While Hillary Clinton, the DNC and the mainstream media are more than happy to call many stories published by the independent news media 'fake news', we get more proof today within a new Daily Mail story that quite often, the independent news media is simply way ahead of the completely censored MSM.
A (submarine) drone diving down to 1,000 meters could go undetected with its payload to the American east coast.
Designed to cause devastating damage.
The drone is designed to destroy important economic installations of the enemy in coastal areas and cause guaranteed devastating damage to the countrys territory by creating wide areas of radioactive contamination, rendering them unusable for military, economic or other activity for a long time, reads the translation BBC made from the slide shown by Channel One.
Speaking to the BBC, Konstantin Sivkov with the Russian Geopolitical Academy says a 100 megatons warhead could produce a tsunami up to 500 meters high, wiping out all living things 1,500 kilometers deep inside US territory.
Russia calls the drone development program the "Ocean Multipurpose System Status-6.'"
The developer is Russia's TsKB MT Rubin design bureau, the defense industry entity that builds all Russia's submarines.
U.S. intelligence agencies estimate the Kanyon secret underwater drone will be equipped with megaton-class warheadsthe largest nuclear weapons in existence, with the killing power of millions of tons of TNT.
The weapon likely could be used against U.S. ports and bases, including those used by ballistic missile submarines.
As we reported in our May 3rd ANP story, a tsunami created by 'Kanyon' could bring a nuclear nightmare to America with a radioactive wave potentially barrelling hundreds of miles inland, leaving most of the East coast underwater as we see in the US topography map below which shows anything in shades of gray underwater should a 1,500' high tsunami strike the East coast.
While Deagel argues that the reason for the massive depopulation of the US will be due to 'a confluence of crisis with a devastating result' as they detail in this page here,and specifically claim that the huge expected drop in US population will have nothing to do with nuclear war, imagine what the numbers might be should that be taken into account.
With the US military now preparing for war with North Korea as is detailed in this new story from Mac Slavo over at SHTFPlanand North Korea threatening to bring such a war to the US should war break out, we'd be putting the lives of our families and loved ones at risk should we not have a plan of action of what to do in such a worst case scenario, one that we'll continue to pray never comes.
In the first video below from Gary Franchi of the Next News Network he goes over the recent report which confirms what the independent news media reported upon long ago, Russia's 'Status 6' Kanyon program while in the very interesting 2nd video below that has gone mega-viral within days with over 3 million views in less than a week is titled: "If You Detonated a Nuclear Bomb In The Marianas Trench".