February 25, 2024
In Almost Any Other Place And Any Other Time Period, 'Mass Murderers' In High Places Would Have Been Hunted Down And Hung For Carrying Out Crimes Of Genocide Upon 'The People'
- Mass murderers get a free pass to continue exterminating us
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
According to this alarming new story over at the Daily Mail(saved here at Archive,) there's been over a 200% explosion in young women and girls getting pancreatic cancer, with the so-called 'experts' admitting they're'frightened' and 'baffled' by the skyrocketing number of cases of the deadly disease, though as these 'cancer experts' claim, they have no idea what's causing this shocking rise.
Reporting in their story that soaring obesity rates MAY be behind the startling rise, but they're not quite sure why men aren't experiencing the same shocking percentage increase in the numbers of such cancer cases as women, that story none-the-less took a shot at 'conspiracy theories' that 'the jabs' are causing an alarming rise in cancer cases of all kinds, and in both men and women, and all around the world, reporting such claims have not been proven.
And while the commenters on that story were quick to call out the DM for pushing the 'party line of the eugenicists' and ignoring the fact that millions have died from the devastating 'adverse effects' of 'the vax,' we see once again that 'the experts' claim to be clueless while ignoring the gargantuan elephant in the room that most can now see as clear as day, that all of these 'sudden and unexpected deaths,' and an explosion in 'turbo cancers,' only began soon after the rollout of 'the vax,' and that every day, this looks more and more like an intentional 'culling' of the population, a very real 'war' upon humanity.
And we keep getting more and more proof that this 'bioweapon attack' upon the human race is a very real attempt by those 'eugenicists' who believe the world is 'overpopulated' and that the population must be 'whittled down' to 'save the planet' as seen in the must-watch 1st video at the bottom of this story featuring Tucker Carlson interviewing Steve Kirsch who warns us we've got clear proof 'the vax' comes along with well over 770 'adverse effects,' and that the CDC and other government agencies have been trying their very best to hide them. Just think about that! Over 770 adverse health effects!!! And all being hidden away from the population by 'the powers that be'!
Leading to a massive censorship campaign all across the board, from the White House to the US military to our public health agencies to the mainstream media to our local doctors and hospitals, in almost any other country and almost any other period of time, very real 'health terrorists' would be hunted down and hung for carrying out genocide upon their very own people, but for some bizarre reason, these mass murderers are getting a free pass to continue their rampage upon us in 2024.
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As one commenter on this Rumble video of Tucker Carlson interviewing Steve Kirsch had pointed out perfectly, "Everyone who lied or failed to uphold their "DO NO HARM" oath should be fired, charged, and potentially hung for genocide."
With another commenter on that video pointing out "Crimes committed in a global war would be charged with crimes against humanity. Those who pushed and censored the truth that led to millions dying should be held accountable by the same standards," until people like Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, just to name a few, are held accountable for this genocide, these eugenicists will continue to get away with mass murder.
As Expose-News reported in this must-read new story titled "DIED SUDDENLY: Fauci Lied & Hundreds of Thousands of Children Died due to COVID Vaccination according to Secret CDC Report," using propaganda, lies and outright manipulation, those who 10's of millions of Americans trusted pushed a countless number of innocent children into harms way, not to mention all of the adults who since they've taken their 'clot shots' have died, suddenly and unexpectedly, despite many of them being in excellent physical condition before taking 'the vax'.
Hence the reason why this 'injection' has garnered the perfect 'nickname' of 'the kill shot,' as this new story over at Vigilant News, originally published by the Epoch Times, titled "Disturbing Truth About COVID Vaccines Worse Than Ever" has warned, we keep getting more and more proof this attack upon humanity was very intentional, with more and more evidence the 'shots' were intentionallybioengineered to cause mass illnesses and deaths. Below is an important excerptfrom their story.:
Since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, a significant number of vaccinated people have reported various adverse reactions.
Some adverse events are widely acknowledged, like blood clots and myocarditis. Others are less publicly discussed but are still present in the research literature.
