February 20, 2024
While Much Of America Sees Biden As The Feeble & Decrepit Puppet Democrats Used To Steal The 2020 Election And Carry Out Mass Genocide,Leftists Sink Deeper Into Psychotic Delusions
- 'Operation Dump Joe' Keeps Growing Louder
By James Howard Kunstler and All News Pipeline
We are going to have the most diverse and inclusive civilizational collapse in history Oilfield Rando on X
Hark! We were informed on Presidents Day by The New York Times that a poll out of the University of Houston, led by one prof of poly-sci named (get this name) Brandon Rottinghaus, ranks Joe Biden at No. 14, way above average among the forty-six demi-gods elected to run the US government since 1789. Its a helluva good bit of news for a nation in need of reassurance in these dark days, dont you agree? Theyve got him sandwiched between John Quincy Adams and Woodrow Wilson, beating out the likes of Andrew Jackson, Grover Cleveland, James Monroe, and Ronald Reagan. Mr. Trump is ranked dead last, of course.
Bidens most important achievements may be that he rescued the presidency from Trump, resumed a more traditional style of presidential leadership and is gearing up to keep the office out of his predecessors hands this fall, the report states.
Gearing up? Im sure. If gearing up means calling a lid on your life an hour after breakfast. And what do you suppose they mean by a more traditional form of leadership. Arranging serial overseas military humiliations? Selling favors to all comers from foreign lands? Inviting transsexuals to cavort on the White House lawn? Abolishing control of US borders? Running a $2-trillion annual deficit? Mandating unsafe and ineffective so-called vaccine shots on millions? Cancelling the First Amendment? Stealing elections? Conspiring to jail his political adversaries?
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Were also informed in recent days by the Department of Justice that Joe Biden is not mentally competent to answer for anything in a court of law, should someone inquire into the signal irregularities emerging from the fugitive annals of his long career. Of course, Joe Biden running for reelection is one of the greatest gags ever put over on the American public. But more astounding yet is that half the country persists in pretending to believe it. They are egged on in every possible way by persons in high places of government fearful of going to prison if the Democratic Party loses its grip on the levers of power.
Since Joe Biden is not actually calling the shots, one naturally wonders who is responsible for all the dubious achievements of the past three years. I guess well find out when Mr. Trump wins that election in November, an outcome increasingly guaranteed unless Joe Biden (or, lets face it, our Intel Community) takes the final decisive step of bumping off the Golden Golem of Greatness. What have they got left? AI-contrived photos of Mr. Trump having sex with a manatee in the intercoastal waterway off Mar-a-Lago?
In New York City, the Woke lunatics did a victory dance after Judge Arthur Engoron, beaming his Joker smile, laid a $350-million fine on Mr. Trump for conducting a set of normal real estate transactions with a bank that profited from doing business with him. Many are still trying to figure out how that amounts to a crime of any sort. Dont suppose that the check is in the mail, though.
There is an appeals process that leads, you may be sure, to a dismissal of that inane judgment and the puerile hypotheticals that the case derived from. And, by and by, you also might expect a countersuit for malicious prosecution when all that smoke clears. New York Attorney General Letitia James, lacking impulse control, is for the moment enjoying the fulfillment of her campaign promise to get Trump. Waiting to see how much she enjoys losing her law license in the days to come.
Every reaction provokes an equal and opposite reaction, Newtons Third Law states. It manifested shortly after Judge Engorons end zone dance when a call went out over the Internet for Americas truckers to refuse loads inbound to New York City. Well have to stand by to see how that develops. No more bok choy, Texas beef, or Meyer Lemons for you, progressive denizens of the Five Boroughs! Embrace the suck!
The genius part is that, unlike the 2022 Canadian truckers action in Ottawa, the American truckers will not be cluttering up New Yorks streets with their rigs, license plates on view, leaving them vulnerable to such pranks as the shutdown of their bank accounts. All theyll do is sit innocently at home back in Kentucky and Missouri, enjoying a break from the rigors of the highway. Is that a crime? Arguably no more than doing a normal real estate deal in good faith with a willing lender was a crime.
The truckers have promised to include Washington DC next in their delivery boycott. The K-Street lobbying gang wont be buying any influence for a while over platters of grilled branzino and Mariscos Molcajete. Maybe there will a few Cliff Bars left in the Farragut Square 7-Eleven and they can do business in their cars. As for Joe Biden, his minders have probably laid in enough Ensure for a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory to get by for a few weeks until the magic moment when, alas, he needs to be thrown under the bus of expediency to keep their game going.
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