September 30, 2023
MSM Warns Of 'Ticking Cancer Timebomb' In Latest COVID-1984 Psyop Without Mentioning The Explosion Of 'Vax Caused' Turbo Cancers With Rapid Kill Rates Never Seen Before
- MSM Tries To Cover Up True Cause Of The 'Next Wave Of Death' To Hit America

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
The story over at the Daily Mail on Friday is serving the purpose of setting America and the world up for the next 'wave of death' that will soon come rolling across the planet. Titled "Lockdowns have created a 'ticking cancer timebomb': Doctors warn it'll be YEARS before death rates return to pre-pandemic levels - because hospitals focused on Covid,"that story never did blame 'the vax' as THE CAUSE of this cancer explosion, but all of the top-voted comments on the story set the record straight.
With the Daily Mail story reporting that due to COVID, Americans had put off screenings for cancer, and because of that, the number of people diagnosed with breast, lung, colorectal, thyroid, prostate and pancreatic cancers all fell during the 'scamdemic,' but now those numbers are skyrocketing, the Daily Mail story also didn't mention the 'vax-caused' 'TURBO CANCERS' at all, but fortunately, people like Dr. William Makis MD are keeping VERY CLOSE track of that as reported in this story and explored in this ANP story, including the videos at the bottom of the story.
With Dr. Paul Alexander reporting back in August that families who'd gone out and 'gotten vaxxed' together were now developing these bizarre'turbo cancers' at the same time, sharing with us within his story12 unbelievable stories of two or three family members developing aggressive cancer at the same time,as we'd reported on ANP on August 10th in a follow up to his story, NUMEROUS individual family members bizarrely developing these 'turbo cancers,' during the EXACT SAME time period, gives us more proof the globalists unleased genocidal bioweapons upon the planet.
So with the Daily Mail story attempting to 'mask' this 'cancer explosion' as being caused by people avoiding going out to be screened for cancers because of the 'scamdemic,' while anyone who has been paying attention to 'reality' knows otherwise, that a bizarre explosion of cancers that often kill within days or weeks of their diagnosis is now happening to people who have had no previous family histories of those particular cancers, but who'd gotten vaxxed together, take a look at the top-voted comments from that Daily Mail story.:
tappylou: "Dept of Defense records showed a 300% increase in cancer in the military after they were given the shot. There is a massive cover up going on. Why is the rise in colon cancer in young people? Who was forced to get the shot on order to attend school or go to work? Connect the dots."
Anton Fitch Byrd: "Because hospitals focused on Covid... ." Indeed, they did. They focu$ed on the money they made every step of the way: PCR test$, positive Covid diagno$is (usually phony), hospital admi$sion, admini$tering Remdesivir (which shuts down the liver), placing patient on ventilator (which proved lethal), declaration of death, coroner's $ignature on death certificate. Each of the above steps meant additional payment for hospitals to the tune of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of DOLLAR$. Covid was the biggest con in human history, with the most crimes against humanity."
Arouet: "This is what happens when medical resources are deliberately diverted to a faux pandemic instead of real and pressing medical needs! I saw more than a few people get their needed Doctors appointments canceled..."
Justme13120: "We all know it's the clot shot. This is mass murder. People are waking up."
Purple Lass MARS: "Shhh.... And the vaccines played NO PART in the uptick of cancer related death..."
Cheyerra: "This has nothing to do at all with the experimental gene therapy clot shots.."
Alhambra: "So very focused on cv1984 that that nurses and doctors found the time to choreograph dances that rivaled any pop star's best lineup.... The psyop was the largest in history. Pat yourself on the back if you refused to play along with this ghoulish theater - and may all who suffered or died be fully avenged soon."
ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
With those Daily Mail story comments confirming that quite often, we can get much more factual information and truth from 'the commenters' than from a particular story, it's no wonder that most mainstream news outlets had banned comments from their stories, or are quick to ban those who 'red pill' their other readers.
Because once people begin to investigate all of the stories of people 'dying suddenly' following taking the 'clot shot,' or people who trusted the government and the medical establishment themselves developing some of the horrific side effects that we all know now far too often come along with 'the jabs,' even some of the most staunch supporters of going out and getting jabbed begin to resist it.
