January 19, 2023
Phony COVID Deaths Were Used As A Propaganda Tool From The Beginning Of The 'Scamdemic' To Lock Down The Country, Impose Medical Tyranny And Get The Masses To Take The Kill Shots
- Fauci And The CDC Carried Out Premeditated Mass Murder By Medical Injection
By Joel S. Hirschhorn for All News Pipeline
The media has been giving some attention to the phony COVID death data. Rather than over one million COVID deaths there likely have been just a few hundred thousand. And most of these could have been prevented.
A few of us truth tellers from the early days of the pandemic tried to inform the public that many people were dying WITH Covid but not FROM COVID. Why would the public health system and hospitals conspire to fool the public?
Putting out high death numbers starting in 2020 was a key strategic tool to create public fear; that would give the government much power to pursue the wait for the vaccine policy. At the same time the government under Fauci did everything they could to prevent the wide use of early treatment based on safe, cheap and effective generic medicines, notably ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine that a number of smart, bold doctors were using to save lives. Together with vitamin D, most COVID deaths could have been prevented.
CDC did so many things to make it easy and profitable to call deaths COVID, including high payments to hospitals and various definitions to make it easy to label deaths as COVID.
At the same time the testing for COVID was deliberately engineered to make it easy to conclude there was COVID, even though the tests were not finding legitimate levels of COVID infection.
Virtually every conceivable type of death could be called a COVID death because some phony test said the virus was present.
Of course, as more and more data have shown, the vaccine strategy has been killing people. The vast majority of people face little risk from COVID and much more from the vaccines.
What follows are many examples of phony COVID deaths. Shame on the public health system.
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The CDC recently confirmed over 800 "accident" Covid-19 deaths in 2021 for people under 60. These are deaths which obviously had little to do with Covid - but they logged them that way anyways. Here are 23 of those deaths from 2021 related just to "falls".
A 32-year-old white male died in December from an unspecified fall that resulted in an unspecified injury of the head, mental and behavioral disorders related to alcohol use, convulsions, and a kidney tumor. He also had COVID-19.
A 57-year-old white male died in November from an "other fall on the same level" that resulted in a rib fracture, injury of the liver or gallbladder, malaise and fatigue, syncope and collapse, and COVID-19.
A 56-year-old white male died in March from an unspecified fall that resulted in cardiac arrest, stroke, other intracranial injuries, COVID-19, hypertension, and diabetes. He also had mental and behavioral disorders related to tobacco use.
A 56-year-old white male died in January from a fall on and from stairs and steps that resulted in an unspecified injury of the neck, pneumonia due to food and vomit, hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. He also had COVID-19.
A 58-year-old white male died in February from a fall on and from stairs and steps that resulted in an unspecified injury of the head, intracranial injury, and accidental poisoning from alcohol. He also had hypertension and COVID-19.
A 56-year-old black male died in February from an unspecified fall that resulted in an unspecified injury of the head, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, hypertension, and a surgical operation. He also had COVID-19.
A 42-year-old white female died in July from an unspecified fall that resulted in an injury of the spleen, pneumonia, mental and behavioral disorders related to alcohol use, and other and unspecified cirrhosis of the liver. She also had COVID-19.
A 57-year-old white male died in February from an "other fall on the same level" that resulted in a diffuse brain injury, unspecified injury of the head, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and COVID-19.
A 56-year-old white male died in June from an "other fall on the same level" that resulted in an unspecified injury of the head, pulmonary embolism, and COVID-19. He also had Down Syndrome and hypertension.
A 55-year-old black female died in January from an "other fall on the same level" that resulted in a traumatic subdural hemorrhage, a fracture of the neck of femur, Huntington disease, Parkinson disease, and COVID-19.
A 59-year-old white female died in June from an "other fall on the same level" that resulted in an unspecified injury of the head, hypertension, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. She also had COVID-19.
A 55-year-old white male died in July from an unspecified fall that resulted in an unspecified injury, COVID-19, chronic kidney disease, and hypertension. He also had atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
A 24-year-old white female died in September from an unspecified fall that resulted in a traumatic subdural hemorrhage, a skull and facial bone fracture, and an unspecified injury of the head. She also had COVID-19.
