September 11, 2023
The Very Essentials Needed To Sustain Life Upon Earth Are Being Recklessly Destroyed By Globalists Who Talk Out Of Both Sides Of Their Mouths - 'It's All A Devious Plot To Depopulate The Planet'
- The experiments are literally tearing the planet apart and destroying life on earth
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
According to this February of 2023 over at The Independent, "conspiracy theories about 'geoengineering' are harming research" about "climate change," with 'one particular, popular conspiracy theory' centering on 'chemtrails' "negatively impacting the development of geoengineering technology aimed at 'fighting climate change'," thus the globalists are babbling out of both sides of their mouths.
Both labeling as 'conspiracy theories' any talk of 'geoengineering' and 'weather modification programs' at the exact same time as they are confirming such technologies exist and are 'aimed at fighting climate change,' that story never goes into the fact that 'climate change and climate destruction' has hugely been CAUSED BY the 'globalists geoengineering technology,' technologies that we've proven date back well over 100 years, and long before these insane globalists were 'babbling about climate change,' which they've caused with their own technologies.
Proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in this extensive list of 'weather modification patents' from the Geoengineering Watch website of Dane Wigington, with the first such patent listed on his website dating all the way back to July 16th of 1891 as seen at this United States Patent Office link detailing a "Method Of Producing Rain-Fall," as Wigington warned us all the way back in 2014 and has been doing over and over again for many years since then, our Planet Earth is under an all out weather warfare assault,with Wigington warning there is virtually NO NATURAL WEATHER any more due to the massive global climate engineering,thus the very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs.
Warning also way back then that this is not a topic that will begin to affect us in several years, but is now already causing massive animal and plant die off around the world, as well as human illness, the globalists none-the-less have been blaming 'climate change' upon the cooking and eating habits of human beings, along with 'cow farts' among other absurdities, neglecting to put the 'blame' where the 'real blame' should be, those geoengineering technologies and programs that they themselves created, 'man attempting to play God.'
Another in a very long line of the globalists favorite ways of getting things done, 'creating the problem' and then 'selling the masses' the 'solution' that they themselves had long before also manufactured, as Alan Barton had pointed out in this September 9th story on ANP, this line of thinking now borders upon absurdity with the globalists plans of cutting down 10's of millions of acres of trees to 'save the planet' the very definition of insanity. Yet globalists like Bill Gates keep pushing that insanity, anyways, and following the 'insanity suite,' the 'climate change cultists' keep gluing themselves to the roadways to 'show the rest of us.' Yeah, right.
As one commenter on this Reddit thread reporting on one of these 'climate cultist fiascos' that recently happened in Germany pointed out, "Mentally ill people gluing themselves to the road deserve to removed in whatever way is fastest and most effective" in order to keep others from getting harmed or even killed, by their insane road blocking actions yet groups such as 'Declare Emergency,' which obviously never bothered to study 'geoengineering' and 'weather modification programs,' are quite literally terrorizing the people of Americawith their insane and ludicrous actions that'll never shut down the globalists geoengineering programs because their actions are supporting them.
Because they're terrorizing Americans based upon the globalists lies and disinformation about 'climate change,' lies that we've been being fed for decades now but are brutally being ripped apart by people such as Nobel Prize Dr. John Clauser, one the worlds leading authorities on quantum mechanics, who recently claimed what the globalist/left love to call a climate emergency is actually a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the worlds economy and the well-being of billions of people.
And as Dane Wigington warned us years ago, due to their never-ending lies about 'climate change' while they themselves have 'weaponized the weather' on our planet against the masses of humanity and our planets plant and animal life, "the very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed."
ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
And while that previously mentioned Independent story tries to demonize the 'conspiracy theorists' who are warning about geoengineering and 'weather modification,' all the way back in 1962, then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson gave a speech at Southwest Texas State University in which he spoke the following words that should have put an end to 'weather modification programs' being 'conspiracy theories' long before they began.
"He who controls the weather will control the world" Johnson stated, cementing his words into the history books. Yet they keep labeling 'chemtrails' and 'geoengineering' as crazy conspiracy theories. Sorry, but it doesn't work both ways. And with keeping that in mind, think about announcements made by China over the last several years about China massively expanding its weather-modification program, saying it will be able to cover half the country in artificial rain and snow by 2025.
- China's government has announced that it is expanding its weather-control project, which creates artificial rain and snow, by fivefold.
- The State Council said Tuesday the project will soon cover 2.1 million square miles and be ready by 2025. That is about 56% of China's entire surface area.
- China is one of dozens of countries using "cloud seeding" to try and manufacture good weather conditions for crops or to prevent natural disasters.
- "Cloud seeding" involves spraying chemicals like silver iodide or liquid nitrogen into clouds, where water droplets condense and fall.
Still think that 'weather modification' and 'cloud seeding' are some crazy conspiracy theories? Then you absolutely have to check out this 2020Business Insider India story that should end all debate.
