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July 12, 2015

US Special Ops Commander Making Big Jade Helm 15 Changes Amid Public Outcry - US Military Members Speak Out On Jade Helm 15 - Will Refuse Illegal Orders


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Alternative News analyst Aaron Wilson breaks down for us some breaking Jade Helm 15 news including big changes that are being made by new US Special Operations Command Lt. Gen. Ken Tovo, who, instead of asking for permission from individual private property owners to conduct JH 'exercises' on their properties, is now 'seeking invitation and approval' from entire county's to conduct 'realistic military training' within their jurisdictions. This breaking info and much more in the 1st video below from Wilson.

Citizens across the state of Texas are now mobilizing to monitor these exercises as reported by the Drudge Report yesterday and on the Houston Chronicle. This google page has been set up to help monitor what is going on with no mainstream media coverage permitted and they tell us that Texas highways are full of Texas based militia groups preparing to monitor anything suspicious and the borders.

In the 2nd and 3rd videos below, newly released from the Mark Connors News Channel, we take a look at statements made by several US Marines who decide to speak out about Jade Helm 15 and each of them tell us that if they are told to carry out unconstitutional orders such as confiscating Americans guns against the 2nd Amendment, they will refuse to do so.

We also take a look at a video sent to us by an ANP reader in Florida showing a truck being driven down a Florida highway carrying what he believes may be some of the infamous 'FEMA coffins' of conspiracy theory lore, in several different sizes. You can see pictures screenshot from the video above and below videos. Are they FEMA coffins or something else entirely? As one of our readers clearly pointed out, whether or not they were originally created as 'FEMA coffins', they could surely be used as 'airtight containers for human bodies'.

While many Americans may not know these historical facts, the Gadsden Flag and its' 'Don't Tread On Me' motto has its' origins within the US Navy and the US Marine Corps, all the way back to 1775 and prior to America's 1st Revolutionary War.

Connected now to Libertarians who often fly the flag, US Marines across America still live the flags intent and to hear these young men speak out about what they will and will not do gives us hope that America will once again take back America.
Despite millions of Americans fears that Jade Helm 15 will lead to martial law and gun confiscation in our own country prior to the full implementation of a world government where guns to protect ourselves against criminals are outlawed, the videos below show us that even US Military members are aware of the fears and if ordered to do the unthinkable and take illegal actions against the American people, they will refuse to do so.

Sharing that they understand why the words 'foreign AND domestic enemies' as part of their Oaths, we hope that the countless wonderful men and women within the US Military are TRULY AS READY to defend America against domestic enemies as they are foreign enemies on the outside.

In the 3rd video below which purports to show a truck being driven down a Florida highway carrying FEMA coffins, we have to ask if they are REALLY FEMA coffins (or burial vaults as this metabunk story shares) or something else, possibly shells for underground ponds or utility boxes? According to an ANP reader, they're actually troughs for feeding horses, cattle etc., however, after doing a google image search for such items, we don't see ANY that look like what we're seeing on this truck.

413107647_729.jpg trough.jpeg

If they ARE actually FEMA coffins, is this another sign of preparation for something horrific in America? While metabunk is correct that they are NOT coffins or caskets and are ACTUALLY called 'burial vaults', if they're being used in a mass-death emergency situation, what's REALLY the difference?




CC&C Trucking LLC is moving these items. CC&C is a trucking company serving much of the south.



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