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September 24, 2021
Censored! Joe Biden Played 'The Leading Role' In The 2001 'Dark Winter' US Senate Report On 'Exercises' Featuring A Bioweapon Attack On America To Usher In Despotism And Martial Law
- Absolute Proof They Knew In 2001 Just How They'd Be 'Cracking Down On America'
Back in the final presidential debate of 2020, months before Joe Biden even took office, he warned of a 'dark winter' ahead for America as we then approached 10 million COVID cases, a 'narrative' which he then repeated numerous times in the following months, specifically using the term 'dark winter' each time.
Claiming back then that America needed 'bold actions' to 'fight the pandemic', we've since seen part of what those 'bold actions' would be, with what they've been calling 'vaccines'(actually mRNA concoctions) rolled out and more recently, government 'vax' mandates for private businesses with more than 100 employees cemented into place.
With Biden quite literally talking down to his employers, 'We The American People', while delivering those mandates, claiming 'his patience was wearing thin' with those who've refused to take the vax that isn't working to either prevent people from getting COVID nor spreading it to others nor preventing people from dying from it and the vax itself, as the Washington Times story we've excerpted below pointed out, it's actually Biden with whom the American People's patience has worn thin.
Because as I learned in a lengthy conversation with a dear relative recently, someone who has long been a very staunch liberal, who has herself been 'vaccinated', and who works in a Courthouse in a very blue state, several 'fully vaccinated' co-workers of hers recently became very ill with 'COVID', despite being fully vaxxed. Vax is working great, huh, Joe? 'Truth' is always the 'great awakener'.
With this new story over at KLNA News in Louisiana reporting that according to a new CDC study, 'COVID' can spread in the fully vaccinated being the latest sign that the globalists 'vax everything' narrative is being blown apart, while the globalists grow increasingly desperate to cement their 'medical tyranny for the world' into place as we're seeing now in Australia, a couple of new stories that just came out over the last several days in the mainstream media attempted to sugarcoat the vaxxes failing as the MSM colludes upon their narrative.:
And while we'll actually agree with 'fuhrer Biden' for once, in that Americans should get fully prepared for a 'dark winter' ahead, we remind you that as we had reported in this January 21th of 2021 ANP story, 'Operation Dark Winter' was the very real code name for asenior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation conducted on June 2223, 2001, an exercise simulated to carry out a mock version of a covert and widespread smallpox attack on the United States.
And while its not a 'smallpox attack on the United States' that we're witnessing in September of 2021, why would Biden specifically mention on numerous occasions since that Presidential Debate back in 2020 that a 'Dark Winter' was ahead for America when we know very well that Biden was very well aware of those 2001 exercises, as detailed in this US government document. That's right, as seen in the Scribd document we've embedded of those hearings at the very bottom of this story, Joe Biden was the Chairman of the Committee on the 'Threat of Bioterrorism And The Spread of Infectious Diseases'which authored a report to the US Senate back on September 5th of 2001. A report that focused upon 'Operation Dark Winter'. The following is directly from that Congressional document.
On the legal side, and particularly legislative changes, I think you have to contemplate emergencies and how you would isolate people. And look at your laws and see right now whether we can anticipate those kind of steps or whether we would be trampling all over everyone's civil liberties and have a huge cry while we are doing it. Can we anticipate this and deal with it?
As Joe Biden said, we had a huge problem on the posse comitatus contact to allow military to come in, in a nuclear emergency or biological and chemical emergency and deal with this. They do have that limited authority. So there are certain safeguards you could put in place.
Otherwise, when this happens people aren't going to be concerned about civil liberties that much. They are going to say whatever it takes, do it. And I think we'll lose a lot of control in that perspective.
And as Michael Snyder over at The Most Important News had warned in this November of 2020 storytitled "Dark Winter Was The Code Name For A Scenario In Which A Biological Weapon Was Used Against The American Populace", we've seen a pattern repeated over and over again of 'exercises' that were carried out by politicians and the 'deep state' happening later in 'real life', even the COVID planned-demic with 'Event 201'.
Could it be possible that the phrase dark winter has some sort of deeper meaning that most of us are not meant to understand? We have heard that phrase over and over again in recent weeks, and usually it has been used in discussions regarding the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic. But it also turns out that Dark Winter was also a code name for a high level simulation that was conducted back in 2001. That simulation envisioned a scenario in which a widespread smallpox attack was unleashed inside the United States. As you will see below, the simulation was designed to spiral out of control, and the hypothetical consequences were absolutely disastrous.
