January 5, 2024
Profits Of The Military Industrial Complex Are Booming As US Govt Wages War Upon Americans And Our Highways, Bridges, Tunnels, Railroads, Hospitals And School Systems Are Crumbling
- Those driving perpetual wars are maintaining our bankrupt financial systems
By Patricia Harrity and All News Pipeline
The business of war is booming due to the geopolitical tensions engineered in the last few years and global military spending rose to an all-time high of over $2.2 trillion last year according to analysis by the Financial Times.
War, What is it Good For?
War, what is it good for? asked Edwin Starr while belting the anti-Vietnam war track Absolutely nothing was the singers response to his own question, the song continues I despise, cause it means destruction to innocent lives [] It aint nothing but a heartbreaker friend only to the undertaker, War is the enemy of all mankind. Surely the vast majority of the population would agree with the lyrics of War?
The late Daniel Ellsberg, a military analyst, and renowned anti-war activist, certainly would have. Its the old Latin slogan, Cui Bono, who benefits? Going all the way back to the wars you could name in the last century, he said in an interview with Al Jazeera in April 2022.
Daniel Ellsberg was so guilt-ridden about the Vietnam war that he leaked a 7,000-page top-secret Pentagon study to the press in 1971 uncovering years of official lies about United States military involvement in the War.
The whistleblower who died in the summer of 2023, said that war is very profitable for the people who are supplying those weapons to keep it going but, he had hoped that the revelations from what was known as The Pentagon Papers could change how the world viewed war.
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However, war continues, despite how some of us may view it, simply because others view it differently and of course they will view it differently when they are in the business of war which is profiting handsomely. At the moment The order books of the worlds biggest defense companies are near record highs, according to a new Financial Times analysis.
So what has changed due to the revelations of the Pentagon Papers? Absolutely nothing
The article below reveals just how profitable war has been in the last few years for some and was written by Brett Wilkins author at Common Dreams.
Business of War Is Booming as Orders Surge at Top Global Arms Firms
Orders at many of the worlds biggest arms companies are near record highs due to rising geopolitical tensions in recent years, an analysis published Wednesday by Financial Times revealed.
The London-based newspaper analyzed the order books of the worlds 15 top arms makers and found their combined backlogs were $777.6 billion at the end of 2022a 10% increase from 2020.
According to FT:
The trends momentum continued into 2023. In the first six months of this yearthe latest comprehensive quarterly data availablecombined backlogs at these companies stood at $764 billion, swelling their future pipeline of work as governments kept placing orders.
The sustained spending has spurred investors interest in the sector. [Member of Chartered Institute for Securities & Investments] global benchmark for the industrys stocks is up 25% over the past 12 months. Europes Stoxx aerospace and defense stocks index has risen by more than 50% over the same period.
Private equity firms including BlackRock, Vanguard, Capital Group, and State Street are dominant or major shareholders in most of the weapons companies analyzed by FT. These Wall Street speculators are the ones driving the perpetual wars to maintain their bankrupt financial system, according to the International Schiller Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank.
In the U.S., the defense budget was $858 billion in 2023, and it is rapidly heading towards $1 trillion per year, the institute said last week. Meanwhile our highways and railroads, our bridges and tunnels, our hospitals and schools are crumbling. And the rest of the world also desperately needs American technology and capital goods to help their development, working with China and Russia, rather than driving the planet towards World War III against them.
The Wests scramble to arm Ukraines homeland defense against ongoing Russian invasion and occupation played a significant role in surging arms orders.
For example, Hanwha Aerospace, South Koreas largest weapons manufacturer, recorded the biggest increase in new ordersFT says its backlog soared from $2.4 billion in 2020 to $15.2 billion at the end of last yearlargely due to sales of K-9 self-propelled howitzers to countries supplying arms to Ukraine.
Rheinmetall, a German firm that makes Panther main battle tanks, nearly doubled its backlog from $14.8 billion to $27.9 billion, also in large part because of Ukraine-related sales.
However, many of the companys swollen backlogs predate the Ukraine war, which began in February 2022.
The reality is lead times for policymaking, budgets, and placing orders are so long that the invasion of almost two years ago is only just appearing in orders and barely in revenues, except for a few shorter-cycle specialists such as Rheinmetall, Nick Cunningham, an analyst at the insurance firm Agency Partners, told FT.
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