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March 3, 2023

Living In An Era Of Mass Extermination By Pharmaceuticals And Industrial 'Accidents' Releasing Chemical Warfare Toxins Upon Americans, Globalists Burn It All Down In Rush To World Tyranny

- They're Trying To Save The Appearance Of 'Democracy' Under Their Totalitarianism

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

With it now quite obvious to anyone paying attention to reality that the globalists want us all dead and have been working quite diligently to carry out that monumental task, while attempting to keep global mass murder hidden from their 'intended victims,' anyone who thinks there'll ever be any 'justice' in this 'lifetime' for the 'mass murderers' will be forever disappointed, though what awaits them when they themselves are finally dead and gone will be well deserved by each of them.

And while all these globalists now culling humanity keep their high hopes pinned upon their dreams of 'living forever through A.I., robotics and emerging technologies', hoping to use A.I. to extend their lives forever while hoping their culling of the masses will allow our planets resources to remain their own, we can see in their endless lies and refusal to admit to their crimes that they'll 'burn it all down' before they'll ever allow themselves to be held accountable, hence the countless fires and explosions at America's food processing plants and the total destruction we're witnessing now of our infrastructure.

And in this alarming new story from Zero Hedgeabout the recent chemical warfare attack upon America in East Palestine, Ohio warns us bluntly, those cleaning up that mess are now getting ill. And after reading this must-read story about that disaster over at Rense, we aren't be the least bit surprised those cleaning up are now getting ill, as according to an expert Yoichi Shimatsu, the train was carrying chemical weapons, bound for Ukraine, as the globalists kick their 'mass culling' into overdrive.

With proof they're also using many different avenues to carry out this mass culling, including chemical weapons and biological weapons with the rollout of COVID and the vaxxes, we remind you once again of the 2025 Deagel forecast that for years had 'predicted' a greatly 'depopulated' America by the year 2025, with Deagel for many years forecasting America's population to be well under 100 million by 2025, a stunning drop of more than 230 million.

And with the sources for Deagel's alarming depopulation information BEING the very same 'deep state' that wants us all dead, including the US Department of State, CIA, US Department of Defense, World Bank and the European Union, as we'll be warned in the next section of this story below, we're now living in anera of mass extermination by pharmaceuticals and industrial accidents in the ongoing war to save the appearance of democracy under this totalitarian regime.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship, 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, and outside groups spending millions to blacklist conservative news, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like articles like this, please consider donating to ANP.)

So we're going to go ahead and take an extended look below at an extremely important recent story sent over to ANP by one of our readers. Published over titled "Chemical Weapons In Ohio Train Wreck For Genocide By Drones In Ukraine,"the story was written by journalist Yoichi Shimatsu, who has written frequently about genocide, concentration camps and tyranny among other topics. And as Shimatsu points out in his alarming story, we've got proof chemical weapons bound for Ukraine were on that train.

Warning that the truth of what we're witnessing behind the scenes, truth we'll never learn from the US government nor the mainstream media since they're all guilty, has ties directly to Operation Paperclip, the secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from the former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959, we see how genocide can be carried out upon Americans and right before our eyes and most are still too blind to see it.

And as Steve Quayle had warned us, with the global satanist warmongers pushing this plan for mass death and destruction to the max, there's no stopping WW3 now, with Steve confirming to us that his own sources confirm chemical weapons were on that train as detailed below, with chemical weapons experts and Russian intelligence verifying "by 100 percent correct with actual samples of said chemicals in each instance."

So with the alarming implications of not only a chemical weapons attack here in America, but that said chemicals were on their way to Ukraine to be used during WW3, the following comes from Yoichi Shimatsu.:

It was heartening to learn that the anti-pollution activist Erin Brockovich has visited East Palestine residents to warn residents not to accept government claims of a harmless chemical burn-off at face value. The deceitful lackeys in the Biden administration are not about to admit the criminal operation compelling the White House executive order to eliminate incriminating evidence of chemical weapons from the derailed railway tankers to avert international scrutiny of illegal transfer of banned substances through that Ohio-Pennsylvania border region and consequent water poisoning for downstream communities along the Ohio River on its route past Wheeling, WV, and Cincinnati.

The EPA (which acted more like Eco-Pollution Agents) under its deceitful director Michael Regan has been heaping sole blame on the Norfolk Southern Railway company for the chemical conflagration at East Palestine, Ohio, rather than admit the White Houses own culpability for illicit smuggling from a Dow-Mallinckrodt chemical-weapons storage site in Madison, Illinois for a secret military deployment of a planned NATO offensive against Russian troops in Ukraine. Among these toxins, the precursor for chlorine gas warfare banned since World War I was discussed in Part 1 of this series.Here, in Part 2, four other toxic chemicals frantically disposed of in the East Palestine burn-off are shown to be part of the illegal chemical weapons stockpile hidden in Madison, Illinois, across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, the home-field of the implicated Mallinckrodt pharmaceutical and chemical weapons supplier.

Joe Biden is not the first, and probably not the last American leader suffering delusions of grandeur and symptoms of psychosis, as did his WMD predecessor George W. Bush of Gulf War syndrome notoriety. These worst-case executive psychos should be treated by the public like mad King George III, tyrannical law violator despised and opposed by the Founding Fathers of these United States.

