October 3, 2023
WEF Globalist Claims Implementing Policies Would Be Much Easier With A World Population Of Only 500 Million While Mass Murderers Win The 'Nobel Peace Prize' For Creating 'The Vax'

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
According to 'primate study icon' Jane Goodall while speaking at the World Economic Forum as seen in this 16-second twitter/X clip, "We cannot hide away from human population growth...all of these problems that we talk about wouldn't be a problem if it was the size of population that it was 500 years ago."
As this October 1st story over at Lew Rockwell points out of Goodall's remarks, that means that Goodall made remarks that you can hear for yourselfat the globalists WEF event, that their plans would be much easier to institute if the planet had a population of over 90% less than it does in our current day. And with estimates that our current day population is approx. 8 billion, while estimates that the population of the Earth 500 years ago was approx. 435 million, meaning over 90% of us would 'have to go' for Goodall and the globalists to get their way, it's no wonder we see their rush to 'depopulate'.
And eerily, that estimated 435 million population that Goodall alludes to, a population number that would make it 'much easier for the globalists to accomplish their goals,' is alarmingly close to the preferred numbers of a global population of 500 million that was written as 'guideline #1' on the Georgia Guidestones for years and years before they were mysteriously destroyed on July 6th of 2022.
So is it just a coincidence that Goodall refers to a global population of what it was 500 years ago as being preferable, making it much more easier for the globalists to accomplish their 'globalist goals,' and that number was also the same as what was written on the 'Georgia Guidestones,' which were long known as a monument to satanism and globalism? As we'll explore in the next section of this story below, there are no 'merecoincidences' when it comes to the depopulation agenda the globalists have been carrying out. And we'll agree with the bottom line from thisLew Rockwell storyseen below.
Writes Gail Appel:
Jane Goodall, iconic for her study of primates, thinks the world would be better off minus 90% of the human population.
I suggest she goes first. Followed by Schwab, Soros, Gates, Bloomberg, Kissinger, Kerry, Biden, Fauci, Collins, Clinton etc and the list goes on...
Back on September 30th wereportedthe 'globalist mouthpiece mainstream media' was setting Americans up mentally for the 'next wave of death' to come rolling across the country by reporting upon a 'ticking time bomb' of cancers building up across the country, blaming this 'wave' upon Americans putting off cancer screening tests during the 'scamdemic,' w/o ever mentioning the vax-caused 'turbo cancers' exploding nationwide. And now we get the next story they're pushing to try to 'explain away'global genocide in this story over at The Sun titled "CHILLING FIND: Common cold can trigger a killer blood clot disorder, scientists discover for the first time."
With the 'kill shot vax' aptly getting the nickname 'clot shot' from doctors and people all across the planet for all of the deaths that it has caused over the past several years due to blood clotting disorders, causing strokes and heart attacks and many other unexpected deaths, often in quite young people, but the globalist government intent upon carrying out the most horrific genocide they can get away with before 'the masses' figure it all out and 'hunt them down and hold them accountable for genocide' because the legal system never will, we're not surprised that they're now trying to 'explain away' these 'killer blood clots' that have been caused by 'the bioweapon.' While asking, when was the last time that YOU can remember ANYONE at all developing killer blood clots after having the common cold? From The Sun story.:
WE all know how miserable the common cold can be.
But now, scientists are warning that your seasonal sniffles could trigger a fatal complication.
For the first time, scientists at the University of North Carolina have found a link between a life-threatening blood clotting disorder and an adenovirus infection.
Adenovirus is one of the most common respiratory viruses affecting both adults and children, causing cold and flu-like symptoms.
So despite the fact that the common cold has been around for seemingly ever, and has never before caused a fatal blood clotting disease in anyone that I've ever known, the insane globalists are now pushing the common cold as the cause for 'fatal blood clots'. And as all of these 'astonishing' new 'medical findings' are happening just as we learn that the two people who created the COVID vax have won the Nobel Peace Prize for Physiology and Medicine as reported in this BBC story. Ok. And as we'll learn in that story, the so-called 'conspiracy theorists' were right once again!
ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
As that BBC story points out, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine that has just been awarded to a pair of scientists who developed the technology that led to the mRNA Covid vaccines,Professors Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman, was experimental before the pandemic, but has now been given to millions of people around the world.
Confirming what the independent media has reported again and again over the past several years, that these COVID vaxxes WERE 'experimental technologies,' with those reports of 'experimental technologies' being used upon the people called 'conspiracy theories' by the same MSM that is now confirming it is indeed 'experimental technology,' how many more lies have they told us?
With that same mainstream media calling reports of the globalists 'depopulation agenda' and ongoing genocide 'conspiracy theories,' too, in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, RFK Jr. tells a very hostile C-Span caller exactly why this 'jab' for COVID is the most dangerous 'vax' in history.
Warning "VAERS reports have shown that there have been more reports of deaths and injuries from [the C19 shot in] VAERS than all vaccines combined since 1986. So, by the only measure that the CDC uses, it is the most dangerous vaccine and has killed more people than any other vaccine in history," Kennedy continued "It's unfair, I think, to come to me and say that I've cited VAERS, which is a bad system, admittedly, but it's not bad because it overcounts vaccine injuries. It's bad because it undercounts them by a hundredfold. And that's CDC's own peer-reviewed studies that show that."
So we come to THE MOST IMPORTANT question as asked by Dr. Michael Yeadon in the 2nd video below which should determine whether joe biden, Fauci and the globalists are ALL EXECUTED FOR WAR CRIMES AND MEDICAL GENOCIDE or not: 'Are the MRNA injections toxic by mistake or by design?' Certainly if they're toxic by design, it's time for Nuremberg 2.0 trials.
And in the final video below titled "Vaxxed & Boosted And Now You're Dead," we see a vast compilation of people all around the planet who pushed 'the vax' while talking with us about 'the science,'so sure were they that they were the smart ones,who have now met their untimely ends. Showing us how sad it is to see how ignorant the world population is now, as the videographer points out, this must be corrected. But for some bizarre reason, these really outspoken people died out fast.
And yet, the globalists are now pushing their next round of 'kill shots' for the masses to take, hoping that the people didn't learn their lessons from the past: NEVER TAKE 'experimental vaccines' that have turned out to be biological weapons, developed by the globalists to do just what they're doing.
ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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