving their heads are one thing, it doesn't affect anyone but the ones doing it, but now we are seeing another type of temper tantrum, one that is literally dangerous, especially considering the previous studies showing liberal women being diagnosed with mental health issues.

They now are promoting the idea of poisoning their husbands, or men in their life, especially if said husband voted for Donald Trump.

Women online have taken to filming ghoulish murder-fantasy videos in which they romanticize lacing mens beverages with deadly poison as a justifiable response to fears about abortion rights under a second Donald Trump presidency.

Many of the videos have been viewed millions of times on X or TikTok and feature young women fiendishly grinning as they adulterate a cup of tea or other drink with an unknown substance.

Seeing a story on it is one thing, but actually watching these crazed liberal women talk about and pretending to do it (and are they ALL pretending?), is quite another cup of tea.... yes, pun intended.

There is a compilation in the video below, and note the eyes on these women. Crazed.


This is the result of a steady diet of the MSM telling women Trump is "Hitler," a "Nazi" and falsely blaming him for the abortion judgement Roe v Wade being overturned, and fake news before the election about a "national abortion" ban if Trump is elected.

These women seen in the videos above and below, are direct proof the studies showing liberal women being mentally ill, are 100% correct.

Add in the media incitement, and we have a recipe for disaster here.

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Thank you and God Bless from Susan here on Earth and Stefan from up above.


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