The Epoch Times reviewed the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the United Kingdoms Yellow Card Reporting system, South Africas VAERS database, and numerous peer-reviewed studies, selecting the top reported adverse events with literature support. Their severity determines the order of the events.
Chest pain may be a sign of myocarditis, but it can also be due to inflamed rib joints, lung inflammation, or neuropathy in the chestall of which will be explained later in the article.
Fatigue after vaccination is mostly transient. However, some people may experience persistent and debilitating fatigue, where even taking showers or doing a basic chore leaves them exhausted for the remainder of the day. Around 8 percent to 80 percent of vaccinated individuals report fatigue as a side effect, with most cases being mild. However, for some people, fatigue may never seem to get better. A study that followed 498 vaccinated physicians and dentists showed that around 6 percent reported long-term fatigue post-vaccination. One possible reason for the fatigue is mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondria are the bodys cellular powerhouse, present in most cells and responsible for producing energy for the body.
Fever and chills may manifest due to the bodys immune system fighting off the vaccine and are usually transient.
Swelling and pain at the injection site is usually transient. Pain can also happen throughout the body.
Armpit pain may indicate that the bodys immunity is fighting off infections. The armpit area houses a cluster of lymph nodes that contain immune cells. These lymph nodes can become swollen after infection and vaccinations, leading to pain in the underarm area.
Nervous System Disorders
Nervous system disorders are some of the most common adverse events reported. In the Pfizer trials, these disorders were the third most common, coming after general and muscle-related adverse events, while they were the second most common in the Moderna trials.
Guillain-Barr Syndrome
Gait Disturbance
Bells Palsy
Sensory Changes
Headaches and Dizziness
Cardiac Disorders
Cardiac Arrest
Heart Attack
Myocarditis and Pericarditis
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
Heart Palpitations
Blood Disorders
Pulmonary Embolism
Deep Vein Thrombosis
And just think! Those are just a few of the 770+ 'adverse effects' of the vaxxes that Tucker Carlson and Steve Kirsch speak about in the 1st video below! All of those 'adverse effects' listed above are explained in much more detail at this Epoch Times story.
So, if you were one of those who got 'the vax' for work, travel or one of the many other reasons why people were conned into getting it, did you 'sign up' for all of those 'adverse effects' as well? And keep in mind, with 'shedding' of the vax now proven, it's not just 'the vaxxed' who have been suffering.
And while we'd never expect the mainstream media to admit to covering up the global genocide being carried out on their watch because they'd know what the likely repercussions would be, and we'd never expect those who weaponized these 'injections' to kill to admit to their crimes because they also know they're carrying out very real crimes upon humanity that would see them all executed for their crimes if there were any true 'rule of law,' we must continue to hammer at them for carrying out genocide as long as we are able.
With more and more Americans and people all across the planet now 'awakening' to the damage that was caused by the 'injections,' largely because more and more people have been falling incredibly ill with symptoms such as those mentioned above, symptoms which they never had before they were forced to take 'the vax,' it may be only a matter of time before 'the guilty' are hunted down and held accountable.
And while we here at ANP are definitely NOT advocating for the American people to take the law into their own hands at this time and merely arguing that these crimes upon humanity MUST BE investigated at the very highest levels, with 'the guilty' held accountable, even when 'the guilty' are sitting in the very highest seats of power here in the USA, until that is done, there'll clearly be no 'moving forward' for America when such a huge number of Americans clearly see what's going on all around them.
As we're warned in each of the videos below, this is one of the biggest crimes upon humanity that we have ever witnessed, carried out by those who Americans actually trusted at one point in time, with estimates of well over 17 million people murdered and clear signs it'll only get worse in the months and years ahead.
With the 'terrorist government' here in the USA having a very long history of carrying out illegal biological warfare and developing illegal biological weapons of mass destruction, programs led by the Department of Defense and the CIA as reported in this Gateway Pundit story, it's long past time that heads roll.
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