With my proof of that last sentence being a family member of my own who was religiously getting jabbed and boosted for the original scamdemic suddenly questioning all of the side effects as being 'alarming' while even bringing up all the money being made by 'big pharma,' none of us should be at all surprised that the globalists were going to find a new way to get 'the vaxxes'they create out to all, even those who don't want them, as warned in this new story over at The Expose titled "Air Vax mRNA Delivered Straight Into The Lungs No Jab Needed...."
Reporting that a team of researchers from Yale University has developed an airborne mRNA vaccine offering a vehicle by which they can rapidly vaccinate the masses without their knowledge or consent, this new airborne method for delivering mRNA right to the lungs of the people has already been tested upon mice, showing us just what the globalists think of human beings, 'disposable pests'.
Opening the door for human testing in the near future, scientists and the globalists are likely celebrating this invention as a convenient method to vaccinate large populations, and to get to those who have preferred to remain 'pure bloods,' the potential misuse of an airborne vaccine, including the possibility of covert bio-enhancements a concept that has previously been suggested in academic literature.
With researchers claiming this new method of delivery could radically change the way people are vaccinated, making it easier to vaccinate people in remote areas or those who are afraid of needles," with an airborne mRNA product able to rapidly vaccinate the masses, without their knowledge or consent, forcing people to inhale poisons such as that would be the very highest of war crimes and crimes upon humanity!!

As commenter 'Alhambra' had perfectly brought up on that Daily Mail story, "So very focused on cv1984 that that nurses and doctors found the time to choreograph dances that rivaled any pop star's best lineup." Referring to those doctors and nurses who were SO BUSY during the 'scamdemic' that they found the time to actually choreograph COVID dances, as 'Alhambra' mentioned in their comment, "The psyop was the largest in history." But as they also perfectly pointed out, "Pat yourself on the back if you refused to play along with this ghoulish theater - and may all who suffered or died be fully avenged soon."
And with that 'vengeance' perfectly played out in all of those who've carried out this 'psyop' upon the people facing Nuremberg 2.0 crimes in the days ahead, but no signs at all that such war crimes charges will ever be levied upon 'the guilty,' the globalists now preparing for 'scamdemic 2.0' is proof to us that they never learned from their past mistakes, so they'll surely soon be repeating them.
And with 'Air Vax' giving them a dangerous new weapon to be used against us, able to force us to be 'vaccinated' against our will with who-knows-what is their latest, deadly creation, as several ANP readers, including Joe Joe, had pointed out in our comment section in responding to Patricat who had posted a link to that 'Air Vax' story,"All of us deplorables are going to look strange wearing a gas mask every time we go out lol....But hey we are all conspiracy nuts anyway."
So if anyone is interested, we've gone ahead and posted links to several gas masks and filter products that are now available at Amazon,'just in case.'
PD-100 Full Face Organic Vapor & Particulate Respirator - Dual Activated Charcoal Filtration - Full Face Eye Protection Mask
ST-100X Full Face Respirator Mask - Survival & Tactical Gas Mask for Chemical Fumes, Particulates, and Smoke Protection, Military Grade Construction, Advanced Air Filtration for Emergency Situations
SUPERGUM M15 Israeli tactical mask with M15 Gas Mask Prescription Lens Mounting Assembly
MIRA SAFETY M Gas Mask Filter - Certified CBRN Filter for Full Face Respirator Mask, 40 mm NATO Gas Mask Filter, Longest 20 Year Shelf Life, Vacuum Sealed NBC Filters, Compatible with Mira Gas Mask
Gas Mask Filter NATO Specifications NBC for 40mm Gas Masks Filter with Long Shelf Life. 10 Years
SUPERGUM Gas Mask Filter, CBRN 40mm, Certified Israeli Gas mask Filter | Expiration 12/2040
With the Epoch Times reporting in this new story that 'the vaxxes' have been "Causally Linked to Increased Mortality, Resulting in 17 Million Deaths," with the data from a recent Scientific Report suggestingCOVID-19 vaccines havent saved lives, but instead, have resulted in 17 million deaths and increased all-cause mortality in 17 countries, imagine them now having the ability to force you to get vaxxed against your will by spraying you like bugs, or mice, or any other 'pest' that needs to be 'exterminated.' That's what the globalists think of us. War crimes and crimes upon humanity at the very highest levels of all governments.
Each of the videos below take looks at the topics that we've discussed within this story.
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