A 57-year-old American Indian or Alaskan Native male died in October from an unspecified fall that resulted in an unspecified injury, mental and behavioral disorders related to alcohol use, and an unspecified viral infection. He also had COVID-19.
A 57-year-old white male died in December from an unspecified fall that resulted in traumatic shock, superficial injury, and congestive heart failure. He also had COVID-19.
An accident occurred where a 57-year-old white man fell on the same level, resulting in an unspecified injury to his head. He had pre-existing conditions of diabetes and high cholesterol, and also tested positive for COVID-19.
A 56-year-old white man fell in an accident and sustained an unspecified injury. He had a history of chronic kidney disease, heart disease, and diabetes, and tested positive for COVID-19.
A 55-year-old black woman fell in an accident, suffering a traumatic brain injury and a broken thigh bone. She had pre-existing conditions of Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, and tested positive for COVID-19.
A 59-year-old white woman fell in an accident and sustained an unspecified injury to her head. She had pre-existing conditions of hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes, and also tested positive for COVID-19.
A 55-year-old white man fell in an accident and sustained an unspecified injury. He had a history of chronic kidney disease, heart disease, and tested positive for COVID-19.
A 24-year-old white woman fell in an accident, suffering a traumatic brain injury and a broken skull and facial bones. She also tested positive for COVID-19.
A 43-year-old white man fell in an accident, suffered a traumatic brain injury, and tested positive for COVID-19 and pneumonia.
A 28-year-old American Indian or Alaskan Native man fell on and from stairs, sustaining an unspecified injury to his head. He had pre-existing conditions of liver and spleen enlargement and tested positive for COVID-19.
The CDC recorded dozens of "Suicide COVID Deaths" under the age of 60. The death certificate OBVIOUSLY denotes intentional self-harm to un-alive oneself.
A 23-year-old white male died in February from suicide by intentional self-poisoning with non-opioid analgesics and exposure to hot objects, resulting in burns and cardiac arrest. He also had COVID-19.
A 38-year-old white female died in April from suicide by intentional self-poisoning with antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, ethanol, and benzodiazepines. She also had COVID-19 and unspecified depressive and anxiety disorders.
A 31-year-old white male died in August from suicide by intentional self-harm with an unspecified means, resulting in intracranial injury. He also had COVID-19, pneumonia, and unspecified drug poisoning.
A 27-year-old white male died in January from suicide by intentional self-harm with a firearm, resulting in open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19, severe depression, and unspecified anxiety disorder.
A 22-year-old white male died in September from suicide by handgun discharge, resulting in open wound to the head. He also had COVID-19, unspecified anxiety and depression, and unspecified mental disorder.
A 55-year-old white male died in August from suicide by firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19, unspecified depression, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension.
A 45-year-old American Indian or Alaskan Native female died in November from suicide by jumping from a high place, resulting in head and neck injuries. She also had COVID-19, pneumonia, sepsis and muscular dystrophy.
A 33-year-old white male died in September from suicide by handgun discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19, unspecified depression, and unspecified mental and behavioral disorders related to alcohol use.
A 31-year-old white male died in August from COVID-19, pneumonia, and unspecified drug poisoning, he also had respiratory failure and pneumothorax.
A 14-year-old American Indian or Alaskan Native female died in December from suicide by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, resulting in asphyxiation. She also had COVID-19, pneumonia, and unspecified depressive and anxiety disorders.
A 33-year-old white male died in July from suicide by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, resulting in anoxic brain damage, cardiac arrest and asphyxiation. He also had COVID-19 and unspecified depressive episode.
A 44-year-old white male died in October as a result of homicide by COVID-19. He also had acute respiratory failure, pneumonia, decubitus ulcer and pressure area, sequelae of injury of spinal cord, and sequelae of other accidents.
A 57-year-old white male died in June from suicide by firearm discharge, resulting in intracranial injury, traumatic shock, and open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19 and unspecified depressive episode.
A 37-year-old white male died in February from suicide by firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19, unspecified depressive episode, and hypertension. A 38-year-old black male died in May as a result of homicide by firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the neck, trunk, and upper limb. He also had COVID-19.
