May 31, 2024
Marxist Globalism Will Not Survive: Those Who Foist Such Despotism Upon The Rest Of Us Have No Meaningful Vision For The Future And Offer Us Only A Death Sentence For Imagination
By J.B. Shurk and All News Pipeline
In the end, Marxist globalism will fail. The Machiavellian push for One World Government will fail. The World Economic Forums master plan for a small cabal of egomaniacal elites to rule over Earths eight-billion-plus inhabitants will fail. Why? Because those who conspire to foist such despotism upon the rest of us have no meaningful vision for the future.
Surviving in tiny apartments in mega-metropolises, owning nothing of our own, subsisting on a diet of bugs and Soylent Green, anesthetizing our minds with narcotics and virtual reality, and remaining in a perpetual state of fear over man-made climate change is no way to live. Existence without struggle, adventure, growth, or purpose is hollow. Shouting your abortion and volunteering for government-assisted suicide inspire no-one. Self-censoring speech breeds conformity, not creativity. Obsessing over what is politically correct leaves no space for original thought. Constantly worrying about being punished for spreading disinformation or being cancelled for offending the State is psychological torture.
The future that globalist elites wish to impose upon the rest of us is devoid of personal meaning. It is bereft of innovation and art. It is a death sentence for imagination. It drowns the soul in dread.
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A powerful alliance of central banks, espionage agencies, multinational corporations, and oppressive governments will continue to demand that the human race voluntarily accept the new digital cages being built around them, but we humans cannot be controlled forever. Rebelling against our masters is in our nature. Seeking our independence drives us into the wilderness. Risking everything for freedom is what makes too many of us feel most alive. The globalists can torture, intimidate, imprison, and murder us without mercy, but, in the end, they will fail to do anything other than steel our resolve and forge an implacable spirit among the populace. Marxist globalism will not survive.
One of the reasons it will not survive is that it is simply the reimposition of monarchy and aristocracy in twenty-first-century clothes. Royal prerogative and noble privilege have been refashioned as bureaucratic, financial, or scientific expertise. Secretaries-general of international bodies, directors of clandestine organizations, corporate officers, and central bank governors are just modern tsars and princes wielding high-tech, digital swords. Before the fall of most dynasties around the world, a peasant who asked, Why should I do what you say? would be told with the help of a firm whip or rod, Because I am your lord, and you must obey. Today, when a commoner asks, Why must I use fiat money, close my business for COVID, or allow school counselors to give my child puberty blockers behind my back? a government representative insists that we are not qualified to question the experts.
Putting a title before someones name especially the word, doctor is used to evince authority in the same manner as a king bestows privilege upon a baron, count, or duke. Just as aristocrats are not genetically superior to those they seek to rule, experts are not any more immune to errors in judgment than those they seek to regulate. As a reader going by the name of Grandpa recently observed, In my lifetime, science said a frontal lobotomy was the cure for a host of mental illnesses. Science said we would be a frozen world by 1980Now, science is saying a man can become a woman and a woman a man. Science, as Grandpa suggests, is often no more than a heraldic shield used to deflect criticism while demanding unearned respect.
Another reason Marxist globalism will not survive is that it stands for no principle beyond the pursuit and exercise of raw power. It is a religion that glorifies a handful of global elites as gods and demands that everyone else accede to their philosophies as gospel truths. However, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Al Gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama, and their fellow WEF enthusiasts are false prophets who serve no greater interest than their own. They have made themselves into globalist idols for mindless followers to profanely worship. And like all false idols, they will lead their acolytes to their own demise.

It is important to appreciate that the World Economic Forum is filled with members who bear little resemblance to the rest of us. Even in our present age, when religious conviction and belief in God have been in decline, the vast majority of human beings acknowledge the existence of a higher power influencing their lives. WEF-fers, in contrast, are predominantly atheists. When they describe our universe, they rely entirely upon an incomplete understanding of our physical reality, and they leave no room for a spiritual realm that complements our existence.
As such, it is quite normal to hear WEF-fers describe the world as a product of either determinism or randomness. In a deterministic world, everything that has ever happened or will happen in the future is set in stone by a long sequence of causal variables well beyond our control. After the Big Bang, subatomic particles form elements; matter coalesces into gas, dust, planets, stars, and galaxies; new molecular compounds take shape; proteins and nucleic acids form biological life; and living organisms behave according to their genetic blueprints. In other words, everything that happens around us is already determined by an exceedingly complex but predictable mathematical interaction of chemical reactions, gravitational forces, and energy transformations. In this deterministic worldview, from the moment of the Big Bang, there was never any doubt that the universe would eventually produce Weird Al Yankovic, long lines at the DMV, and a global frenzy over the Macarena. That seems like an absurd, Douglas Adams-inspired universe to me, but thats how many of the WEF-fers see things.
Those who instead embrace a quantum mechanics understanding of the universe insist that absolute randomness drives everything. In every event in nature, a probabilistic function exists that reflects a range of possible outcomes, and when one of these outcomes is observed, it becomes reality. Again, free will and personal agency are essentially replaced with a complex mathematical sequence of pure chance. I find this philosophical reliance on our incomplete understanding of the physical universe equally humorous. I often imagine George Carlin delivering a stand-up routine in which he is trying to ascertain whether the whacky obscenity about to drip from his lips has been thirteen billion years in the making or is so outrageous that it will collapse all other alternate realities in the multiverse. Who would have thought that mathematical probability would eventually lead us from the Big Bang to Carlins seven dirty words?
This all might seem a little funny, but when we understand these worldviews as part and parcel of Marxist globalism, they are deadly serious. Davos elites do not believe in God, free will, or any metaphysical or spiritual component to our reality. They are nihilists who regard existence, virtue, and morality as entirely meaningless. Even though they have come to such a dark conclusion, they still insist on amassing tremendous power and ruling over the rest of us. They believe in nothing yet are incapable of entertaining opposing points of view. Their colossal narcissism precludes them from exercising genuine empathy. In other words, WEF-fers suffer from an incurable god complex.
I dont think Im alone in concluding that if the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world dont believe in God or free will, then there is no reason to sacrifice our children in Ukraine, live in poverty to fight climate change, censor our speech, or do anything else that our global tyrants say. I will not follow leaders who believe in nothing but the preservation of their own power, wealth, and privilege. I suspect that billions of others feel the same way.
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