May 3, 2024
The Left's 100-Year Old 'Big Lie' Is Running On Fumes! Leftists Are Now Claiming That Communism Is 'Right Wing,' Ignoring The Authoritarianism Blooming Within Their Own Party
By D. Parker and All News Pipeline
Now that college students everywhere are repeating history and acting like good little Nazis, it means that one of their biggest falsehoods is running on fumes. And since liars will change their story instead of admitting they are wrong, theyve come up with an even bigger doozy that communism is also on the right. Yes seriously.
(And in a publication that was once of good stature that just happened to have named a certain Swashbuckling Little Politician man of the year in 1939, for good measure.)
Postulating a link between conservatism and communism has been tried before, but the one that sparked the most interest in this bizarre connection was almost casually mentioned in a piece in Time magazine entitled: Why Trump and His Supporters Keep Calling Democrats Fascists, in which the author refers to a study he did in March 2023 with a survey of 1,530 American adults, having them rate historical figures on the political spectrum from Extremely Left-Wing to Extremely Right-Wing. Unsurprisingly, Republicans tended to place fascists on the far left. But the bizarre result came about when he asked about Communists:
[R]oughly half of Democrats said communists were right-of-center and 28% of them rated communists as far-right as possible. Like Republicans, in other words, Democrats are often themselves quite keen on associating politically stigmatized groups with their ideological opponents, even if those stigmatized groups are notoriously on the leftlike communists. The major difference, of course, is that Democrats almost never refer to Republicans as commies. Certainly not as often as we hear about fascist Democrats.
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Weve found similar assertions in researching this subject so what is the causation here?
Why would there be a trend of leftists, in this case progressive Democrats, referring to the believers in smaller government (what they call right-wing) as communists?
The explanation is quite simple when you consider the course of leftist lies over the years. Basic facts and logic tell us that all collectivist, authoritarian, big government ideologies belong on the left that includes communism, fascism, and Nazism.
But the 100-year-old big lie that fascism is a small government philosophy flies in the face of that basic logic. Far too many people have noticed that communism and fascism are very similar, as this quotation from Harvard historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. illustrates, when printed by The New York Times on April 4, 1948:
In certain basic respects-a totalitarian state structure, a single party, a leader, a secret police, a hatred of political, cultural and intellectual freedom-fascism and communism are clearly more like each other than they are like anything in between.
Authoritarian leftists have to maintain the lie, so theyve developed the ridiculous ring or horseshoe theories to make it work; thus, you get bizarre contentions that communism is right-wing. Its almost becoming amusing how increasingly bizarre leftist lies have grown.
Why is this important?
It proves that their 100-year-old biggest lie is now running on fumes, because when you try to twist the truth around too much, or march around colleges campus as revolutionaries carrying signs calling for the final solution, you only display your abject dishonesty, no matter how much you point the finger elsewhere.
The fraudulent far-left would dearly love to marginalize the right because of their ever-repetitive Nazi and fascist liesand actions. They moved beyond projecting their authoritarianism on the right (as usual), and now we see why.
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