China is massively expanding its weather-control project, and is aiming to be able to cover half the country in artificial rain and snow by 2025, the government said Tuesday.
The practice of "cloud seeding" was discovered in the US in 1946 by a chemist working for General Electric. China launched its own similar program in the 1960s.
Dozens of other countries - including the US - also have such programs, but Beijing has the world's largest, employing around 35,000 people, The Guardian reported.
In a statement, China's State Council said that the country's cloud seeing project will expand fivefold to cover an area of 2.1 million square miles and be completed by 2025. (China encompasses 3.7 million square miles, meaning the project could cover 56% of the country's surface area.)
The project will be at a "worldwide advanced level" by 2035, the State Council said, and will help alleviate "disasters such as drought and hail" and facilitate emergency responses "to forest or grassland fires."
While the story over at the Daily Mail that Steve Quayle linked to on his website on Friday titled "NYC is hit by sudden storm that's cancelled over 200 flights across NY and NJ as locals share concerns over 'creepy clouds' and forecasters warn East Coast could soon be hit by Cat-5, 165mph Hurricane Lee" contained photographs such as the one seen above posted to an ANP comment section by 'Pureblood Jan' taken several months ago of'mammatus' clouds, that story didn't touch upon 'weather modification'.
Yet as this January 31st story by Dane Wigington over at his Geoengineering Watch website perfectly pointed out, therecan no longer be any debate over whether or not 'geoengineering' is real,or some 'crazy conspiracy theory,' no matter what the mainstream media tells us. From that story.:
The debate over whether geoengineering programs are going on is now a moot point. We have more than enough data to confirm it. We have actual footage showing tankers spraying. The materials showing up on the ground are exactly the same materials mentioned in the numerous geoengineering patents and documents. Visit our website for a list of these government patents and documents.
Our skies today are simply not normal. Upon examination this cannot be denied. They are filled with nanoparticulates of heavy metals. But the skies have been filled with grid patterns for so long now that we are used to them and do not see them anymore. Sadly, the fact is that people do not look up.
To be clear, what we are seeing is not cloud seeding to increase rainfall. These particulates are designed to block the sun and move the jet stream. Dane explains how this is causing the drought and deluge being experienced around the globe.
Our atmosphere is nothing but a massive physics lab to geoengineering scientists who have no concern whatsoever about the consequences to humanity or any living thing, including themselves. The experiments are literally tearing the planet apart and destroying life on earth.
Grid patterns such as the ones seen above, as ANP reader 'Big Moe' pointed out of that photograph above,I pretty much see these " cloud" formations daily. The SCUMBAGS have been poisoning us for decades because they think they are GOD. Only people that have a clue know what is and has been happening for decades. Just like the " vaccines " its all a fing scam to depopulate End of story.Please join ANP in praying for 'Big Moe,' the dog and 'best friend' of ANP reader 'Big Moe,' who is now in a hospice following being bitten by a snake. We all know how incredibly difficult it is to lose a best friend, whether of the 'human being' variety or a pet. God is watching over you, 'Big Moe'.
So while the globalists still continuously blame 'the people' for 'climate change' and all of these so-called 'wildfires' happening all across the planet right now, please read what one Nobel Prize winner has to say about all of that mess before we conclude this story.From this The People's Voice story.:
2022 Nobel Physics Prize winner Dr. John Clauser, one the worlds leading authorities on quantum mechanics, what the globalist/left love to call a climate emergency is actually a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the worlds economy and the well-being of billions of people.
As the website The People's Voice reported of Dr. Clauser's remarks in a recent story:
Claims of a climate crisis are being promoted around the world by governments and the mainstream media in an effort to comply with the green agenda goals of the World Economic Forum (WEF), United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), and other unelected globalist organizations.
Meeting these goals typically involved plans to slash the quality of life for most of the general public while ramping up taxes to fight climate change.
Meanwhile, the handful of powerful elites promoting the green agenda continue to justify their lavish lifestyles including using private jets and eat meat, not crickets and insects because they are part of the solution.
And as Susan Duclos had warned in this August 15th story on ANP titled "The Climate Change Con Has Literally Terrorized An Entire Generation Into Thinking The World Is Burning - The Only 'Man-Made' Climate Change Is From Geoengineering And Weather Warfare," we've been lied to by the globalists about man made global warming pretty much ever since we've been alive, so why should we expect they'll end those lies now when they're pushing their full-scale totalitarian agenda?
From this recent tweet from 'Wide Awake Media':
The human-induced climate change hoax is a trojan horse through which unelected globalist bodies such as the United Nations, are attempting to seize totalitarian control over every minute detail of our lives, under the pretext of "saving the planet".
The 1st video below isthe documentary that statement came from, "Unsustainable The UNs Agenda For World Domination (2020)." Because as Dane Wigington had warned USA Watchdog's Greg Hunter back in March of 2023, "Climate engineering must stop. Or humanity is finished."
ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP. All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.
Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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Weather Modification Patent... by All News Pipeline