The reason why this is a concern is because so many of these simulations and exercises end up mirroring real life events that happen at a later date.
For example, most of you have probably heard about Event 201 by now.
On October 18th, 2019 a group of prominent individuals gathered in New York City to simulate what would happen during a worldwide coronavirus pandemic Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.
Of course COVID-19 started spreading in China just a few weeks later.
We have seen this same pattern happen so many times, and now we are being told over and over again that a dark winter is ahead.
You can read that full story by Michael Snyder over at the Most Important News here. And while that was last year, we fully expect Biden will go back to his 'dark winter' warnings in the months ahead as the cold weather rushes in and the globalists 'attempts to get everyone vaxxed and complying' keeps spreading like corrupt government and tyranny have a tendency of doing, unless they're put to a stop.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to renewed censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we'rerunning an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
So while Joe Biden spoke down upon 100 million+ Americans who refused to take the globalists experimental kill shot, as the Washington Times pointed out in this September 13th story, Biden and the US government do not have the right to do that as our 'employees'. Only a dictator would claim that as a'right'. From that story before we continue.:
President Biden, in announcing his tyrannical crackdown on Americans whove not yet been vaccinated against the coronavirus, justified his action by saying his patience is wearing thin. Thats not just pathetic. Thats everything thats wrong with the left, with the Democrats, with the socialists and Marxists whove taken over the Democratic Party and most of the media, mind you.
A president has no authority to tell the people of America that his patience is wearing thin with them. A government bureaucrat has no right to express that thought to the citizenry who pay his or her salary. Who works for whom here, anyway?
"Weve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin, Biden said in announcing his order for American businesses with more than 100 employees to require COVID-19 vaccines. Your refusal has cost all of us, Biden said, to the unvaccinated.
This is an example of a government pinhead run amok on power.
A parent has the authority to tell a child of patience that is wearing thin. A teacher has the right to express the thought to a student that patience is wearing thin. An officer of the law has a rightful ability to tell a suspect whos growing unruly that patience is wearing thin.
These are all examples of authorities exercising authority via verbiage that contains a hint of intimidation and carries a tone of threat to those who are rightfully under their authority. A parent possesses authority over a child. A teacher possesses authority over a student. A police officer, as a representative of law and order, possesses authority over those who break law and order.
But a politician over people? No. Wrong. The people possess the authority over the government in America. The people hold the power not the government. Not the president.
Yet as we've seen time and time again through history, while the US President is supposed to be America's public servant, dictators historically have 'seized the powers' Biden is trying to claim as his own in 2021. Biden's own admission that he wants to be a tyrant? Sorry, but never in America, 'Joey Stalin'.
So with what is looking more and more like the very real possibility of a 'dark winter' ahead for America, we serve our families and loved ones best by preparing for just such a possibility.
With cold brutal weather an absolute killer, and cold weather no doubt arriving here in America in the coming days, weeks and months, we've found one can never be TOO prepared for the cold.
Because should the electrical grid go down via one of many different avenues, cutting off many people's primary method of heating their homes, having a wood stove or a generator or even an extra coat or blanket or a pair of gloves could save lives in a very worst case, freezing cold weather scenario. Numerous items to help keep you and your families warm in the coming months available now include.:
In the 2nd video below, we hear more about 'Operation Dark Winter' from 2001 and Biden's recent babbling of that phrase over and over again while in the excellent 1st video below by videographer Zachary Denman, we're shown a 'Dark Winter' scenario in a short dystopian film that not only includes a pandemic but a grid down, TEOTWAWKI-type event, following an intentional economic collapse to usher in the 'great reset' and a global police state.
As we're warned in the video, the dark winter came after the first pandemic and while everybody was paralyzed from fear of the virus, we had something far greater that we were unprepared for. Warning of the largest cyber attack ever executed the world's internet to deprive us of all of our rights to information, with banking medical records databases heavily attacked and power grids shut down, private businesses and national economies collapsed, that forced us closer to the great reset.
"Most were not prepared for this annihilation and were now frozen within the illusion of democracy while 'the puppets performed on stage'".
Warning us that soon after, the 'attack' finally came at lightning speed with the military brought in to keep order on the streets as police departments collapsed due to huge cuts in funding, knowing everything that we know right now, it's not too difficult to imagine this scenario playing out in the days ahead as the globalists push harder to usher in their 'great reset' and a tyrannical 'new world order'.
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