September 4, 2024
The Luciferians Have Captured The Sperm Of The Jabbed To Depopulate, Destroy, And Enslave Humanity! Most Americans Are Completely Unaware Of Being Hemmed In By Tyranny
By Kathleen Gotto -All News Pipeline
Many Americans are completely unaware that we are being hemmed in by tyranny on many fronts. The medical tyranny kicked into high gear with the manufactured, gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 disease in December 2019, and then the subsequent COVID-19 Bioweapon of Mass Destruction (BMD), which used the duplicitous term of COVID-19 vaccine. Duplicitous because the world was sold a sh*it-load of lies about both the manufactured disease and the vaccine.
Microscopy research and investigation are ongoing, and will continue into what comprises the monstrous and murderous COVID-19 operation. Before discussing the research findings, a brief look at that shadowy criminal cartel of Satanists aka Luciferians, who are the dark forces behind the COVID-19 operation. Calling them globalists does not go to the heart of who they are. They are the bond servants, the slaves of Lucifer, the fallen archangel.
To view the assault the whole world is under as anything less than a spiritual war being waged against Gods creation is short-sighted and plays into the hands of the Luciferians. Like their master, they are destroyers, deceivers, depressors and oppressors. The Luciferians do not hide their desire to be gods and live forever with cyborgs as their slaves. With all the nanotech circuitry found in Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vials, it is not a leap to speculate that the BMD jabs were to kick-off the effort to make cyborgs of the jabbed. At least of those who were not outright and immediately killed by the bastards. Oh, thats right, the bastards do have a father . . . of sorts, but more master than father is Lucifer.
What awaits the Luciferians, with their demonic operating system imprisoning those who are no more completely human, but man merged with machine, is not only a Christless eternity, but eternal damnation with no turn-off switch. Unlike Capt. Kirk telling Mr. Spock hed make a splendid computer, the Luciferians likely have no idea of the consequences they have unleashed by making or becoming a cyborg and polluting the human race. No splendid computers will come from merging man and machine. The Luciferians will ultimately face the divine and fierce wrath and judgement of God Almighty for their many murders and corruption of humanity, Gods finest and highest creation.
Do not doubt the murderous intent of these godless and depraved individuals! Their intent is to cull the worlds population as much as possible, enslave the rest, and steal the earths and peoples resources. They hate us because they hate God. Only when this criminal, spiritually-enslaved cartel are seen for who they are and are apprehended, charged, convicted, and rightfully executed for their mass demicide operations, can the world start to recover. If people cant wrap their heads around the spiritual aspect of this deadly pogrom against humanity, pray for their eyes to see and their ears to hear.
The evidence of the Luciferians crimes against humanity is available for anyone willing to investigate the scientific work being done on the COVID-19 BMD shot, particularly on vials from Pfizer and Moderna. These vials have been investigated and examined by numerous scientists and medical personnel from around the world. Their published research findings prove the existence of toxic metals, nano-robots, nano-circuitry, blood rouleaux, huge fibrous clots of likely nanotechnology construction material (perhaps for their operating system), and nano-parasitic creatures in all the various media used in the examination of the vials contents. Such media used include distilled water, human blood, and semen.
One of the most compelling research efforts concerning semen has been done by a Korean doctor, Dr. Young-Mi Lee, who was recently interviewed by Dr. Jane Ruby on her Rumble platform. It was a three-part interview and was over three hours in length, and can be watched here, here and here. (It is believed that Dr. Lee was first interviewed by linguistics professor, Dr. Dan Broudy, who had no part in Dr. Lees research, but felt her work of paramount importance and needed to be heard.)
Dr. Lee used various media for the examination of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vials in her microscopy examination. She found something very startling in the semen media, even after a long period of incubation, up to two years and counting. She could microscopically view the sperm actively swimming next to (or with?) various nanotechnology structures. The sperm were not attacked or otherwise hampered in their motility, but instead there appeared to be a companionship or acceptance of the sperm and nanotech. This flummoxed Dr. Lee a great deal. She had seen blood rouleaux where the COVID-19 BMD injection caused blood cells to clump together, but there appeared to be no such adverse result with the sperm. Indeed, the sperm were apparently unmolested by the nanotechnology (nano-parasites?) swimming with it. What is going on? Dr. Lee is continuing her valuable research to answer that question.
