January 5, 2025
Open Borders And Terrorist Attacks: History Will Resume At Noon On January 20. From That Moment On, 'Joe Biden' Is Certified As The Most Odious Villain In Our Nations History
By James Howard Kunstler -All News Pipeline
Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, in 2024, agreed to play out their roles as uncontactable zombies, baying for the blood of Americans at the altar of a dying Moloch. Celia Farber
I hope that the first lesson of the Bourbon Street massacre is not lost on you: There is no end of opportunity now for Jihadis and other maniacs to attack soft targets across the land. Americans are sitting ducks. And there is no shortage of jihadis and maniacs at large in our land, thanks to Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas.
Do you have any idea how much carnage can be created with what are called small arms, meaning, light weapons, guns, rifles, grenades, and improvised explosives used tactically in public places by enemies of our country? It looks like we are going to find out. And just regular motor vehicles, too, as in New Orleans and Las Vegas. Among the millions of foreign vagabonds ushered across the border illegally are perhaps tens of thousands fanatically avid for mayhem, many of them surely organized into cadres trained to carry out atrocities, just hanging back with their US government-issued debit cards, enjoying DoorDash deliveries in their government supplied hotel rooms, waiting for the signal to activate themselves.
Do you think we can harden the millions of targets out there, make them secure? Forget about it. Many of these are plain old streets in the cities, countless bridges and tunnels, endless runs of railroad track and highway, hundreds of airports, not to mention malls, schools, big box stores, office buildings, restaurants, sports venues, cruise ships, skating rinks, theaters, churches. It would only take a couple-three more episodes like the New Orleans incident to paralyze public life in America just as badly as the Covid-19 op did. Are tourists rushing back to Bourbon Street now? Will they return for Mardi Gras on March 4?
And now, of course, the matter of drones has been brought to your attention. How many thousands (millions?) of these ingenious toys have been sold over recent years. You can walk into Best Buy today and get one, ranging from a couple of hundred bucks to models with advanced guidance electronics at several thousand bucks. Timers are cheap. C-4 and Semtex plastic explosives are easy to purloin from military bases, or just traded on black markets. Drones can be launched from anywhere, including out of windows anywhere. They can be launched in swarms.
You must also imagine that these Jihadis and other maniacs are primed to let loose on the imminently incoming Trump admin. The Joe Biden regime years were just the set-up period. Why open up with terror ops and show your hand prematurely while JB offered so much free and easy assistance in preparing the battlefield? And anyway, since so much of what Joe Biden was up to on his own initiative was obviously damaging to the USA in three dimensions economically, strategically, and psychologically then why interrupt all that serendipitous mischief?
In the twilight of his twilight presidency, Joe Biden makes his final moves that is, the people in the shadows behind Joe Biden make their moves to fortify the progress he made working to destroy his own country, really anything that might hamper Mr. Trumps ability to correct the deliberate desecration of our national life. And, of course, to shelter any of those persons responsible from a legal reckoning in the future.
In a most garish example, JB awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal to former Rep. Liz Cheney for her role on Congresss J-6 committee. This, you understand, was done in defiance of what is already known and alleged about the treasonous misconduct of that body withholding and destruction of evidence, tampering with evidence, coaching witnesses, lying to the media about testimony received, and obstruction of justice. You might lay a conspiracy charge over all those misdeeds, since they involved the formal agreement, discussion, and knowledge of it all among committee members. That is, it was done clearly in concert. This is howThe New York Times put it:

The plea there is transparently and obviously mendacious, yet The Times, being the mouthpiece of the nervous DC blob, cant resist laying out the game: how can you prosecute somebody for acts theyve been given a presidential award for committing? Of course, a pardon will signal that Liz Cheney is, ipso facto, a criminal. And would Joe Biden then have to pardon every member of the J-6 Committee since, being a conspiracy, are they not all culpable for the same crimes? But then, the J-6 Committee crimes against the people of America comprise only a small portion, a side dish, to the many other crimes committed by the officials working under Joe Biden. If he pardons Liz Cheney, wont this president also have to pardon hundreds of other officials from Mayorkas, Wray, Garland, Fauci, Walensky, Austin, Blinken, Sullivan on down?
Joe Biden will no doubt wait until the morning of January 20 to issue those pardons, if he dares to, and he might well include himself in the package as having committed bribery and treason. Since his dementia is not total, he probably has enough brain left to reason fallaciously that the country will be too distracted by the Trump inaugural to notice what he did. He will think that he has acquired magic powers of invisibility. Not to history, of course. And history will resume at noon on January 20. From that moment on, Joe Biden is certified as the most odious villain in our nations history.
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