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March 11, 2023

With America Up In Flames, Grey Terror Nationwide, The Biden Cabal Rushing Us Into WW3 And The Globalists Deploying A Series Of Bioweapons, Making Sure You Survive When SHTF

- Survival At Home When The Hospitals Are Morgues And There's No Help On The Way

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

With America up in flames, grey terror spreading from the East Coast to the West, food processing plants nationwide under attack, the Biden cabal rushing us into World War 3, and the globalists deploying a series of bioweapons as they seek to 'depopulate' the planet and gain total world domination, we've sometimes wondered what we would do once SHTF and the hospitals look more like morgues than 'healing centers' so we'll be exploring within this story what we can do in TEOTWAWKI when medical emergencies strike and there is no help on the way.

As massive inflation strikes the US with food inflation topping 11% while more shortages are announced as Susan Duclos had reported in this ANP story, while the mainstream media continues to ignore America's descent into utter madness in these darkening days, the fact that Americans' trust in 'science' and the 'medical establishment' has plummeted since the COVID and 'vax fiascos' gives us all the more reason to be prepared to fend for ourselves in medical emergencies going forward.

Because with two US banks collapsing within the last several days giving us even more hints of hard times to come in the coming days, weeks, months and years while in China, hospitals are becoming morgues with the latest COVID surge also hinting at what's ahead for us if we remain on this path, check out what Americans now think about science and the medical establishment from this Pew Research Poll.:

Americans confidence in groups and institutions has turned downward compared with just a year ago. Trust in scientists and medical scientists, once seemingly buoyed by their central role in addressing the coronavirus outbreak, is now below pre-pandemic levels.

Overall, 29% of U.S. adults say they have a great deal of confidence in medical scientists to act in the best interests of the public, down from 40% who said this in November 2020. Similarly, the share with a great deal of confidence in scientists to act in the publics best interests is down by 10 percentage points (from 39% to 29%), according to a new Pew Research Center survey.

The new findings represent a shift in the recent trajectory of attitudes toward medical scientists and scientists. Public confidence in both groups had increased shortly after the start of the coronavirus outbreak, according to an April 2020 survey. Current ratings of medical scientists and scientists have now fallen below where they were in January 2019, before the emergence of the coronavirus.

Scientists and medical scientists are not the only groups and institutions to see their confidence ratings decline in the last year. The share of Americans who say they have a great deal of confidence in the military to act in the publics best interests has fallen 14 points, from 39% in November 2020 to 25% in the current survey. And the shares of Americans with a great deal of confidence in K-12 public school principals and police officers have also decreased (by 7 and 6 points, respectively).

So with the American people's trust in our public institutions plummeting all across the board in the last several years, particularly Americans' trust in the medical establishment and 'science,' and the very real chance that our hospital system will collapse like we're now witnessing from our banking and political systems where a majority want nothing at all to do with the socialist scumhole the globalists are turning our nation into, we'll be taking a long look in the next two sections of this story below at survival medicines and techniques that'll give us the best chance at survival when SHTF.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship, 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, and outside groups spending millions to blacklist conservative news, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like articles like this, please consider donating to ANP.)

Before we take a look at various alternative medications and survival products, let's go ahead and take a look at some of the very best survival books out there, starting with "The Survival Medicine Handbook: The Essential Guide for When Help is NOT on the Way" written by Joseph Alton MD and Amy Alton APRN. From this Amazon book description.:

If a disaster took away the high-technology we take for granted, would you be prepared to keep you family healthy? Could you be an effective medic when hospitals are overcrowded and the ambulance is heading in the other direction? Can you take over if you were the highest medical asset left? Medical preparedness advocates Joe Alton, MD and Amy Alton, NPs award-winning Survival Medicine Handbook: A guide for when help is NOT on the way is now out in its greatly expanded and revised 4th edition!

Previous editions have been 1st place winners in the Book Excellence Awards in Medicine, and this one has many more topics and almost triple the illustrations to give you the info needed to keep it together, even when everything else falls apart. Called Americas favorite survival medic by American Outdoor Guide, NY Times/Amazon bestselling author Dr. Joe Alton and Nurse Practitioner Amy Alton have put together a 700 page book that encompasses trauma care, first aid, chronic care, medical procedures, and much more. Itll be an essential reference for anyone concerned about the uncertain future.

The Survival Medicine Handbook is written in plain English that anyone can understand, but its not just another medical first aid book. Its unique in that it assumes that a disaster, natural or man-made, has removed all access to hospitals or doctors for the foreseeable future; you, the average person, are now the highest medical resource left to your family. The books goal is to make you effective in that role.

