January 7, 2020
Talk Of World War, Civil War & Supply Crisis, Shows A 2020 Lined With Flashpoints So Prepare For Food To Become A Huge Issue ....
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
With food prices rising, companies going bankrupt, crops decimated by floodingas millions of dollars in livestock was lost, along withearly snow last yearforcing early harvests, on top of the external threats of possible war and terror attacks, and warnings from Truckers regarding a potential "super supply chain crisis," especially if America devolves into a civil war, there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that feeding a family is going to get more expensive and/or difficult in 2020.
While war and terror attacks are an ongoing concern and most likely always will be, civil unrest and a possible civil war is more likely to happen sooner as political divisions and culture, race and class wars are already being fought online and in some cases offline.
Issues like Virginia's gun grabbers pushing legal gun owners could kick it off as the local government are threatening the constitutional rights of of Americans and Sheriff's and citizens are pushing back.
The November election is another potential flash point. While liberals love to claim that conservatives will start a war if President Trump is not re-elected, recent history proves different, it is Democrats and liberals that will explode into violence should president Trump win re-election.
It is liberals that attack conservatives for nothing more than wearing MAGA hats. It is liberals that "create a crowd" to harass and attack conservatives. It is liberals that were unable to accept the results of the 2016 election. It is liberals that are so disconnected from reality they actually scheduled a day to "scream helplessly at the sky."
In fact, according to Rasmussen, 53 percent of Likely U.S. Voters are concerned that Trumps impeachment and removal from office will lead to violence, but 59 percent "are concerned that those opposed to Trumps policies will resort to violence."
Yes, the majority of Americans understand that it is liberals that will start a civil war, because conservatives will only take so much, especially when liberals become violent, before they push back...hard.
Recently we had a reader inform us of the rising prices at his local store while issuing a dire warning about keeping extra food in storage, stating "Have you seen the prices of food going up lately? We have been paying $9.95 / Lb. for Pine Nuts at Sams Club. They are now well over $20 / Lb. at Sams Club. One of the big corn farmers in our area has built a bunch of large storage silos to store his corn in just waiting for the price to go sky-high then he is going to make a fortune selling his corn. In the meantime us consumers are going to get ripped off good. It looks like this is the year we have been expecting. I hope you have lots of dried beans and potatoes stored up because unless you have more money than we have pretty soon you won't be able to afford to eat."
I'll admit at first I thought maybe it was a small exaggeration, I mean really, 20 bucks for a pound of nuts? That's NUTS!!!
Then I did a search at the closest Sam's Club near where I live and sure enough, nearly $21 for a one lb bag of organic pine nuts.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER! Due to the recent unforeseen medical expenses, All News Pipeline will need some financial help in the months ahead. If you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this 'Info-war' for America at a time of systematic censorship and corruption.)
Nuts are not the only foods seeing the prices rising or spikes, due to a variety of reasons, and while projections may say one thing, we see that in many cases the actuality ends up being "more than expected, and we can expect things to get much worse in 2020.
On top of the rising prices and expected shortages, we see the warnings from a U.S. Trucking association about cutting off the supply chain in a 'war zone," as a reference to what would happen if Virginia ends up in an armed conflict, which Stefan Stanford wrote about on 12/25/2019, calling it one of the most important stories he has ever written on ANP.
Now imagine what would happen to that supply chain if the entire nation ended up in armed conflict.
While the common line of thought is that grocery stores have a three day supply of food to stock shelves, what is never considered, except by preppers and survivalists, is that in an emergency, when the public is aware of a potential problem, such as a severe snowstorm or hurricane, or that no more food will be transported to their grocery stores, they "panic shop," emptying the shelves and what is stocked in the back, within hours.
We have seen it happen time and time again, the images of empty shelves, as well as shoppers buying the most illogical of foods, like expecting the electricity to go off during a storm, yet buying frozen dinners.
Many ANP readers prepare to some extent already, but there are some, especially newcomers who want to begin, plan to get some extras for storage just in case, but haven't started yet.
As yourself..... what would you do if the supply chain stops today?
It is truly doubtful that we will get any warning beforehand if a terror attack is to occur, or if a state or geographic area erupts, so getting prepared now is more important that ever.
Remember.....emergency survival foods, in most cases, last up to 20 to 25 years, so it is not like it will go to waste, because it can be eaten at any time. Lose a job, you can still eat. Hurt yourself and cannot work.... you can still eat.
A major disaster does not have to happen to need a storage of food, water, medical supplies, or for some, the ability to grow your own foods inside, year round, enough to survive.
For those that have not made a new year's resolution yet, perhaps preparing for anything that may come should be it.
With that in mind, below are some helpful items, and suggestions, from learning to grow your own foods indoors to a supply of emergency freeze dried survival foods where all that is needed is hot water and something to eat with.
Note: Some links are Amazon affiliate links.
Some books with excellent review scores:
Year-Round Indoor Salad Gardening: How to Grow Nutrient-Dense, Soil-Sprouted Greens in Less Than 10 days
Indoor Edible Garden: Creative Ways to Grow Herbs, Fruits, and Vegetables in Your Home
Other items for growing food indoors: (Related: The 8 Best Vegetables to Grow Indoors)
900W LED Grow Light Full Spectrum, with 100pcs Dual Chips LEDs, Double Switch, Adjustable Rope Hanger, Grow Bags, Daisy Chain Plant Growing Lamp for Hydroponic Greenhouse Indoor Plants Veg and Flower
AeroGarden Sprout LED - Black
Burpee Organic Premium Potting Mix, 8 Quart
CicoYinG 2-Pack 10 Gallon Potato Grow Bags - Plant Growing Bags w/Drainage Holes & Access Flap & Handles, Garden Bag Plant Pot for Grow Vegetables, Plant Bags Fabric Pots w/4Pcs Plant Labels
The midwest flooding also hit a number of ranchers and their livestock, so either meat shortages or spikes in prices for some meats can also be expected, so it might come in handy to have some freeze dried or canned meats to add to your homegrown vegetables.
Freeze Dried Chicken
Freeze Dried Sausage Crumbles
Freeze Dried Ground Beef
A small supply of vegetables will come in handy until you get your indoor garden to produce.
Augason Farms Freeze Dried Vegetable Variety Pack 10 lbs 10.1 oz 4 Gallon Kit
Augason Farms Dehydrated Potato Slices 1 lb 4 oz No. 10 Can
Augason Farms Tomato Powder Emergency Food Storage 3 lbs 10 oz No. 10 Can
Freeze Dried Broccoli by Nutristore | Pack of 2
Augason Farms Dehydrated Spinach Flakes 8 oz No. 10 Can
Augason Farms Dehydrated Diced Carrots 2 lbs 6 oz No. 10 Can
Breakfast foods:
Augason Farms 5-90158 Scrambled Egg Mix, 2 lbs, 4 oz. No. 10 Can
Augason Farms Dehydrated Potato Shreds 1 lb 7 oz No. 10 Can
Augason Farms Dried Whole Egg Product 2 lbs 1 oz No. 10 Can
Nutristore Freeze Dried Cheddar Cheese Shredded
Augason Farms Freeze Dried Shredded Mozzarella Cheese 1 lb 14.19 oz No. 10 Can
Augason Farms Buttermilk Pancake Mix 3 lbs 4 oz No. 10 Can
Augason Farms Banana Chips 2 lbs 1 oz No. 10 Can
Augason Farms Peanut Butter Powder 2 lbs No. 10 Can
Please everyone do not forget water. It is need to rehydrate the food and just to survive.
ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.
All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.
Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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