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January 29, 2025

Nuke Sniffing Aircraft Flying Over Our Nation In Systematic Grid Patterns Are Looking For Something Far More Sinister Than The 'Official' Narrative

By Alan Barton -All News Pipeline

The term Broken Arrow has a meaning that can be a fearful one and for good reason. It refers to the loss of nuclear weapons and is primarily referencing American nukes, which has happened at least six times that they allow us to know of from February in 1960 when a US Air Force B-36 developed engine problems flying between Alaska and Texas and scuttled an old Fat Man style Mk. 4 nuke into the Pacific ocean and until Spring of 1968 as the nuclear submarine USS Scorpion sank about 400 miles South West of the Azores with two nuke equipped weapons on board.

In this case, the term lost means not recovered or not recoverable and those six are among that classification, but there have been many more lost and then found and recovered with some suggesting a number around 30 or so for the USA. Although not included in this very brief listing is those from other nuke nations such as China and by far the largest number of missing nuclear warheads has been lost by the Soviet Union and other untold Russian assets. And, of course as is always the case with this type of subject, there has been massive assumptions and conflicts of facts by so many it is difficult to come up with any assumed realistic numbers, with the counts of those Russian Broken Arrows seeming to run from around 80 to a few hundred.

And again, not without great controversy in those numbers or even that many are indeed even missing as some propaganda outlets purport. Far outstripping those Broken Arrow incidents we have the removal of nukes because of the loss of the power structures in nations that used to have them, such as South Africa and several old Soviet nations like Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine that supposedly gave them all back to Russia. It is specifically those in Ukraine that I wish to address at this time.

The Nuclear Threat Initiative group claims that upon Ukraines independence in 1991 and by the time that the 1994 agreement with Russia came, all nuke warheads were removed in an agreement of security assurances with Russia that was unofficially canceled with the 2014 invasion and annexation of Crimea. They did sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty but that alone does not mean all of those warheads ended back with Russia. According to Wikipedia (yes I know, not a trusted source, but gives the generally accepted numbers) after the fall of the Soviet Union Ukraine held about one-third of the Soviet nuclear arsenal, the third largest in the world at the time, as well as significant means of its design and production with approximately 1,700 nuclear warheads in total. Although the fact checkers claim otherwise stating that the claims are false, some say that there were at least 80 nuke warheads left in Ukraine while others say over a hundred including Social Fact Check dot Com that also claims Ukraine's independence in 1991, it inherited a substantial nuclear arsenal, including an estimated 1,900 strategic warheads and approximately 4,000 tactical nuclear weapons deployed on its territory. Yes, there is a big difference in numbers even between leftist sources, but the fact remains that Ukraine had huge numbers of strategic and tactical nuclear weapons and not all of them were returned to the remnant of the Soviets we now call Russia.

One thing to consider is that if Ukraine still had Soviet nukes in the nation Russia likely would not have had the nerve to invade Crimea. That, of course, does not even consider that those weapons need to be serviced regularly and that includes re-refinement of the fuel used as it does decay rapidly, and Ukraine had the technical expertise and equipment to do just exactly that. The more technically advanced they are and the smaller they are designed makes that refurbishment even more mandatory as our own must be rebuilt every handful of years or so. Especially something like the so-called suitcase nukes that must be highly refined designs using very high radiation dense materials to make them small enough to pack around easily. Basic fundamental physics are involved in that equation.

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The September 1997 Counterpunch listed at least 200 missing Soviet suitcase nukes while about 250 were supposedly made according to former Soviet general, Alexander I. Lebed and he claims there are still about 100 of them missing. Think of that, there are still about 100 former Soviet suitcase nukes out there somewhere, and it would seem some of them have been remanufactured to keep them viable by some state actors somewhere, possibly even by Ukrainian tech or even Russia itself but I would not rule out China, Pakistan, the CIA or perhaps some traitors from any of those as well as South Africa, India, the US, England, France or more. The know how is out there and the tools are as well. The US man-pack, backpack or suit case bombs are called the B-54 and are numerous, using the same tech that is used in battlefield tactical howitzer round sized nukes of less than 100 pounds. The key point is that here are many missing ones out there somewhere.

And we are looking for them in the confines of this nation using many methods most notably using nuke sniffing technology in aircraft that take in some air, filter it and then use radiation detectors to find anything in the dust that it captures as well as using radiation sensors scanning the ground below the aircraft looking for any signs of those missing nukes. This tech is also looking for the Club-K nuke tipped shipping container missiles also assumed to be in the US lurking about waiting for the orders to fire them at specific targets in a first strike scenario. Supposedly some Chechen separatists purchased some and sold them to al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, but that is highly debated and would infer that the CIA or some deeply dark components of the CIA is deeply involved, which it may well be especially when considering where this column is going.

