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July 29, 2022
With War, Famine, Diseases And Mass Chaos Being Unleashed Against Us, The Globalists Are Imposing A Worldwide Communist Dictatorship Upon Us Right Now Before Our Very Eyes
In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. ―Franklin D. Roosevelt
Nothing is happening by accident, there is no such thing as happenstance or random chance in this modern world. Everything is pre-planned at the higher levels and very often at the lower ones as well in order to obtain the goals of the higher order planning. When things happen in this world and someone asks What are the chances of that happening? remember that it is NOT chance, it was planned. At least in the big picture like politics, war and the greater news cycles it is the Plan that counts. So, what brought this truth up yet again? Simple really, a couple weeks ago there was a flurry of stories claiming that Michelle Obama is not a man, but is a woman with some claiming that he she is not black but is actually white with those all being the same story republished on a few conservative sites. Over and over in the suspect conservative sources this story ran even though it is most obvious to even the most casual observer that she is in fact NOT white nor female. And in some of the main liberal restroom wipe sources as well. When a concerted and focused ad campaign via owned and influenced outlets goes down, you know there is something behind it that warrants that propaganda blitz. One might say it is like when the liberal talking heads all use the exact same words all of a sudden, when they use the same idea out of the blue no matter how insane, when they all jump on a wagon when there is no real story there, you know something is about to break.
As an example of that phenomena was the recent flurry of articles on Michelle Obama; you know, Big Mike and how he/she is not a man or tranny but an actual woman that just happens to have the physical characteristics of a male of the specie whatever the specie involved might be. Although I could not find them again, in the last week or two there were a series of articles (same article in different publications not necessarily referencing the others) that also brought up the insane idea that he/she is also not black but white. I only saved one link and it is not there anymore nor can I find the others that brought up that insane idea. There are, however, many that bring up the contention that he/she is in fact female. Lets look at one in particular from American Thinker to use as an average or common example. Dated July 15th, right in the middle of the flurry of articles trying to somehow prove he/she is a female of the specie, they followed the same script (same author? I dont know and cannot find enough of the others to be sure now) by quickly coming to the famous Joan Rivers claim just before she mysteriously died from a minor throat procedure by quoting Rivers We already have it with Obama, so lets just calm down, you know Michelle is a tranny and that is not allowed in the New Age of Irrationality. The author (Joel Gilbert) noted his surprise when he found documents from the Illinois State board of Elections that show he/she registered to vote in 1994 as a man and later, just before its husband Barry got the nod for the democrat presidential candidate in 2008 it registered to vote as a female. That is factual proven truth with full documentation.
Some of Mike Robinson Obamas white ancestors
As a side note, this Joel Gilbert is a Hollywood director and owner of some entertainment company so it comes as no surprise that even with those facts and the most obvious physical characteristics of Mike Robinson being a man; he then irrationally concludes that he is somehow a woman. That American Thinker article did not show any photographs of Big Mike as a supposed young female Michelle, but other articles did just that. The New York Times in an article ten years ago (archived) ran a story titled The first Family: A New Glimpse of Michelle Obamas White Ancestors with photos and some ancestry showing Mikes white background. No, he is not white as a couple articles suggested, but he is not all black either nor is Barry who is mostly white and likely Mike is mostly white as well. What White Privilege you may ask? The photo above is of some distant ancestors, and below is a family portrait of the Robinsons. Note that Mike/Michelle is the young one in the lower right of this family portrait. The Daily Mail had an interesting genealogical overview about ten years ago where the following photo was sourced from.
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A couple of years ago the radical leftist garbage paper the Huff Post ran a puff piece claiming how the daily slights against her because she is invisible to white people and how terrible white people are because they do not like being in the presence of a black woman. No, more likely it is because of the discomfort of being around an obvious man pretending to be a woman. Another article that also happens to be from a couple years ago is on one called The List which is just another Hollywood rag that preys upon the vanity, the pride and arrogance of the In Crowd of the entertainment industry elites titled The Stunning Transformation of Michelle Obama As they stroke his/her ego by claiming what a transformation from some poor middle class family from the South Side of Chicago when in fact she was brought up well educated with Ivy League schooling to become a lawyer with some of the most lavish praises that could be generated for that guy, err, I mean gal - well, whatever. They even had pictures of him/her as a youngster that seems to clearly show Mike as a female while other articles have photographs of him as a young lad named Michael LeVaughn Robinson.