It is reasonable to assume that when sperm from an inoculated man is placed in a woman, the nanotechnology goes with it. Whos to say that that nanotech, while using the man as a host, doesnt take on a different role once inside a woman? Or, that the nanotech in sperm will turn on its host when an electrical, light, RF, or other stimulation unleashes it?
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In a published August 2021 assessment of the effect of the so-called SARS-CoV-2 illness on sperm was performed and the authors noted:
ACE2 is highly expressed in the testis, in both Sertoli and Leydig cells, as well as spermatogonia [812]; however, they are not known to express TMPRSS2. The bodys immune response to SARS-CoV-2 may also affect male reproduction in ways similar to those seen in other viral illnesses (i.e., mumps) [13][Emphasis added].
Three years ago this assessment was for the SARS-CoV-2 illness (nanotech poisoning) and was published just a few months after the BMD jab made its blitzkrieg on all of humanity. So, it looks like sperm came under attack first with the illness, then with the jab. If one cannot see the depopulation effort underway, it has to be willful ignorance because the profound evidence is in, with millions of people worldwide who died or were injured by the BMD kill shot. Remember, the statistics prove the COVID-19 bioweapon killed and maimed millions, yet has never been recalled and no redress to humanitys losses has been expiated. That day is coming, Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, et al, so beware.
Besides medical tyranny, we have been subject to media tyranny with massive amounts of propaganda from corporate media and their sycophants running interference for the Luciferians depopulation and thieving agenda. With all the efforts made by alternative media, as well as word of mouth, on what is really happening with the whole COVID-19 operation, there has yet to be a groundswell of horror, anger, and action against this kill program. When it does come, however, the Luciferians may run, but not hide, if we have any civilization left to hold them accountable!
All those who are investigating the COVID-19 BMD operation do so in a very dangerous time. During Dr. Lees interview, she had asked for prayer for protection as she had already experienced threatening behavior against her and her work. There are numerous examples of other researchers experiencing similar threats . . . and even death.
So, the question always is this: What can we do about this tyranny on many fronts? First, of all, do not be afraid or draw back. This is a battle we must engage in, not just for ourselves, but for our families and all humanity.
Second, we have to stop using the enemys language. Stop calling the Bioweapon of Mass Destruction a vaccine! It isnt! Call it what it is. Shine light on the darkness, expose it.
Third, resist all efforts to jab you, corral you, intimidate you, misinform you (do your research!), or brainwash you. Join with like-minded people in this effort. There truly is strength in numbers. Fourth, take care of your physical, mental, and dental health to the maximum extent possible to lessen your need for medical or dental care. The author just wrote about the presence of dangerous graphene found in dental anesthetics.
Fifth, prepare for hardship and deprivation on all levels, including the economic one. Only you know what kind of preparation that would entail for you and your family. Sixth, walk away from those who will not or cannot hear you. The scales need to come off by divine intervention. Like in being born again. If people wait to see what is coming before they believe it, it may well be too late then to resist. The Luciferian kill program is not coming; it is here now.
Seventh, pray. This is a spiritual battle, and while the battle ultimately belongs to God as Chief Battle Warrior, we must be His willing foot soldiers. If you belong to Him by surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and are living a new, Christ-centered life, anything that would come against you has to go through Him first. Therein is our hope, salvation and protection.
Finally, To quote an Alexander Solzhenitsyn warning from Jack Posobiecs and Joshua Lisecs new book, Unhumans, (pg. 98), What would things have been like . . .if, during periods of mass arrests. . . the people had not simply sat there. . . paling with terror. . . but had understood they had nothing left to lose . . . and set up . . . an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers or whatever else was at hand?. . . The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalins thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If . . . if . . . [However] we didnt love freedom enough. [Emphasis added] And even morewe had no awareness of the real situation. . . We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward. May we learn from those who have lived it!
--Kathleen Gotto
Phil. 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
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