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December 17, 2022

Predictive Programming Showed How Globalists Would Finalize America's Brutal Overthrow And Depopulate Earth Via Bioweapons To Destroy Immune Systems And Weather Warfare

- We Were Warned The 'End Game' Would Start On A Friday

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

In the recent email I received from COVID/Vax researcher and whistleblower Dr. Paul Alexander, the Doctor who has called out the globalists time and again on their rush to COVID tyranny highlighted a fascinating 4 minute 25 second video clip from the 10th season of the classic science fiction TV show "The X-Files" and as the twitter poster whose video he used told us with his post:

"Watch this and have your mind blown. Whoever wrote the script for this episode of X-Files has to be a time traveler or a senior deep state operative who revealed the entire plan just for giggles."

With the globalists/deep state apparatus well known for using 'predictive programming' in movies and TV to push their agendas and get 'the masses' mentally accustomed to accept their coming schemes, and X-Files creator Chris Carter once actually saying that he believed the production of the show would be shut down by the Feds for getting 'too close to the truth,'not only did that 2016 X-Files show warn of a scheme to depopulate the planet by tampering with our DNA via a 'vax,' but it told us exactly how the final brutal overthrow of America would take place so we've got to break that all down right here.

With Dr. Alexander asking as the intro to his email "X-Files had it right?,"ANP reader 'DeplorableD' had also posted a copy of the same video to this ANP story comment section with the twitter commenter who posted the video warning: "So ironic that #facebok tagged this as #COVID19 misinformation even though it never mentioned it." Yup, facebook flagged a TV show from 6 years ago as 'COVID misinformation' without COVID even being mentioned in the clip.

So while that clip would surely have been deleted from even twitter if it were posted just a few months ago when twitter was on their all-out war censoring medical doctors who didn't go along with the globalists satanic 'vax everything to death' agenda, we feel it's absolutely critical to bring it to the attention of anyone who hasn't watched it yet, as well as those who have, as it tells us what they're going to do next. And while the video is embedded directly below, we've gone ahead and republished part of the transcript from it directly from The X-Files Wikibelow.:

MULDER stands as he delivers his theory.

MULDER: The tentacles reach far back into the last century, but it wasn't until victories in Europe and Japan and the onset of the Cold War that political and economic conditions became perfect for actual execution.

MULDER: A conspiracy bigger and more secret than the Manhattan Project.

O'MALLEY: More odious and far-reaching.

MULDER: Your own government lies as a matter of course, as a matter of policy. The Tuskegee experiments on black men in the '30s, Henrietta Lacks...

SVETA: What are they trying to do?

MULDER: That's the missing piece.

O'MALLEY: But it's not hard to imagine... a government hiding, hoarding... alien technology for 70 years, at the expense of human life and the future of the planet. Driven not only by corporate greed, but... a darker objective.

MULDER: The takeover of America.

O'MALLEY: And then the world itself - by any means necessary, however violent... or cruel... or efficient. By severe drought brought on by weather wars conducted secretly using aerial contaminants and high-altitude electromagnetic waves. In a state of perpetual war to create problem-reaction-solution scenarios to distract, enrage and enslave American citizens at home with tools like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act, which abridged the Constitution in the name of national security. The militarization of police forces in cities across the U.S. The building of prison camps by the Federal Emergency Management Agency with no stated purpose. The corporate takeover of food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals and health care, even the military, in clandestine agendas, to fatten, dull, sicken and control a populace already consumed by consumerism.

O'MALLEY: A government that taps your phone, collects your data and monitors your whereabouts - with impunity. A government preparing to use that data against you when it strikes, and the final takeover begins.

SCULLY: The takeover of America?

O'MALLEY: By a well-oiled and well-armed multinational group of elites that will cull, kill and subjugate.

SCULLY: Happening as we sit here?

O'MALLEY: It's happening all around us.

MULDER: (looking at SCULLY) The other shoe waiting to drop.

O'MALLEY: It'll probably start on a Friday. The banks will announce a security action necessitating their computers to go offline all weekend.

MULDER: Digital money will disappear.

SVETA: They can just steal your money?

MULDER: Followed by the detonation of strategic electromagnetic pulse bombs to knock out major grids.

