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April 2, 2022

Long Called 'Conspiracy Theory', These Charts Prove America's Population Is In Steep Decline, It's Just Getting Started And Whites And Christians Are Being 'Targeted For Elimination'

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

The Defender, a news site that covers childrens health, said that A new peer-reviewed study shows more than two-thirds of adolescents with COVID-19 vaccine-related myopericarditis had persistent heart abnormalities months after their initial diagnosis, raising concerns for potential long-term effects and contradicting claims by health officials that the condition is mild. Really now All patients had significantly elevated serum troponin levels indicative of heart damage. And LGE, which is indicative of poor outcome, was present in more than two-thirds of the kids. These young patients had a median troponin level of 9.15 more than 20 times greater than the levels found in people suffering heart attacks.

That is just one study, just one group, just one condition. Add in all the other age groups, all the other deadly conditions while remembering that the numbers reported in the VAERS system is approximately only about 1% or 2% of them, and there is a truly massive death rate occurring right now. The future deaths either directly caused by the kill shot or indirectly and delayed mass murder because of the VAIDS (destruction of the natural immune system) it is obvious that the reports of overwhelmed funeral parlors, cemetery and cremation crews, and so forth is not only NOT being reported but actively hidden from the public. The cause of those deaths is not correctly reported but hidden in obtuse lies. But when including the past two years of the Vax and deliberate hospital induced covid deaths (which we have covered in a variety of columns here in ANP) when taken into account with the decrease in birth rates of mostly whites, the goal of mass depopulation is being successfully governed.

Even to the dorky propaganda agents employed by MSN have seen this trend as they noted back in February; The United States population is going down, threatening our success as a nation The two drivers for population growth are increased birth rates and immigration. In our case, both are dropping largely and that last idea is a total lie, but expected from those clowns. Yes, our population is dropping, but the rates of criminal invaders across our border and otherwise is dramatically increasing. Perhaps the monkeys over there neglected to read their own stories of the southern border mass invasion problems? They then correctly stated why the birth rates are down, because young people are either delaying parenthood or foregoing it altogether which is fairly accurate but fails to include the FACT that huge percentages of children die in murderous abortion clinics, are miscarried by the effects of the murder shots, or not even conceived because those same shots destroy their God given mechanisms to become pregnant on both the male and female sides of that equation.

Back in 2019 the US Census Bureau said Drops in natural increase and net international migration have resulted in a gradual slowdown of the nations population growth this decade. Then at the end of last year, the Census Bureau said that COVID-19, Declining Birth Rates and International Migration Resulted in Historically Small Population Gains.The U.S. population grew at a slower rate in 2021 than in any other year since the founding of the nation, based on historical decennial censuses and annual population estimates and that is with the higher death rates from the supposed C19 and the increases in foreign invasions of people into our nation. On their Population Clock they show that there is one birth every 9 seconds but one death every ten seconds. And this before taking into account all of the excess deaths caused and will be caused by the bio-weapon of mass murder. Their national population totals show a decrease in the rate of growth the last decade with a more dramatic rate of growth reduction showing in their projected numbers since their last official 2019 numbers. Macro Trends shows those numbers as a growth rate being The current population of U.S. in 2022 is334,805,269, a0.57% increasefrom 2021 while the rate of increase is steadily falling since the US Census official numbers since their 2019 numbers as 329,064,917, a0.6% increasefrom 2018. That may not seem like much, but then remember where that increase in population is coming from, and that is by illegal mass migration and flooding across our borders. The birthrate of real, actual Americans has been precipitously dropping since the c19 farce began, and dropping far faster with the death rates of the bio-weapon injected and is showing the expected results.

On April First of this year NewsMax said that the coronavirus pandemic claiming lives at a time when people were also putting off having children, new census figures show. Overall, just slightly more people were born in the United States during the same period than died, with more than 3.4 million Americans dying, marking death numbers that were 20% higher than they were two years ago. birth numbers come as reports show the population of the United States grew by 393,000 last year, both as a result of the pandemic and from slower immigration numbers under the Trump administration. This was the lowest annual population increase in more than 100 years. Thank heavens for Trump as the invasion of foreigners sneaking into our once grand nation slowed during his reign, but now there are effectively no controls in place, we are being inundated with numbers that will drastically alter the landscape of our nation.

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About a year and a half ago Statista produced a graph showing projected populations reduction into 2046, shown above. While showing the general trend, it does not include the recent Biden increase in illegals nor the recent massive die-off from the death jab. The NYT on April First this year said 2021 was the slowest year of growth in US history, but again, they do not account for the massive death rates of the jabbed.

A bit more recent study as outlined in Yahoo News indicated what is even more worrisome; that the 2020 Census shows it is the WHITE population that is shrinking in the US. The2020 censusfound that white people still make up the countrys largest racial or ethnic group, with a total of 235.4 million identifying either as white alone or in combination with another group. However, the population of people who identify as white alone has decreased by 8.6 percent since 2010. The decrease in the white population is offset by a significant increase in the number of people who identify as two or more races, or multiracial. Overall, U.S. population growth has slowed significantly over the past decade. As of April 1, 2020, the total population of the United States was 331,449,281 just 22.7 million more than it was in 2010, the second-lowest population increase in the countrys history. This means that there is an increase in the racial diversity of our population that they attribute to people identifying as other races more, but fail to acknowledge the huge increases in non-white criminal invaders into this nation and the higher birth rate among those that are non-white.

The above graph shows that the Spanish Influenza and WWI created a sharp decline in the RATE of growth, while the lowering birth rates along with the covid farce has created the rapid decline in the tail end of that graph. When we get the real numbers for 2022 I expect to see that change in population to go drastically negative. The following graph via Brookings shows the shift in ethnic changes, with only Whites reducing in population.

