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February 22, 2024
Governments And Media Continue To Ignore The Colossal Elephant In The Room: Global Heart Failure Epidemic Caused By 'The Vax' Helps Explain Why So Many Are 'Dying Suddenly'
- More Proof The Jabs Are A Bioweapon Developed By The Military To 'Depopulate' The Planet
Patients who developed myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination show abnormalities on cardiac MRI scans. However, whether myocardial changes occur in asymptomatic individuals after vaccination is not well established, the papers authors wrote.
Japans top research institute Riken has now issued a warning in [a] new report, which states that the ACE2 receptors, which the coronavirus clings to within human cells, are very common in the heart, GB News reported. This means many people who catch the virus may suffer from reduced cardiac function.
I really dont like it when people try and hide the reality, Dr. McMillan said. This is not a time for politics, he added because this was the impression he got from the GB News article; that this is about politics.
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Referring to the quote from GB News above, Dr. McMillan said: Its not that that is completely untrue but it is not the main issue. It is only a part of the issue and we have a much more serious issue going on in the background which really really needs to be addressed.
In a March 2023 video, Dr. McMillan predicted a heart failure epidemic. I knew it was going to happen because the science connected, he said. Because there was no acknowledgement of the science at that point, it now means that the heart failure epidemic is now starting to appear and suddenly theyre coming up with reasons that are related to JN.1.
He then highlighted points from the Japanese paper he had noticed some months earlier.
This [paper] is proper science, he said, meaning that they just asked a question really thats what those researchers were doing, they were just asking a question and reflecting on the outcomes of what they were seeing.
The researchers were asking the question of whether myocardial changes had occurred in unvaccinated people who were not showing symptoms of myocarditis. Thats the kind of question that we should have been asking very very early on once there started to be evidence of issues around myocarditis, Dr. McMillan said. Because myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle, doesnt necessarily present with symptoms. Subclinical myocarditis can be very difficult to identify.
Myocarditis post-vaccination which has been widely publicized refers to symptomatic cases. The Japanese paper is looking at those who had much more subtle symptoms, if they are affected and what proportion of people have subclinical myocarditis.
The study compared positron emission tomography or PET scans for 300 unvaccinated and 700 vaccinated people to try to determine what happens post-vaccination in the longer term.
The researchers found: When compared with non-vaccinated patients, asymptomatic patients who received their second vaccination 1180 days prior to imaging showed increased myocardial 18F-FDG uptake on PET/CT scans.
180 days after the second dose of covid injection, they found a significant rise in glucose (18F-FDG) uptake. Some people may say Well, thats not bad, whats the problem with glucose, Dr. McMillan said.
Heart muscle primarily uses three fatty acids as an energy source. 60-90% of what the heart uses is fatty acids. Carbohydrates or glucose, on the other hand only make up 10-40% of what the heart uses.
Fatty acids are completely broken down and so produce 37 kilojoules (kJ) of energy per gramme. Carbohydrates produce 16kJ.
When it comes to the function of both brain and heart, [fatty acids are] by far the most efficient use of energy because it produces the most bang per buck, Dr. McMillan said.
When you are seeing a transition where you are seeing more carbohydrate is being used it effectively means there is less energy for the heart. Its as simple as that. In the average person, you may not notice any difference because youre not stressing your heart. But in the context of someone who is putting their heart under stress, this could be very very significant.
In people whose uptake of glucose by the heart is high, the heart cannot have the same degree of capability as someones heart that has a high uptake of fatty acids.
Why is the heart taking up more glucose, what is the mechanism? What are the longer-term implications? These are questions Dr. McMillian has tried to answer in detail in a webinar Vaccine-Induced Abnormal Heart Physiology Potential Mechanisms. The webinar is behind a paywall, but an 80% discount is currently on offer.
The reality is that we dont know if this means any major issue long term but to ignore it is completely unacceptable, Dr. McMillan said.
When we see new stories coming up and saying JN.1 is going to be the reason for a heart failure epidemic it may contribute to it [But] there is no way forward if we dont address the elephant in the room. That elephant [is] the biggest thing that needs to be addressed I hope that we will find answers because the implications are serious.
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