One thing we have mentioned over and over is that the man called MonkeyWerx has shown for the past while that the US has had nuke sniffing aircraft flying over our nation in systematic grid patterns looking for assumedly Club-Ks but also those missing suitcase nukes as well. He is not the only one saying this as there are many stories in the media showing the same thing. For instance, The Warzone has shown that we were doing just that back in 2020 using the nuke sniffing helicopters that MonkeyWerx has shown on his flight tracking feed corroborating the claim.

Even very recently The Washington Times headline read Helicopters flying over the District to measure radiation ahead of inauguration as they claim to be looking for some lost medical point source of radiation that was stolen out of a shipping container and is supposedly very dangerous. Not so in reality as in well, yeh, sure, if someone got too close to it like injecting it or whatever, it could cause some damage but it is NOT a wide spread problem as they pretend to claim. They are after something far more sinister and are using that real or faked incident as an excuse to scan for something that is perhaps absolutely critical to our immediate future as a nation. They are trying their best to keep from starting a panic situation over something that they appear not able to control of even keep real track of but are releasing statements that radiation sniffer aircraft are flying over DC looking for those small point sources but we know differently now, dont we. That is not comforting at all we may well feel.

Keep in mind that flight trackers show they are also flying over large population centers across this nation as well as over navigable water bodies like the Potomac, the Ohio, off shore in the gulf of America, off the California and NY and New Jersey shores as well as directly over New Jersey and NY itself as the articles on the unknown drones keep on showing us. If you remember my column on those drones I left it at what drones specifically are we talking about as too many people lump them all into one bunch and wonder why there are bucketfuls of explanations out there. We are speaking here of the actual large sized regular drones as described by the manufacturer (see below) and not just some dumb ape trying to convince us that all of them are alien craft, or dimensional craft or hobby drones or Chinese or Russian spy drones and many are mis-identified commercial aircraft or satellites or weather balloons or secret X aircraft or some such nonsense. Yes, there are all of those out there, but PLEASE specify WHICH DRONES you are referencing as they are NOT all the same thing as most of the stories out there imply.

And that brings us to the next related topic which is Trump admitted that the drones over DC and Jersey are US government drones. Nice transparency, but note he did not say why. But you now know why as we discussed a bit above that they are searching for those lost transportable man-pack nuclear suitcase bombs. It is understandable why he is not saying that part out loud as the confusion and panic would be immense. It took me a bit to figure it out this far and as I have researched I have found a few a very few that have come to the nearly same conclusion such as The Hill stated the drone sightings over New Jersey late last year were either authorized by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or were from hobbyists and enthusiasts..the FAA had flown drones in the area for research purposes. That is quite the cop-out I think.

And CBS said that the federal government knows points of origin of the mystery drones flying over New Jersey and other East Coast states, but wants to "keep people in suspense." What a cheap lump of nothingness that is - we already figured that part out.

Then we get the statements by the owner of a major manufacturer of drones and the maker of those larger ones circulating around the nation and its capital, John Ferguson, the CEO of Saxon Aerospace. Let me quote from the Radar Online article that shows just what is happening in our skies.

Ferguson explained on Instagram: "Back in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan had dismantled the nuclear program with Russia and there were countless nuclear missiles that were disarmed and disposed of.

"I believe there were over 80 nuclear warheads that were in Ukraine that came up missing. We don't know where they are. Maybe somebody does but nobody really knows where these are and I speak with some high-level government officials on this stuff."

"We all know that the US government is pushing to get into a war with Russia. We all feel it. We all see it," he added.

Ferguson also claimed he spoke to someone who was able to get their hands on a "nuclear warhead".

He said: "I spoke to a gentleman a few months ago who was trying to raise an alarm to the highest levels of our government which, they had their ears closed about this one particular nuclear warhead that he physically put his hands on. He physically touched this warhead that was left over from Ukraine.

"He knew that that thing was headed towards the United States. And everyone knows that the United States government this administration is pushing to get into a war with Russia.

The drones have been spotted in the skies at night, as Ferguson claimed the drones could be trying to smell a gas leak or radioactive material on the ground, and added, "The only reason why you would ever fly an unmanned aircraft at night is if youre looking for something."

We know and the government knows exactly what is going on, and now you do as well. I was a bit hesitant about posting what I have figured out until I saw this article during my research on the matter fearing I may be too far off base but he encouraged me into believing in my first analysis.

So that begs the question of just who is behind it all, and I think I have an answer for that question as well. This column is long enough as it is so lets let that be continued in the next one if you dont mind.

God Bless

The National Nuclear Security Administration's Aerial Measuring System (AMS) provides specialized airborne radiation detection systems to provide real-time measurements of low levels of air and ground contamination.

Trump Finally Addresses the DRONE SIGHTINGS

If you can stand listening to this guy, he does have a few good things to say, but you can do as I did and fast forward to find the pertinent part of his long diatribe.

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