With such a weapon (capable of taking out an area the size of Texas or France according to experts) leaving large parts of America a smoldering, ash-covered waste-ground as well, we have to ask why the US Congress and 'America-hating Obama leftovers' within the 'deep state' have been so anxious for ramping up tensions with Russia, tensions that could lead to massive deaths and nuclear annihilation for their own families here in America?
While President Trump's 'signing statement' issued with the sanctions bill also 'takes task' to Congress, his statement joins his recent tweet in signaling 'danger ahead' with this warning taken from President Trump's statement as seen in the screenshot below.:
Are the 'sides' of World War 3 being determined before our eyes? We see in this new story from Radio Liberty that China and Russia have already teamed up to slam the US over recent comments about North Korea. The very interesting final video below from the 'Military Update' channel is called "US War vs. Russia & China + N.Korea at the Same Time : Who Would Win World War 3?" The answer is simple: Most of the entire world would lose and only pure-evil psychopathic satanists would chose to 'play such a game'.
As Russian Insiders living here in America warned back in May of 2016 while the US 'dark state' was pushing for war with Russia, any US war against Russia wouldn't be limited to a specific geographical area thousands of miles away from here but would definitely come home to US soil. If you are one of those who are itching for war with Russia, please read the following paragraphs from the Russian Insiders living here in the US and then tell us if you still think that war is a good idea. From 'A Russian Warning':
Thus, if tomorrow a war were to break out between the US and Russia, it is guaranteed that the US would be obliterated. At a minimum, there would no longer be an electric grid, no internet, no oil and gas pipelines, no interstate highway system, no air transportation or GPS-based navigation. Financial centers would lie in ruins. Government at every level would cease to function. US armed forces, stationed all around the globe, would no longer be resupplied. At a maximum, the entire landmass of the US would be covered by a layer of radioactive ash. We tell you this not to be alarmist, but because, based on everything we know, we are ourselves alarmed. If attacked, Russia will not back down; she will retaliate, and she will utterly annihilate the United States.
Such a fight would be suicidal for all sides. We strongly believe that a conventional war in Europe runs a strong chance of turning nuclear very rapidly, and that any US/NATO nuclear strike on Russian forces or territory will automatically trigger a retaliatory Russian nuclear strike on the continental US. Contrary to irresponsible statements made by some American propagandists, American antiballistic missile systems are incapable of shielding the American people from a Russian nuclear strike. Russia has the means to strike at targets in the USA with long-range nuclear as well as conventional weapons.
We are absolutely and categorically certain that Russia will never attack the US, nor any EU member state, that Russia is not at all interested in recreating the USSR, and that there is no Russian threat or Russian aggression. Much of Russias recent economic success has a lot to do with the shedding of former Soviet dependencies, allowing her to pursue a Russia first policy. But we are just as certain that if Russia is attacked, or even threatened with attack, she will not back down, and that the Russian leadership will not blink. With great sadness and a heavy heart they will do their sworn duty and unleash a nuclear barrage from which the United States will never recover. Even if the entire Russian leadership is killed in a first strike, the so-called Dead Hand (the Perimetr system) will automatically launch enough nukes to wipe the USA off the political map.
We feel that it is our duty to do all we can to prevent such a catastrophe.
While its clear that President Trump recognizes the dangers of driving North Korea and China closer together with Russia at a time when tensions across the planet are ramping up, we've warned on ANP that those who now have everything to lose have everything to gain by a war breaking out that distracts the world from their problems.
While much of the world would lose should nuclear war break out between the US and Russia/China/North Korea, the globalists who've long been working to 'take down' America would emerge with an America completely neutered. And as we read in this Infowars story, the 'purge' now going on within President Trump's NSC has most recently 'taken out' a member who warnedGlobalists and Islamists recognize that for their visions to succeed, America, both as an ideal and as a national and political entity, must be destroyed."
For the globalists and Islamists, a nuclear war that 'takes down America' equals "mission accomplished".
Which brings us back to the question, WHO would benefit most by a nuclear war breaking out between the US/NATO and Russia/China/North Korea? As we've previously reported on ANP, Islamic extremists are TRYING to hasten the coming of their antichrist mahdi by bringing about a nuclear apocalypse. To misunderstand the nature and threat of evil is to risk being blindsided by it.
Might America-hating Islamists and globalists within the 'deep state' left over from the Obama administration who sympathize with 'radical Islam', which NEEDS an apocalyptic WW3 to bring in their 'mahdi', be thrilled to see America, Russia and much of the world go up in flames? As the Clarion Project reported in 2014, the Islamic State actually seeks out the 'end of days' and Armageddon.
With a world war 3 that turned nuclear serving as the 'entrance ramp for the antichrist', the Good Survivalist website warned in this storywhy such an event could easily lead to near-extinction conditions, ending much of life upon Earth.
While the 1st video below, also from the Military Update channel, takes a brief look at what World War 3 between the US and China/Russia might look like, the 2nd video below looks at the full-scale economic war that Russian PM Medvedev has warned about prior to the final video which looks at WW3 between the US and Russia/China/North Korea at the same time.