Compare the above photo to the 1981 high school football team picture below
And we will not take the time to go into the story about the Obamas being sued by Malia and Shashas biological father because we all know that it was completely debunked by the official leftist propaganda specialists like Snopes. Yeh, there is no way some other dude named Ezekiel Wilekenmeyer Williams was their father and who knows who was their mother, that is just crazy talk, right?
But this column today is not about whether or not it has one set of genitals or the other, but of the propaganda that is being pushed about how wonderful she is and how bright and charming and intelligent she is. Note that this push crept in about two years ago, peaked and subsided as Dementia Joe ravages the nation and is now being pushed again. This brings up the real question; why?
Lets look at a few very recent articles headlines to get the general idea.
Most Americans do not want Biden or Trump in 2024, poll finds from The Guardian. More than 60% of voters and 30% of Democrats in theNewsNation/Decision Desk HQpoll said Biden should not run again
Left-Wing Group Presses Biden Not to Run in 2024, Will Launch #DontRunJoe Campaign in CBN News. A left-wing group that supported President Joe Biden in 2020 has announced it is now going to work against him. RootsAction.org, a group that encouraged progressives to back Biden in the last presidential election, plans to launch a public pressure campaign to block his re-nomination as the Democratic candidate in 2024
Why Biden Shouldnt Run in 2024 in The Atlantic. Let me put this bluntly: Joe Biden should not run for reelection in 2024. He is too old.
People *really* dont want Joe Biden to run again from the prime Biden propaganda outlet CNN. Around 7 in 10 Americans (71%) said they did not want Biden to run for president again in anew Quinnipiac University national poll. While large majorities of Republicans (81%) and independents (77%) felt that way, so did a majority (54%) ofDemocrats.
Joe Biden wont run in 2024 said Fox News. Biden reportedly told former President Barack Obama he will run for re-election. It doesnt matter what Biden tells anyone today. What matters is what is about to happen in November.
Say it aint Joe: 75% of Democrats want someone other than Biden in 2024, poll shows quipped The New York Post, Three-quarters of self-described Democrats or Democratic-leaning voters want the party to pick someone other than President Biden as their standard-bearer in 2024 and nearly a quarter of them say they dont believe Biden can win a second term.
Why Joe Biden will not run for U.S. president in 2024 says the story out of Portland Maine in Ottowa Citizen, Biden will follow Calvin Coolidge and Lyndon Johnson into early retirement.
But it seems old slow Joe hasnt quite gotten that message yet in the story by the New York Post as he claims that They want me to run, Biden, 79,said during the White House Congressional Picnic. Read the poll. Read the polls, Jack. You guys are all the same. That poll showed that 92% of Democrats, if I ran, would vote for me.
A majority of Democrats say they dont want you to run again in 2024, a member of the press retorted.
Ninety-two percent said if I did, theyd vote for me, Biden repeated before walking away.
TheNew York Times/Siena College pollreferenced in the exchange showed that while 92% of Democrats would vote for Biden if Donald Trump was his Republican opponent in 2024, 64% would prefer the party pick someone different to be its standard-bearer in two years.
The poll also found that 94% of Democrats under the age of 30 want somebody besides Biden at the top of the ticket.
Yeh, sure thing Joey, and I Personally do not think you will make it to 2024 let alone run for office as Dementia is a terminal disease, let alone the fact that as you do all you can to get us into a nuclear war, the nation may not exist as such either and that is what you are doing to us all.