Here, the same international standards on chemical weapons voiced by NATO to oust Saddam Hussein should be similarly applied to Joe Biden and his closest subordinates who deserve capital punishment for their plans for false-flag first-use strikes in the Ukraine conflict. You may recall that the ousted tyrant Saddam hid in a hole for months before his capture, whereas the dictator Biden shows the temerity to still occupy his presidential palace aka the Oval Office in defiance of the legal precedents from the Tokyo War Crimes trials and Nuremberg verdicts against production and deployment of chemical weapons and in violation of the treaties banning chemical weapons of 1925 and 1997.

And as Shimatsu continues, we can see how all of this happening now is tied to 'Project Paperclip' and the US government secretly bringing in over 1,000 Nazi experts on chemical and biowarfare over 50 years ago. Did they know back then the repercussions we'd be feeling from those moves decades later?

The Germanic firms other secret projects, in concert with Dow throughout the Vietnam War era, included the pharmacological effects of Agent Orange and improving on the burn-rate of napalm. Aside from those notorious agents, the gems of Nazi era research were the organic-chemistry poisons tabun, sarin and VX. These became a part of the U.S. Armys secret postwar arsenal, which was only possible though the Mallinckrodt dynastys homeland connections that enabled sponsorship of those top German chemists following the defeat of the Nazi regime, under Operation Paperclip.

(During my lead investigative journalism role in the wake of the Tokyo Subway Gassing in 1995 uncovered government-sponsorship of the Aum Shinrikyo sect, which provided a media-targeted distraction from the actual state-sponsored sarin production lab, hidden not at the cult headquarters near Mount Fuji but deeper inland at a fertilizer factory in the Japan Alps.) The truly lethal compounds in the postwar arsenal, including the actual path of COVID development, are never disclosed to the public by the chemistry establishment. These super-lethal organic chemicals were obviously deleted under strict censorship from the Biden White House list released to the news media in watered-down version via Norfolk Southern.

The ill-fated Norfolk Southern trains starting point was the EPA-controlled Dow uranium-rod facility that was shared with Mallinckrodt chemicals under the auspices of the Manhattan Project. The liquid contents of that derailment indicates that the two defense contractors had cooperatively produced chemical weapons in secret for the dark-side of military operations from World War II through to the Korean War and the Vietnam conflict. The dark legacies of those Democrat-sponsored overseas wars continues today in the cosmetic clean-up of the toxic mess in a small area of the poisoned Ohio-Pennsylvania border region.

These verboten dimensions of mass murder by the chem-dependent Democrat regime are examined here at, far out of bounds for the cowardly media hacks and gas-war collaborators like Mother Jones, The Atlantic, the NYT, NPR, ABC News, the Washington Post and the rest of the cowering liberal-left pack, those apologists for homemade genocide, arguably worse than the their hokum about the Holocaust. Their standard of press freedom aka pervasive censorship is a bad joke, a whiff of chlorine gas during this era of mass extermination by pharmaceuticals and industrial accidents in the ongoing war to save the appearance of democracy under this totalitarian regime.

The government-caused disaster for East Palestine signals to us to rally for the present and future of this Republic against the impostors who falsely pose as defenders of world democracy while permitting none at home. As citizens loyal to the promises of the Founding Fathers, we must struggle on against tyranny whatever the risks that arise. As put by Albert Camus amid World War II: To create today is to create dangerously. Any publication is an act, and that act exposes one to the passions of an age that forgives nothing. (Resistance, Rebellion and Death, 1944).

So as we'd warned in the introduction to this story, we'll be gravely disappointed if we ever expect the globalists to ever be 'held accountable' for their massive 'crimes upon humanity' as see perfectly expressed in the tweet above. Warning us bluntly that "All of this manufactured drama is leading to one inevitable conclusion. They will burn it all down before we ever have the chance to bring them to justice," he ended that tweet with these eternal words of great advice: "Prepare accordingly."

Because with the 'chemical warfare' that is being waged upon Americans just the 'tip of the iceberg' of this 'war' war upon Americans that continues to spread and strengthen, with the 'biological warfare' component of the war seen in all of the healthy young Americans and people all across the planet 'dying suddenly,' these devils continuing to push the 'method of death' upon the American people tells us all we need to know, especially despite all the evidence the vax is an instrument of mass murder and genocide.

As we're warned in the 1st video below featuring Ed Dowd on Stephen Bannon's War Room, World War 3 unfolding in the very near future will get the Biden cabal out of a lot of messes that they're now in with war powers giving a president all kinds of leeway to do things they couldn't get away with otherwise. Such as imposing food rationing upon Americans like they did during World War 2.

And with our endlessly warmongering 'government'also the world's biggest source of 'misinformation' as we're warned in the 2nd video below from "The Absolute Truth With Emerald Robinson" featuring Dr. Naomi Wolf, they'll surely lie and lie and lie to get us into another war where they can waste American lives and resources if it gets them out of the huge messes they've made for themselves here at home.

As we're warned in the final video below from Mike Adams featuring former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, the world is moving ominously closer to a full-fledged global war every day, with all of these seemingly unrelated events happening on the world stage really tied closely together, WW3 happening here and now upon American soil as Americans are 'exterminated' in an intentionally crafted mission to 'cull the masses' as we grow closer to 2025 and the satanists dreams of a greatly depopulated planet to usher in their 'global dictatorship.'

EMERGENCY ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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