O'MALLEY: What will seem like an attack on America, by terrorists or Russia.

Please let us know what you think about this video and the predictive programming used within it in our comment section below. With that X-Files story also getting into the US government secretly hoarding 'alien technology' for more than 70 years, who really thinks that's out of the question?

With 'weaponized weather' one of the tactics we were warned would be used in the final takedown of America, we find it quite interesting that Siberian air would be descending upon huge parts of America in the next week, just in time for Christmas and New Years we're warned, shattering cold weather records, spinning up major storms and potentially paralyzing large parts of the country with no end in sight to the brutal cold and dangerous and deadly wind chills well below zero for many.

And while the dumbed down sheep will continue to call 'weather weaponization' a 'crazy conspiracy theory,' Dane Wigington over at his Geoengineering Watch website has been documenting the reality of 'climate engineering' for years and years as he pointed out in this 2017 story titled "Hacking The Planet: The Climate Engineering Reality."

Also documenting an extensive list of 'weather modification patents' going all the way back to 1891, the globalists methods of controlling the weather in 2022 are probably beyond almost anyone's wildest dreams, so who thinks they wouldn't use such deadly and efficient tools to finish their takedown of America?

So while we'll pray that the theory I put forth here is totally wrong, I've got to bring it up because after watching that X-Files video clip and then taking a look at the weather ready to strike America in the coming days, and then remembering that in just weeks, Democrats will be swept out of power in the US House of Representatives, with Republicans taking control of House committee chairs, with subpoena power to compel the testimony of public figures who have managed to avoid answering questions for years, who wouldn't put it past the globalists to launch that 'final takedown of America' this coming week?

With this coming Friday the day before Christmas Eve, and the globalists well known to hate Christianity, and brutally cold weather coming in to huge swaths of the country, I can imagine them carrying out that X-Files warning, 'beginning on a Friday,' at a time when much of the country is paralyzed and freezing cold, then using the EMP's to take down the grid, blaming the attack upon Russia, freezing countless unprepared to death with no electricity to run their furnaces, giving millions no way to keep warm.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running an EMERGENCY fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

And with so many of the other topics warned of within that X-Files episode coming true before our very eyes, such as: the globalists having our world in a state of perpetual war to create problem-reaction-solution scenarios to distract, enrage and enslave American citizens using tools like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act; the complete abridgement of the US Constitution in the name of 'safety'; the militarization of police forces in cities across the U.S.; the building of prison camps by the Federal Emergency Management Agency with no stated purpose; and the corporate takeover of food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals and health care in clandestine agendas, we're also witnessing their 'depopulation agenda' being carried out before our eyes as countlessAmericans fall ill and die following taking their 'vaxxes,' or even via the transfusions of 'vaccinated blood.'

And with the globalists cryptocurrency scheme also falling apart before our eyes as the FTX fiasco proves the globalists were running a gigantic money laundering scheme that flowed directly through Ukraine, we can see just how quickly 'digital money' disappears, giving us all another great reason to make sure we have cash and food and supplies on hand should the banks 'go offline' for the weekend, making it impossible for people to use their credit/debit cards to make purchases that could be life-saving.

So while I'll emphasize once again that I pray that the theory broached above is absolutely incorrect, and that instead, everybody has a wonderful Christmas and enjoys the Winter Wonderland that is coming the way of millions of Americans, as we see and hear in the additional videos below, the globalists have long been planning these 'power moves' to seize complete control of our planet Earth while killing off most of the world's population.

So these things will happen at some point in time in the future, unless the American people put a 'final stop' to their agenda, so why not at a time right before they lose Congressional power? Then again, who really expects the 'do nothing RINO's' to do anything about all of the 'criminal-crats crimes,' anyways?

In the final video below, Mike Adams talks with us about the brutal cold coming our way, giving us numerous life-saving survival tips to help us get through the cold weather, especially should parts of the grid go down and we lose electricity, with what happened in huge swaths of Texas just back in February of 2021 when wicked winter weather came in and took down the grid more proof it could happen any time, and that those who aren't prepared for weather that might just be 'weaponized' could pay the ultimate price, a 'price' that goes right along with the globalists depopulation agenda.

ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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