Or at least it appears you are doing that to us; there is actually more to it all than that because we do know that you are not actually in charge, you are not running things in the White House but your handlers with Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice is actually running the day to day affairs as told in this The Hill story as they said that When White House press secretaryKarine Jean-Pierrefaced questions recently about calls for an administration office to tackle gun violence, she had an answer: Susan Rice is in charge.. Theres no one who is better at bringing stakeholders to the table to drive progress, Jean-Pierre told reporters.Yes, Susan is at the center of what is going on in that once great symbol of American pride and they say that Susan is leading on issues quietly, keeping herself out of the limelight. Not stated in that article is of greater importance and that is the real power behind the White House is the communist revolutionary and WEF Young World Leader hero Barack Insane Obama, the mentor and director of whatever Susan Rice is doing there directing it all from his bunker in his fortified Command Center and home in the DC suburbs at the direction of the New World Order which is a worldwide communist dictatorship taking effect as we see it unroll before our very eyes.
The staff of The Geller Report asked the question With Dems saying Biden has to go, is Michelle Obama making a run for the White House?and answered it with this comment; With the Democrats desperate to dispose of the thoroughly incompetent Joe Biden, Michelle Obama is being touted by many as the most electable candidate to take on President Trump in 2024. And just what are her qualifications they ask? Wife of one of Americas worst Presidents. Perfect for the party of treason was their answer. Even Jesse Waters said Joe Biden's a legend in his own mind and doesn't think he's going anywhere. It's not like he lost his fastball, he never had one. He's already a lame duck, the most unpopular president of all time and many people are saying 'it looks like Michelle Obama could be making plans for 2024.
Mike Obama is running for President and recently released a very curious book as Patriot United News put it adding The content offered solutions to modern-day problems, as though she is making a pitch that she is the person with the ideas to fix this country. Well, her hubby had eight years and I think we can all agree, all he did was take us backward. That book they refer to is The Light We Carry to be released on November 15th. Why November? And why release that book one exactly week after the midterm elections take place? Think of the impact that will create if Joey is still kicking and screaming his fool head off and a light of hope shines for the Satanic lefts minions to look forward to. Bathhouse Berry is running his third term as president right now with all but total failure as we see it, and as a raging success as the World Insiders often known as the Illuminati among other labels see it. The book title about the light is a direct reference to the Illuminati and their supposed importance to the world.
The last video below is a preview of an upcoming film about Mike, and those three minutes contain a wealth of information about the plans that Barry Obama is planning for his boyfriend Mike as a seemingly more competent puppet for his reign of terror on this once great nation. He-she (speaking of Mike of course) is the claimed darling, the best loved democrat and has been preparing since 2016 for a presidential bid following the exact same pattern of footsteps that the Kenyan himself used to claim the title of Monarch of the World, at least in his own mind. This is a 2012 redo, it is the fourth term of a queer communist revolutionary and illegal foreigner infesting our White House to do the bidding of the New World Order under his direction. Perhaps this would relieve Susan Rice of her intermediary duties, or will she follow Mike around like she does little Pervert Crime Lord Joey?
Little Baby Black Jesus endorses cancel culture and is calling for even more censorship online and as told by Tiffany Lane in Kevin Jacksons The Black Sphereas Joes dementia rapidly takes hold of his daily abilities to be in charge, weve seen Obama step out of the shadows. Hes no longer trying to sabotage Trump. Hes moved on to destroying the country. And nothing would please Obama more than throwing the final blow- TKO.
He is pushing as hard as he can to eliminate the truth from coming out about anything and everything that can connect the destruction of this world to the leftist agenda and chances that he can get into his fourth term in office, whether supposedly legally via Mikes election or illegally by military force. It is the plan. As I started this column with, NOTHING happens by chance, it is all well planned out ahead of time, and it is all a foregone conclusion. Dr Vernon Coleman said Nothing is happening by accident. We are living in a Totalitarian Society and his video on this topic is imbedded in an article by Expose-News, and The only certainty is that the lies will be followed by more lies.
I cannot say for sure what will happen the next little while, but the fact that they project what they are planning by not so subtle hints and timely story releases is what makes me believe this is the plan and whether or not it actually occurs is not up to us. Those plans have a nasty way of turning on them, and perhaps the MAGA crowd can prevail, but we do not control the elections processes and if that fails them then there is the looming mass civil disruptions, famine, disease, war and so forth the will use to force the issue. I suspect Bathhouse Beri wants it badly enough to do whatever it takes to regain his power and the compliant deep state will do all it can to see it through.
Am I right, or off base?
God Bless
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