A 42-year-old white male died in December from suicide by drug poisoning, involving other opioids and benzodiazepines. He also had COVID-19, unspecified bipolar affective disorder, and unspecified infectious diseases.
A 56-year-old white male died in September from suicide by firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head and lip. He also had COVID-19 and unspecified infectious diseases.
A 55-year-old black male died in February as a result of homicide by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head and neck, upper limb. He also had COVID-19.
A 35-year-old white female died in March from suicide by drug poisoning, involving calcium-channel blockers. She also had COVID-19, pneumonia, and unspecified drug poisoning.
A 33-year-old American Indian or Alaskan Native male died in January from suicide by sharp object, resulting in injury of radial artery at forearm level. He also had COVID-19.
A 21-year-old white male died in September from suicide by drug poisoning, involving other synthetic narcotics and benzodiazepines. He also had COVID-19.
A 32-year-old white male died in April from suicide by hanging, strangulation, and suffocation, resulting in anoxic brain damage and asphyxiation. He also had COVID-19.
A 19-year-old black male died in February as a result of homicide by handgun discharge, resulting in multiple open wounds. He also had COVID-19 and unspecified infectious diseases.
In 2021, the CDC logged 1000s of accidents, suicides, and other "undefined" deaths as "COVID-19" deaths....including dozens of homicides. Here are just some the murders counted as Covid deaths in 2021:
In October, a 44-year-old White male died from a homicide due to a combination of causes, including COVID-19, acute respiratory failure, pneumonia, decubitus ulcer and pressure area, sequelae of injury of spinal cord, and sequelae of injuries not specified.
In May, a 38 year old Black male was the victim of a homicide. He had open wounds to his neck, trunk, and upper limb, as well as a COVID-19 infection. The cause of death was listed as a firearm discharge from an unspecified assailant, and wounds to the head.
In February, a 55-year-old Black male died from a homicide caused by an assault from a rifle, shotgun, and larger firearm discharge. The cause of death was an open wound of the head and neck, as well as an open wound of the upper limb, unspecified body region.
In Feb., a 19-year-old Black male tragically died from homicide due to multiple open wounds and an assault by handgun discharge. COVID-19+ as well as other and unspecified infectious diseases, and an open wound of the trunk were also listed as contributing factors to his death.
In November, a 39-year-old Black female died of homicide. The cause of death was a combination of acute respiratory failure related to injury to her spinal cord from an assault.
In August, a 36-year-old White male died as a result of homicide. The cause of death was an assault with a sharp object, which resulted in an open wound to the abdomen and other unspecified parts of the body. Additionally, the decedent had liver cirrhosis.
In December, a 32-year-old Black man died in a homicide. The cause of death was assault by bodily force, which resulted in an unspecified injury to his head. Further contributing to his death were COVID-19, pneumonia, and other unspecified causes.
In April, a 33 year old Black man's life was tragically taken by a homicide. The cause of death was multiple open wounds, unspecified, Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, COVID-19, and an open wound of unspecified body region.
In October, a 35 year old Black male died of a horrific homicide. He suffered multiple open wounds from an unspecified firearm assault, and the underlying cause of death was further complicated by the presence of COVID-19 and an open wound on an unspecified body region.
In September, a 27 year old Black female was killed in a homicide. She had multiple open wounds from an unspecified firearm discharge, as well as wounds from COVID-19 and an open wound in an unspecified body region.
In January, a 27 year old Black male died from a homicide due to an assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge. The cause of death was an open wound of the neck, part unspecified. It is noted that the person also had COVID-19.
In January, a 42 year old white male died from a homicide. The cause of death was an unspecified injury to the head and assault by unspecified means, with other early complications of trauma and COVID-19.
In August, a 55-year-old white male tragically died due to a homicide. The cause of death was an assault by unspecified means, which led to a traumatic subdural hemorrhage. The death was also associated with COVID-19.
The elderly deaths
Finally, it should be emphasized that the much hyped COVID deaths of the elderly were also highly manipulated. Though they may have had a positive COVID test, their various substantial bad health conditions likely better explained their deaths.
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