July 24, 2024
Kamala's Coronation Was The Plan All Along - They Used Biden To Win The Primaries So Harris Could Be Crowned The Nominee After Forcing Dementia-Joe Out of The 2024 Presidential Race
By Michael Snyder and All News Pipeline
More than anything else, the elite want a president that is easy to control. That is why they love Joe Biden and that is why they hate Donald Trump. It all comes down to control. No matter what happens, the elite want to feel confident that whoever is in the White House is going to be a team player. So the elite are really excited about the possibility that Kamala Harris could become the next president of the United States. Whenever she makes a public appearance, it is clear that she is in way, way over her head, and if she actually makes it into the Oval Office she will be exceedingly easy to manipulate.
Now that Joe Biden has dropped out of the race and Kamala Harris has become the presumptive nominee, there is one really big question that we all need to ask.
Could it be possible that this was their plan all along?
Consider the following facts
#1 If Joe Biden had announced that he was not running prior to the primaries, Kamala Harris never would have had enough support to become the nominee. There are five or six prominent Democrats that would have absolutely trounced her.
#2 Throughout the first half of 2024, relentless efforts were made to convince everyone that Joe Biden was physically fit and mentally sharp. Were they trying to prop him up just long enough to secure the nomination?
#3 Democrats pushed for a very early presidential debate. Personally, I thought that it was very strange that one would be held in June. When Joe Biden failed miserably, this gave them the perfect opportunity to remove him.
#4 Within hours of the announcement that Biden had dropped out, Kamala Harris already had endorsements from most of the top figures in the party and she was already the presumptive nominee. This was clearly orchestrated well in advance.
The last hope that the anyone but Kamala crowd had completely vanished when Gretchen Whitmer formally endorsed Harris
Today, not only am I fired up to endorse @KamalaHarris for President of the United States, Im proud to serve as a co-chair of her campaign.
In Vice President Harris, Michigan voters have a candidate they can count on to lower their costs, protect their freedoms, and build an economy that works for working people. Donald Trump is a convicted felon who stokes violence, overturned Roe, and drove our economy into the ground. We cannot let him anywhere near the White House.
Vice President Harris, you have my full support. Lets win this.
There are some people out there that are still suggesting that Michele Obama could come swooping in at the last moment and steal the nomination from Harris.
Its not going to happen. In fact, I think that the Obamas played a major role in making sure that Harris would be the choice.
This is a done deal, and it was executed with ruthless efficiency.
One thing that is going to be very difficult to hide is the fact that it can be extremely unpleasant to work with Harris.
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It is being reported that only 5 of the 47 staffers that were working for her in 2021 were still working for her during the early part of 2024
About half of the vice presidents staff is paid by the Senate, which requires regular disclosures. Of the 47 Harris staffers listed in 2021, only five still worked for her as of this spring, according to the disclosures.
Like Hillary Clinton, behind the scenes Harris can be absolutely brutal, and that is one of the reasons a lot of people just dont like her.
To me, it appears that the Democrats are committing political suicide. Recent surveys indicate that Harris will perform even worse against Trump than Biden would have
Her post-debate polls against Trump relative to Biden have a great deal of variance, ranging from around 8 points worse to 4 points better than how Biden performed. Based on an average of 26 national polls conducted over the past month, Harris trailed Trump by 4.5 points nationally compared with a smaller 3-point deficit for Biden.
Speaking of Biden, where in the world is he?
The last time we saw Biden, he was slowly disembarking from Air Force One in Dover, Delaware on Wednesday evening.
The public did not see Biden on Thursday, Friday or Saturday, and then he suddenly dropped out of the race on Sunday
Bidens decision to drop out came on the fourth day of sequestration at his shore home in Delaware, where hes been isolating while recovering from Covid.
The president was initially joined by just a small group of aides, and he has spent the entire period out of public view.
Many thought that it was really odd that Biden would drop out of the race without making any sort of speech.
One of those that is asking questions about Bidens status is journalist Glenn Greenwald
And journalist Glenn Greenwald an anti-Biden left-winger posted on the social media site deeming it strange and wrong that Biden has yet to give a televised announcement.
I dont endorse Biden conspiracies, but still: Its strange and wrong that Biden hasnt spoken given the historic magnitude of his announcement, Greenwald wrote.
Having a President drop out by tweet and then disappear is bizarre. If hes well enough to decide, then hes well enough to speak.
At such a historic moment, why couldnt Biden even say just a few words?
Something isnt right.
There are some that are suggesting that Biden may not have even signed the letter that declared that he was dropping out
Speculation has since started to grow, with conspiracy theorists poring over its authenticity, with some believing he never actually signed the letter himself.
His signature on the letter shared on Sunday show his name being underlined, which according to some commentators he has never done before.
Billionaire Bill Ackman has been one of those sharing the theory online, frequently reposting different takes on his signature to his X profile.
When asked about how Biden is doing, the White House insisted that he has almost fully recovered from his recent illness
President Joe Bidens COVID-19 symptoms nearly cleared up five days after he was diagnosed with the virus for the third time, according to White House Physician Kevin OConnor.
The latest information on Bidens condition comes amid speculation and conspiracies running amok online that the President is either more sick than is being shared or is incapacitated or deceased.
His symptoms have almost resolved completely, OConnor wrote in the latest update on Bidens recovery.
If this is true, then why havent we seen Biden by now?
Frank Biden fueled speculation that something might be seriously wrong when he told CBS that Joe Bidens health played a considerable role in the decision to drop out of the race and that he was looking forward to spending whatever time we have left with his brother
Frank Biden said to CBS that he was selfishly glad to have Joe Biden back for whatever time we have left. Then, when he was asked if health factored into his brothers decision to step aside from the race, he said, absolutely his health played a considerable role in his decision.
Whatever time we have left sounds ominous. Is that just a recognition that hes 81, or is that a hint of something more that were not being told?
Whatever time we have left?
That sounds rather ominous.
And according to the White House schedule that was released on Monday, there are no public events scheduled for Joe Biden this week at all
President Joe Biden will hold no public events all week to explain why he stepped aside, according to the White House schedule released Monday.
The lack of a public appearance will increase concerns about Bidens health.
Many commentators believe that Bidens lack of a public appearance to announce his decision will fuel calls for him to resign from the presidency, citing fears that he is not able to run the executive branch.
It is becoming clear that we are not being told the whole story.
Of course that is the way that they always operate.
Ultimately, we could end up with Kamala Harris in the White House just as the most chaotic chapters in our entire history come crashing down upon us.
That is a thought that should chill all of us to the core.
Michaels new book entitled Chaos is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.videos
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