The World Economic Forum acknowledges that it is the C19 farce that accounts for a chunk of the population reductions, and that will increase but they also acknowledge the huge impact it has and will continue to have on our economy and population with the Congressional Budget Office also saying that same thing. Please listen to this short (13 minute) WEF blog on what havoc the C19 farce they say is expected. Last August The Guardian put it this way; USs white population declines for first time ever, 2020 census finds White population falls below 60%, underscoring whats at stake as lawmakers begin drawing political maps while also acknowledging the political impact this will have.

A few days ago, The Atlantic had a bit more colorful way to put it when they said U.S. growth didnt slowly fade away: It slipped, and slipped, and then fell off a cliff. The 2010s were already demographically stagnant; every year from 2011 to 2017, the U.S. grew by only 2 million people. In 2020, the U.S. grew by just 1.1 million. Last year, we added only 393,000 people. And then assigned blame this way; A country grows or shrinks in three ways: immigration, deaths, and births. Americas declining fertility rate often gets the headline treatment. . But its the other two factorsdeath and immigrationthat are overwhelmingly responsible for the collapse in U.S. population growth.The pandemic has killed nearly 1 million Americans in the past two years, according to the CDC. Tragically and remarkably, a majority of those deaths happenedafterwe announced the authorization of COVID vaccines, which means that they were particularly concentrated in 2021. Last year, deaths exceeded births in arecord-high number of U.S. counties. Never before in American history have so many different parts of the country shrunk because of natural decrease, which is the difference between deaths and births and then go on to repeat the lie that immigration is way off from where it has been. The actual lie is in that during President Trump that was true, but for the last 15 months it has grown to never before seen numbers with the massive Biden invasion of about three million per year coming in. When their fake number of only one million deaths over two years is taken into account, (the reality is many tens of millions are dead because of that death shot and the murder rate among hospitalized patients supposedly with C19) their reasoning is blown fully out of the water.

I assume most of us already know that the US population has been slowly increasing in average age the last half century, and the US Census Bureau is well aware of that fact too when they said last summer that the The nations adult population increased faster than the under-age-18 population and the U.S. population as a whole in the last decade, according to the first detailed 2020 Census data released today.

In 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau counted 331.4 million people living in the United States; more than three-quarters (77.9%) or 258.3 million were adults, 18 years or older a 10.1% increase from 234.6 million in 2010. The aging of baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, who were ages 57 to 75 in 2021, is partly driving the growth in the adult population.

CNN reported that Californias population dropped for the first time in the state's recorded history.due to Covid-19 deaths, a decline in immigration and a lower birth rate, according to theCalifornia Department of Finance. And yet again, this is not including the massive increase in illegal invasion increasing the populations and the much higher than admitted death rates from the bio-weapon shot. And they also have forgotten the massive out flux of people leaving because of their obsessive and irrational Marxist tyranny and extremely idiotic woke laws and taxes. They make the suggestion that "As pandemic-related deaths decline and with changes in federal policy, California is expected to return to a slightly positive annual growth when calendar year 2021 population estimates are released in May 2022," Hey, if they actually believe that tripe, then I have a couple bridges in San Fran I would like to sell them, one of which is a nice golden hue.

And of course, all of the liberal rags also think that the population will decline faster without a steady inflow of people through immigration. But that is only part of the problem as the agenda of the worlds elites is to dramatically decrease the worlds population and especially in the US as has been covered so well here on ANP as well as other honest outlets due to the following of the Davos Agenda 2021 and Agenda 2030. That has been very successfully begun with the satanic ones putting so much effort into the covid farce while murdering many millions and eventually billions through longer term effects of that dreaded murder shot.

Add to that the deaths expected in the looming world war and the deaths from the just now appearing worldwide mass starvation and whatever other pandemics they are planning, and you can see that the minions of Satan are fighting as hard as they can to accomplish one major goal: the elimination of Christ and His people. Even Pew Research can see it as mentioned in their article In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace.telephone surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019, 65% of American adults describe themselves as Christians when asked about their religion, down 12 percentage points over the past decade. Meanwhile, the religiously unaffiliated share of the population, consisting of people who describe their religious identity as atheist, agnostic or nothing in particular, now stands at 26%, up from 17% in 2009.Both Protestantism and Catholicism are experiencing losses of population share. Currently, 43% of U.S. adults identify with Protestantism, down from 51% in 2009. And one-in-five adults (20%) are Catholic, down from 23% in 2009. Meanwhile, all subsets of the religiously unaffiliated population a group also known as religious nones have seen their numbers swell. Self-described atheists now account for 4% of U.S. adults, up modestly but significantly from 2% in 2009. That is a very rapid decline, and I would attribute that primarily to lack of example and teaching by parents, our evil public school systems and mass entertainment like TV, popular music and movies.

But I will not rule out the loss of actual Christians preaching in their churches the Word of God, destroying the truth in search of a greater wealth by fleecing their flocks rather than leading them in righteous example, just as our Savior has said it would be is the greater threat. It is my contention that it is the satanic forces of the worlds elites that are purposely destroying the Body of Christ so that their anti-Christ can bring in the dominion of Babylon the Great led by none other than Lucifer. But we all should know what our Creator has said about that scenario, and his chances of accomplishing it. Using a very bad pun, he has a snowballs chance in hell to overthrow our soon to return King and His Kingdom. Have Faith, continue to pray, and obey our Lord Jesus my friends. It will get much worse before it gets better.

United States: White population shrinking, low birth rate | Latest World English News | WION

America Must Return to God or Perish: Founder of Taking America Back

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