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February 27, 2023
Endgame Exposed: Forced Rationing Brought To Us By The 'Elite' Slave Masters Of The World Economic Forum By Programming The Peasants To Expect Scarcity
As the poster above and the images throughout this piece shows us, rationing foods, clothing, gas, sugar and other items, was a wartime practice, but today we are in another type of "war," where elites, in the name of their climate change hoax agenda, want to force Americans and the global community, to ration as was done during WW11.
Let me begin by clarifying the "climate change hoax" statement. The climate has always changed and always will. Before human beings existed, and it will continue after human beings have gone extinct. The very notion that it is "man made" and that human beings have the power to destroy earth is arrogant and unrealistic.
Earth will be here long after we are gone.
With that said, the "control everyone" segment of the population, is determined to bring back forced rationing, all in the name of the so-called "climate crisis."
WW11 rations
In a study published in February 2023, titled "Rationing and Climate Change Mitigation," we see it argued that "rationing has been neglected as a policy option for mitigating climate change."
Some key portions of that published study are listed below, with my commentary between the points, but we do encourage everyone to read the entire study, to be aware of what type of propaganda is being argued.
While some argue for the modernization of rationing, introducing tradable allowances, we argue that the rejection of markets, and a commitment to fair shares, is a key part of the value of rationing, and precisely what made rationing attractive to the public in the 1940s.
(Note - Rationing was never "attractive." The rationing in the 40's was due to a world war.)
This paper argues that rationing has been neglected as a climate change mitigation policy option. Indeed, it may be that it is not merely neglected, but is considered by many to be an unpalatable option. Raj Patel has suggested that rationing is about as acceptable a topic of conversation as hemorrhoids (Patel, quoted in (Cox, Citation2013, back cover)). In this paper, however, we argue that rationing could plausibly play an important role in an effective and fair means of reducing emissions and is therefore worthy of serious consideration.
(Note- They admit rationing is an unacceptable and unpalatable, yet they are arguing for it anyway. Make no mistake, they are arguing for "forced" rationing here.)
The paper is lengthy, but the point to be made here is they are arguing for forced rationing. Not just meats and fuel, although they want severe rationing of those items, but also items such as clothing.
Many of the articles discussing the study mentioned above highlight a video shown at the 2020 WEF, but as a point of clarification, the video was not created for the 2020 WEF, but was produced far earlier as I found one on Youtube from five years ago, so this has been in the works for a while now.
"Youll own nothing. And youll be happy," is the first of those predictions, offering a glimpse into a world the elites wish for, and to which we see the media and the Biden regime pushing for right now.
There is no shortage of opinions as to this study and the authors who seem totally disassociated from the human beings they are proposing be forced to comply, but we have found some very interesting claims and viewpoints, well worth highlighting for ANP readers.
I'll provide a link to each and points I found to be especially interesting, asking readers to please share the points they find to be the most critical.
Nobody will make rationing desirable, but it can be made necessary. Just look at whats happened to eggs as a result of the ongoing eggflation saga. In many stores, purchases of eggs have had to be limited, due to artificial scarcity, mainly as a result of punitive measures to combat avian flu but also due to a spate of mysterious fires and fertility problems affecting egg producers. Theres no reason why artificial scarcity on a grand scale could not be created. Such an experiment is already being trialed on the Dutch farmers, who are being expropriated at a rate that would make Robert Mugabe blush.
As pointed out below from JD Rucker, the egg shortages and massive inflation to buy them, is occurring because of a bird flu that is not acting like any other in history. We have read many reports indicating that while the bird flu often occurs during a certain season, this one has continued throughout the year.
What we more typically see with outbreaks in animals is that they'll surface and then go away, usually within the space of a season. What's unusual about this one is that it's been going on for some time, starting sometime in 2021, with various sub-strains developing. It's been persistent and widespread, and now has affected an estimated 58 million birds in the United States and more globally.
From JD Rucker at Discern Report: "Rationing Is the New Globalist Buzzword as They Normalize Scarcity Ahead of Manufactured Collapses."
The memo went out. The puppet masters among the globalist elite cabal are planting the seeds for the plebeians to accept whats coming: massive shortages. Some might think this is just the powers-that-be getting ahead of what they perceive as a likelihood. But as many have been warning about for a long time, these puppet masters arent predicting it. Theyre manufacturing it.
We have the poultry industries in western nations being decimated by a bird flu that has acted unlike any bird flu in history. Food plants continue to burn down. Crops are failing. Its all (or at least mostly) manufactured and being intentionally spread to be blamed on climate change.
We have energy decisions being made by pretty much every nation that isnt part of BRICS+ that keep us on the verge of collapse without pushing us all the way over the edge. This is so they can be ready for the big shove off the cliff when the appropriate time comes. Its like Nancy Pelosi pre-tearing Donald Trumps State of the Union Speech a little so when shes ready to let it rip, it plays cleanly for the television audience. They want us to think its spontaneous (again, so they can blame climate change) even though its all being plotted with precision.
Once again, we recommend reading the entire piece.
Youll own nothing. And youll be happy. This was the first of 8 predictions for the world in 2030 that appeared in a chilling 2020 propaganda video produced for the WEF. So, how do the global elitists expect to wean the common folk off their irritating desire to own things? That is clearly going to be a gradual process that has already begun; the first stage is to get everyone used to consuming less not just food, but all manner of goods from pork chops to pickups to pullovers. What better way to achieve this goal than to come up with an existential crisis; a threat so great that, if not addressed with drastic measures, would bring about nothing less than the extinction of humanity?
There is more but those were the ones making the points that came to my mind when I read through the so-called "study," discussed at the beginning of this article.
Notice on some of the images it says "office of price administration"?
In late 1946, much of what the OPA had been responsible for was handed over to the Office of Temporary Controls. Money matters were taken over by the Federal Trade Commission. The Office of Price Administration was officially closed on May 29, 1947 after seven years of existence. Much of its work continued however under the auspices of different governmental agencies. For instance, the allocation of sugar and associated products was passed on to the Dept. of Agriculture. Rice was another commodity that became the responsibility of that bureau. Rent control was placed under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Housing Expediter. Any infringement of price control was litigated by the Dept. of Justice.
With the existence of the Internet and the dark web, forcing Americans to ration would be more difficult, but not impossible.
The media would pump out any propaganda the so-called "elites" wanted them to, while democrat administrations are pushing policies that lead to forced rationing.
We have all already witnessed how easy it was to get more than half the population to comply with masking, lockdowns, and social distancing.
We saw how easy it was for state leaders to arbitrarily declare certain businesses were "non-essential" and simply force them to close down, sending law enforcement to harass those that refused to comply. We have seen the attacks on fossil fuels. Amish farmers harassed for doing things the old-fashioned way.
The point here is we have watched the American population be programmed over the course of the past few years to comply, even when compliance cost individuals their businesses and their freedoms.
The day is coming where the so-called "elites" will start forcing Americans to ration food, gas, clothing, and basically anything that can be bought.
Some will not comply, and they will be harassed relentlessly.
Those that have been prepping for some time will be better prepared to eat normally and to stave off the time before they too will be forced to rationby globalists hell-bent on controlling the world population.
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