With over 300 topics and 300 illustrations, the 4th edition of the Survival Medicine Handbook covers just about every situation the family medic will encounter in times of trouble. This is only a portion of the table of contents:











When medical personnel are overwhelmed and modern technology is non-existent, The Survival Medicine Handbook is THE essential book for your home library.

Another excellent survival book is "The Prepper's Survival Natural Medicine: The Emergency Preparedness Manual You Need for When There is No Doctor, With Essential Knowledge in Critical First Aid, Life-Saving Herbs and Natural Remedies." And the followingExhaustive List of Survival Medical Suppliescomes from the website Doomsday Prep.:

We found this awesome list of survival medical supplies over at Doom and Bloom, and we have to give credit where credit is due, this is one of the most inclusive and exhaustive lists of medical supplies one would need for most any survival situation. In fact, its more likely than not if you were to stockpile all of these items, you would be the new-age Dr. Quin Medicine Woman when SHTF.

List of Survival and Collapse Medical Supplies (Natural Remedies)

Heres my list of Survival and Collapse medical supplies with natural remedies included. We include natural remedies for first use or back up to save on items that wont be produced in an austere setting. Dr. Bones and I spend a lot of time and energy researching back-up plans for traditional medicine. We want you to have the ability to provide medical help in a disaster scenario, and for that, youll need conventional medical supplies and some knowledge on what natural remedies are useful for certain situations. Below is a very ambitious list of things you should consider:

** Remember- the more options available, the more likely you will find something that works! **

- Oral antibiotics (or if an emergency, fish meds)

- Antibiotic ointment and/or antibacterial herbal salves

- Ace bandages- multiple sizes

- Kerlix or rolled gauze

- Steri strips and butterfly bandages to close minor lacerations

- TONS of gauze/dressings (BOTH: sterile and non-sterile 4x4s. Include lots of non-adherent telfa pads so healing wounds wont stick to the dressing)

- ABD pads (usually 59), also called combine dressings

- Tapes- include DUCT, adhesive and paper ( for adhesive tape allergies)

- Quality bandage scissor/trauma shears ( ALL METAL, the plastic handle ones break cutting jean material!)

- Pliable splinting material (sam splints everything from finger splints to 36 inch rolls that you can cut to size)

- Moleskin with padding for blisters

- Scalpels (#10, #11, #15 most popular)

- CPR masks

- Paracord multiple uses for this

- Nitrile gloves hypoallergenic

- Antibacterial soap

- Syringes for wound irrigation and cleaning

- Antiseptics get lots of various solutions,Hibiclens is excellent.

- Universal cervical collar

- OPAs (Oral Airways) prevents occlusion of an airway due to an allergic reaction while waiting for the epi-pen or Benadryl to kick in

- Alcohol pads -to clean instruments/hands

- N-95s Masks (for healthy people to keep them from getting sick!)

- Dermabond (Rx) or super glue ( may burn the skin)

- Sutures 2-0 nylon (dont bother with 3-0 or smaller unless working with delicate skin on the face, eyelids, etc.)

- Skin stapler/remover and 2 adson forceps (if you or someone you know knows how to use properly)

- Curved and straight Kelly clamps ( to remove foreign objects from wounds)

- Several large safety pins

- Magnifying glass

- Light source Penlight, headlamp, glow stick, flashlight

- Some type of fire starter to start fires for boiling water or sterilizing instruments. Include a container for boiling water in your supplies!

- Mylar blankets

- Wool Blankets

- Thermometer

- Ammonia inhalants

- Cotton Sheets can be cut into strips for multiple uses, or used to carry patients

- Clotting powders like Quikclot, Celox (cayenne pepper powder may help minor bleeding)

- Tourniquet- such as CAT, only use in severe bleeding that will not stop with direct pressure or clotting agents

- Snake bite kit must use within seconds of the bite or it is useless

- Re-useable GEL packs- can be cooled OR heated

- Aquatabs to help purify water

- Athletes foot powder (lasts longer than creams)

- Monistat cream (or equivalent) for vaginal yeast infections

Plenty more of exhaustive lists of medical supplies, survival dental care items and much more from the Doomsday Prep website listed right here, including many more survival items listed.

So we'll be doing a follow up to this story over the next couple of days, looking at survival dental care, a miscellaneous survival list and a list of pain management techniques and items to be used at home once SHTF and the hospitals across America are transformed into morgues and TEOTWAWKI officially arrives upon American shores.

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EMERGENCY ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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